Chris O’Dowd’s Sneaky Ascent To Comedy MVP

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The Incredible Jessica James

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Chris O’Dowd is no rookie; the Irishman first won our hearts over on British comedy The IT Crowd and gained some kind of cult status in the process, but it wasn’t until Bridesmaids that he garnered some real mainstream love and proved he could hold his own opposite some of the funniest folks in the business. Sure, he’d appeared in a handful of notable flicks, but the endearing Officer Rhodes opened some serious doors for the funnyman and led to a slew of roles that have only continued to speak to his unique talent. He’s never in your face or demanding your attention, but whenever he appears in a project, he inevitably brings something special to it.

Following Bridesmaids, O’Dowd wasted no time in demonstrating that he wasn’t all charm and romance. On HBO‘s Girls, he stole the show with a 5-episode stint that put him in the shoes of Thomas John, a damn-near unbearable venture capitalist who initially fools Jessa into thinking this is the life she wants for herself. While he starts out as a fairly likable, normal guy, his true colors – which come out after he fails to have a threesome with Marnie and Jessa and they spill wine on his expensive carpet – reveal a giant man-baby that allows for some of the most cringeworthy comedy of the series’ early days. O’Dowd’s availability to flip and play a wide variety of characters within the comic spectrum evidently led to the roles he’s played since in both comedies and dramas.

O’Dowd’s latest flick, The Incredible Jessica James, once again sees him prove his prowess as a rom-com leading man – and he even gets to use his real accent, making him all the more charming. As Boone, a 40-something divorc�� trying to get himself out there again, he shares some seriously electric chemistry with The Daily Show‘s Jessica Williams, so sparky that we’re left with one of the best, most genuine rom-com sex scenes in years. He’s deadpan funny on so many occasions in the film; when he’s insulted, his nods and jaded glances induce belly-laughter, and in the middle of a commonplace, hardly flirtatious conversation, he manages to pull off the line “I’m also good at cunnilingus” without coming off like a massive douche. He’s bashful in bed, conflicted about his future, and more than anything, he’s real. There’s never a moment you doubt this man exists – and that’s what he brings to every role.

Get Shorty gifts us with another opportunity to experience O’Dowd’s dynamic talent; as Miles Daly, he’s sardonic, occasionally dark, and dry. The series’ macabre sense of humor allows its stars to bring something different to the table with every scene, and O’Dowd’s “tough guy” persona feels like a breath of fresh air. It’s much more drama than it is comedy, but boy, is it a showcase for what he’s capable of.

The actor’s sneaky, subtle approach to embodying every role he plays delivers maximum laughter and connection for viewers, and because of his seemingly effortless manifestation of these men, we never want to stop watching him. Without many people noticing, O’Dowd has quietly climbed to the top of the comedy ladder and made himself a commodity, a presence that will undoubtedly elevate any project. Chris O’Dowd is nothing if not a new kind of everyman; he might be handsome, but he’s flawed, good-humored and willing to be vulnerable. It’s why he’s compelling in every part, and why he’s bound to keep working for years to come.

Stream The Incredible Jessica James on Netflix