David Chase Finally Discusses The Controversial ‘Sopranos’ Ending

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The ending of The Sopranos is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the most controversial in television history. When the camera cuts to black after a quick shot of Tony Soprano looking up from his plate of onion rings in a small town New Jersey diner, viewers were left, quite literally, in the dark as to the fate of the beloved/reviled mobster. Did he die? Did he live? No one, except the show’s creator David Chase, knows for sure.

Last summer, Vox published a story that contained an aside from Chase that the reporter claimed was definitive proof that Tony Soprano did not die in this scene. That reporter’s story was quickly debunked by none other than Chase himself, who seems quite content to going to his grave never telling anyone the “answer” to this question.

That said, in the latest issue of DGA Quarterly, Chase goes into a lengthy, incredibly detailed, and wildly fascinating dissection of this memorable finale. He breaks down the action shot-by-shot, giving hardcore Sopranoheads unprecedented access into his thought process and directing choices, including some awesome insight into why he chose Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'” to score the scene:

I love the timing of the lyric when Carmela enters: ‘Just a small town girl livin’ in a lonely world, she took the midnight train goin’ anywhere.’ Then it talks about Tony: ‘Just a city boy,’ and we had to dim down the music so you didn’t hear the line, ‘born and raised in South Detroit.’ The music cuts out a little bit there, and they’re speaking over it. ‘He took the midnight train goin’ anywhere.’ And that to me was [everything]. I felt that those two characters had taken the midnight train a long time ago. That is their life. It means that these people are looking for something inevitable. Something they couldn’t find. I mean, they didn’t become missionaries in Africa or go to college together or do anything like that. They took the midnight train going anywhere. And the midnight train, you know, is the dark train.

As to whether Tony died?

I said to Gandolfini, the bell rings and you look up. That last shot of Tony ends on ‘don’t stop,’ it’s mid-song. I’m not going to go into [if that’s Tony’s POV]. I thought the possibility would go through a lot of people’s minds or maybe everybody’s mind that he was killed … I thought the ending would be somewhat jarring, sure. But not to the extent it was, and not a subject of such discussion. I really had no idea about that. I never considered the black a shot. I just thought what we see is black. The ceiling I was going for at that point, the biggest feeling I was going for, honestly, was don’t stop believing. It was very simple and much more on the nose than people think. That’s what I wanted people to believe. That life ends and death comes, but don’t stop believing. There are attachments we make in life, even though it’s all going to come to an end, that are worth so much, and we’re so lucky to have been able to experience them. Life is short. Either it ends here for Tony or some other time. But in spite of that, it’s really worth it. So don’t stop believing.

The article is chock full of incredible details like this, and we highly suggest you head over to DGA.org to read the whole article entitled “This Magic Moment.” To Chase’s credit (and to most people’s frustration), he still does not give a definitive answer as to Tony’s fate. However, after reading it, you’ll find yourself closer than ever before to the “truth.”

Here’s that famed scene for you to watch once again:

If you’re still with us, we’re guessing that you probably have some time to kill. Might we also suggest read this super intense fan theory called The Sopranos: Definitive Explanation of “The END”? It makes an incredibly thorough case for the “Tony died” theory.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

[You can stream “Made In America” on HBO Go, HBO Now and Amazon Prime Instant Video]

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