Michele Bachmann Will Try To Save Us All In ‘Sharknado 3’

Michele Bachmann has always been good for a sound bite, and it looks like she’s offering up her special skills as an orator for the latest Sharknado film. That’s right, the former United States representative and one-time Republican Presidential candidate is going to have a cameo in Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! 

Sharknado 3 is the latest installment of SyFy’s nonsensical epic Sharknado franchise. The original film became a Twitter sensation when it debuted in 2013. Viewers were captivated by the silly plot, the insanity of Ian Ziering jumping into a shark with a chainsaw, and the fact that Tara Reid found an acting job.

The Huffington Post‘s Igor Bobic caught Bachmann shooting her Sharknado 3 cameo on Capitol Hill. The politician is apparently playing a version of herself who not only still has a job in Congress — she’s also has taken it upon herself to warn America of the impending doom. One of her lines is, “I believe they are growing in size. Congress has to take this seriously because Sharknado is a real phenomenon.”


Bobic also reported that Bachmann referred to the gig as “a stretch” and “not anything offensive.” Two confused onlookers didn’t recognize Bachmann. One of them asked the other who Bachmann was, and was met with this response: “I don’t know. I think it’s someone playing a Congresswoman.”

Sharknado 3 will also feature Ann Coulter, Mark Cuban, and David Hasselhoff. It’s due to debut on SyFy in July, but you can stream the original Sharknado here.


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