5 Things Kimye Need To Stream During Their Honeymoon

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It’s official: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are man and wife. We expect that the rapper-icon-designer-genius and the porn-star-cum-reality-television-powerhouse will be together forever, which poses one problem: Forever is an awfully long time. So, just how will the celeb couple fill up that eternity together? Our recommendation is to start streaming things, preferably as soon as possible.

Given that Kimye can’t physically spend their entire honeymoon in Ireland getting it on, here are five awesome things they (and YOU) can get on streaming this week.

1) A Room With A View (1985)

Kim and Kanye threw a curveball when they decided to get married in Florence, Italy, instead of Paris, France. However, one only has to watch the sumptuously sensual Merchant Ivory adaptation of A Room With A View to see why Florence might be the most romantic city in the world. If we were kicking it in Kimye’s honeymoon suite, A Room With A View would be the first film on our Netflix queue.

A Room With A View is streaming on Netflix.

2) The Great Gatsby (2013)

It’s no secret that Kim and Kanye are massive fans of The Great Gatsby soundtrack and Lana Del Rey’s “Young and Beautiful” (so much so that they paid her $2.8 milli to sing it at their nuppies). So, we have to assume they are also fans of Baz Luhrman’s bombastic 3D take on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel. The tragic tale about the illusions projected by wealth and love and the American dream might not seem like the most apropos pick for a honeymoon, but it’s a lavish wonder that it seems to fit stylistically with Kimye’s romance.

The Great Gatsby is streaming on HBO Go.

3) The Decoy Bride (2011)

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been teasing and tricking the paparazzi since their romance began, so they have a lot in common with the characters in the British romantic comedy, The Decoy Bride. This fun, frothy little flick features Boardwalk Empire‘s Kelly MacDonald as a down-on-her-luck Scottish writer who is enlisted to be a “decoy bride” for a movie star’s wedding to a famous writer played by David Tennant on a remote Scottish island. And then shenanigans ensue. Bagpipes and swan boats are involved.

The Decoy Bride is streaming on Netflix and is free on Amazon Prime.

4) Keeping Up With The Kardashians (E!)

In honor of Kim Kardashian’s special day, why not take a moment to look back at where it all began. No, we’re not suggesting you watch her sex tape; we’re presuming Yeezy has it memorized by now. Instead, you should rewind to 2007 and watch the first season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The opening two minutes focus on Kim’s butt, so you can tell that the producers knew what a cultural milestone they were creating.

Seasons 1-4 of Keeping Up With The Kardashians are streaming on Netflix. You can purchase later seasons on Amazon Prime, iTunes and Google Play.

5) Hannibal (NBC)

Even if you somehow don’t see how Hannibal is the most romantic show on television right now, it’s the one program you absolutely have to get hip to. Season 1 is a slow-burner that only becomes more enjoyable upon second viewing and Season 2 provides more shocks, more twists and more decadent visual tableaus than any other show on network cable. The second season finale is one of the most ambitious and upsetting hours of television drama that this writer has ever seen.

So, yeah, Kimye should stream Hannibal on their honeymoon because everyone needs to seeHannibal.

Hannibal season 1 is streaming for free on Amazon Prime; Hannibal season 2 is available for purchase on Amazon Prime and iTunes. The most recent three episodes are currently on Hulu Plus (computer only).