The Elusive Auteur: Hitchcock’s Cameo Appearances

Alfred Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1899, and in honor of the famed auteur’s 116th birthday, we’ve declared it Hitchcock Week on Decider. Click here to follow our coverage.
In addition to being a master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock was also a master of cameo appearances. Even in his films with limited settings, such as Rope or Lifeboat, the director got creative with where he could place himself in the frame. His signature cameo appearances have inspired many directors to copy him, most notably Wes Craven and Martin Scorsese. Some of Hitchcock’s appearances are subtle, while others are right in your face. Let’s take a look at his most discreet cameos to his most obvious.

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Rope Hitchcock Cameo
'Rope' (1948): This is a tough one, but that's Hitchcock down there walking with a gal and swinging a rolled up newspaper at his side.YouTube
The Trouble With Harry Hitchcock Cameo
'The Trouble With Harry' (1955): Here, Hitchcock is just going for a stroll. He's to the left of the limo. YouTube
Lifeboat Hitchcock Cameo
'Lifeboat' (1944): Check out the before and after photo in the newspaper. Everett Collection
The Man Who Know Too Much Hitchcock Cameo
'The Man Who Knew Too Much' (1956): Here, the director doesn't show his face, but we can easily spot the back of his head.
The Paradine Case Hitchcock Cameo
'The Paradine Case' (1947): One of the many cameos where the director is holding a musical instrument. Here, it's a cello. YouTube
Spellbound Hitchcock Cameo
'Spellbound' (1945): Here he is coming out of an elevator, puffing away and carrying a violin case.YouTube
Vertigo Hitchcock Cameo
'Vertigo' (1958): Holding a trumpet case as he walks through the
Strangers on a Train Hitchcock Cameo
'Strangers on a Train' (1951): Another instrument. This time it's a double bass.YouTube
Psycho Hitchcock Cameo
'Psycho' (1960): Hitchcock can be seen through the office window right before Janet Leigh walks into the
Frenzy Hitchcock Cameo
'Frenzy' (1972): A man of many hats, here he is in a bowler.
Topaz Hitchcock Cameo
'Topaz' (1969): Prior to shaking the man's hand, Hitchcock was wheelchair-bound in this cameo.
The Birds Hitchcock Cameo
'The Birds' (1963): Exiting the shop as Tippy Hedren walks in . Those puppies are actually .com
Dial M For Murder Hitchcock Cameo
'Dial M for Murder' (1954): Hitchcock is on the left in the class reunion
North By Northwest Hitchcock Cameo
'North by Northwest' (1959): Right after his credit appears onscreen in the beginning of the film, Hitchcock runs into the frame and misses the bus by a second.
Rear Window Hitchcock Cameo
'Rear Window' (1954): When James Stewart is peeping on his neighbors, he comes across Hitchcock. Some say he breaks the fourth wall here and looks straight at the audience.
Notorious Hitchcock Cameo
'Notorious' (1946): Tipping one back. YouTube
Marnie Hitchcock Cameo
'Marnie' (1964): Stepping out into the hotel hallway. YouTube
Blackmail Hitchcock Cameo
'Blackmail' (1929): In his longest cameo at 19 seconds long, Hitchcock is seen on the left being pestered by a little
Stage Fight Hitchcock Cameo
'Stage Fright' (1950): Hitchcock makes a full turn around after he passes Jane Wyman.YouTube
To Catch a Thief Hitchcock Cameo
'To Catch a Thief' (1955): Sitting next to Cary Grant on a bus in his most blatant

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