The Oscars Backstage Livestream: We’re Liveblogging What You Might Have Missed

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Yes, you can totally stream the Oscars on your computer, tablet, or mobile device, but did you know that you can also stream what’s happening backstage? That’s right, this year the Academy and ABC are hooking you up with an exclusive livestream called Oscars Backstage (that goes live on your WATCH ABC app or on at 7 PM EST).

But between the glamour of the red carpet and the drama of the big show, we know it’s going to be tough to keep your eyes peeled on everything. That why we’re keeping you up-to-date on all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans on the Oscars Backstage livestream right here. Check in throughout the night for all the big backstage moments you won’t catch on television.

7:04 PM: And…we’re LIVE!

7:06 PM: It seems that the “Opening Ceremony” cam is what’s on ABC, while the “Director’s Cut,” “Fashion,” and “Red Carpet” cams are sharing audio. “Director’s Cut” might be the most interesting cam for now, as the “Fashion” cam is just a bunch of black umbrella tops and the “Red Carpet” cam is just a bunch of publicists and people in fancy dress.

7:13 PM: CONSPIRACY THEORY: Not all these cameras are live. Why do I say that? Because while Marion Cotillard was being interviewed by Chris Connelly in the “Director’s Cut” window — they talked about “the weather” — she was posing on the Red Carpet in the “Fashion” camera box.

7:27 PM: The Oscars Backstage team just said that Margot Robbie has a resemblance to Jaime Pressly. Compliment or insult?

7:33 PM: If you’re missing Oscars Backstage, you’re missing so many awkward interviews with Boyhood’s Ellar Coltrane and serious conversations with American Sniper‘s sound team.

7:49 PM: Orange Is The New Black & How To Get Away With Murder‘s Matt McGorry tries to talk to George Clooney.

8:00 PM: “Fashion Cam” footage proves that the Oscars should be redesigned and renamed “Emmas.”

8:08 PM: In one corner: the IRL widow of American Sniper, and to her right, the creative team of Big Hero 6 talking about diversity and Carnegie-Mellon, below that, rich people, and then, in the lower lefthand corner, the truest love of our time: Oprah & Stedman.

8:18 PM: Uh…this doesn’t look live.

J/K, they gave the floor over to TCM’s Robert Osbourne. This segment actually featured interviews and footage from my favorite Oscar documentary on Netflix, And The Oscar Goes To…

8:28 PM: NPH explains to us why being an Oscar host is literally the most important job in the world (in a pre-recorded video to fill time).

8:31 PM: What’s more exciting? This or the Oscars opening?

8:37 PM: The Oscars opening musical number is still going on, but Oscars Backstage wants to share 4 things you might not know about Steve Carrell.

8:42 PM: The Whiplash team is happy.

8:46 PM: JK Simmons faces the “Thank You Cam” and explains that while he didn’t have time to thank everyone involved in the production on stage, he sent thank you emails before the ceremony. Oh, but wait. He just remembered he forgot some emails! And there’s your first big Oscar scandal (besides Dakota Johnson and Melanie Griffith having a spat).

8:56 PM: So, below the Oscars Backstage video window, they have a social media portal where you can keep up-to-date with important and timely tweets like this one.



A) Julianne Moore caught in conversation with a woman who is either a seat filler, a family member, or someone very important in the film industry.

B) Gwyneth Paltrow is looking bored.


D) Steve Carell bows before Emma Stone’s feet.

~Also, it looks like the “Fashion” cam might be the best one to spot candid reaction shots from the crowd.~

9:24 PM: Chiwetel Ejifor is jelly that he’s not getting any of that sweet loving.

9:51 AM: Shout out to the tween girl who looks pissed off about being at the ACADEMY AWARDS/seated next to Whiplash director Damien Chazelle’s date.


A) Patricia Arquette looking serene and calm seconds before her Academy Award win.

B) Patricia Arquette hugs Emma Stone, and Mr. & Mrs. “Dat Neck” Channing Tatum smile in the background.

C) Ethan Hawke looks on lovingly.

D) Boyhood directer Richard Linklater also looks on lovingly.

10:05 PM: You guys, I’ve been kind of rolling my eyes at Oscar Backstage’s hosts, aka Ms. “I’m not related to Anna Faris” and “I’m Pedro from Brazil,” all night, but they are stumping for Patricia Arquette, wage equality, and foreign films. Does Oscars Backstage have a secret liberal agenda or did the producers leave two bored people to their own devices for three minutes?

10:08 PM: …and they are back to telling us funny facts about Eddie Redmayne…

10:14 PM: …and Ms. “I’m not related to Anna Faris” just said why American Sniper is the most important film of the year. Could it be possible that Oscars Backstage is that rare strange beast: something in America that is bipartisan?

PROGRAMMING NOTE: 10:17 PM – Your blogger has opened a massive can of beer. All updates from here on out are tinged with the sweet golden glow of an alcohol-induced haze.

10:18 PM: The fashion moment of the night gets addressed! Dana Perry told the press, “I invite anyone to touch my furry balls.” When pressed by the, uh, press corps to explain her show-stopping Oscar style, she replied, “I went shopping in my mother-in-law’s closet. She had great style in the ’60s and ’70s…this is one of her signature pieces…I love to wear it because I can make ridiculous dirty jokes about it.” I like her and I like her balls.

10:28 PM: The Rock and some nerds who have Oscars.

10:47 PM: Who’s cuter? Benedict Cumberbatch or his squinting seat-filler?

10:48 PM: Backstage, Patricia Arquette is going after mani-cams and passionately talking about equal rights for women.


A) Selma star David Oyelowo is moved to tears.

B) Oprah comforts him.

C) No one comforts Chris Pine.

*Technically from the “Oscars” livestream.

11:06 PM: Chrissy Teigen caught on her phone before John Legend wins his Oscar for “Glory” from Selma.

11:09 PM: Chrissy Teigen is back on her phone while her husband accepts his Oscar.

Shortly after this, I caught Adam Levine and his wife, Behati Prinsloo, rush over to hug her, but it was a weird angle — I swear! — and I couldn’t screen cap it.

11:33 PM: In case you were wondering about Oscar hierarchy: Lupita Nyong’o’s brother has a better seat than Edward Norton, Naomi Watts, and tonight’s Best Supporting Actress winner Patricia Arquette.


11:38 PM: The Oscars are getting dirty. These guys are here to clean it up.

11:52 PM: This is Michael Keaton’s face as Eddie Redmayne took the stage. It, um, kind of looks like he was pulling a gun, right?

11:56 PM: I lost it, guys. I lost the livestream.

12:00 PM: I got it back! Just in time to watch Julianne Moore’s husband get misty-eyed over her Best Actress win.


12:03 PM: Neil Patrick Harris’s “prediction bit” is going GREAT with the crowd.


12:06 PM: Well, that’s that. The livestream is back to black and I’m off to bed. Check back in tomorrow to find out what all this Oscar stuff meant.

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[Photos:, Getty Images]