Harvey Weinstein Will Be Arrested If He Returns To New York, Says Paz De La Huerta’s Lawyer

The number of Harvey Weinstein accusers just keeps growing; as of this morning, the count had reached some 87 women. Among them is Boardwalk Empire actress Paz De La Huerta, who alleged yesterday that Weinstein had raped her on two occasions in 2010. On Megyn Kelly Today this morning, Megyn Kelly discussed the recent onslaught of assault allegations in Hollywood, from Weinstein to Kevin Spacey. Towards the end of the segment, she interviewed De La Huerta’s lawyer Aaron Miller via satellite, and he made a stunning announcement – that Weinstein may very well be arrested if he returns to New York.

After Miller described the disturbing alleged incidents to Kelly and the subsequent self-destructive behavior that De La Huerta engaged in following her assaults, Kelly asked him if he believed that Weinstein would be arrested by the New York Police Department.

“Yes,” Miller answered. “Basically, the issue is right now, if he were in New York, he would likely be arrested. We’re not really sure where he is, if he’s in Arizona still… There’s a more elaborate process, that the police can make an arrest…” Miller went onto emphasize the fact that De La Huerta had been incredibly intoxicated during her assault, meaning that issues of consent were raised, and Kelly pressed him again.

“He’s got a home here in Tribeca,” said Kelly. “Do you think if he comes back to New York, he’s gonna get arrested?”

“He will,” said Miller. “Whether the District Attorney is prepared to file charges is up to their investigation.”

De La Huerta is not the only victim’s case being investigated by the NYPD – rape allegations against Weinstein from a woman named Lucia Evans are also on the table.

Weinstein’s attorney has not commented on the new allegations, but the lead investigator on the case, Detective Nicholas DiGaudio, confirmed to Vanity Fair that he believes that have enough evidence to make an arrest.