Watch The First Full Trailer For Peter Capaldi’s Final Season Of ‘Doctor Who’

“Something’s coming and I have the feeling that we are going to be very busy,” proclaims Peter Capaldi’s Time Lord in the new trailer just dropped for the upcoming Season 10 of Doctor Who – and it looks very busy indeed.

The last season for Capaldi and showrunner Steve Moffat, the new trailer goes very large with the new Pearl Mackie portrayed companion Bill, Daleks, Matt Lucas’s Nardole, emoji robots and the return of the Tardis boss’ arch-foe Missy, played by Michelle Gomez.

Set to premiere on April 15 on BBC America, the latest adventures of the Doctor will be followed by the stateside debut of spinoff Class. The Patrick Ness created young adult drama of the students from London’s Coal Hill Academy first aired in the UK on October 22 last year.

In The Loop star Capaldi took over as the twelfth Doctor in the 2013 Christmas special and announced his departure from the franchises back in late January.

No word yet on who the new Who will be but we will likely find out in the 2017 Christmas special – as has been the tradition over the past few regenerations.

Where to stream Doctor Who