Yep, Tom Wilson Got Into A Fight In His First Game Back

Lauren TheisenLauren Theisen|published: Wed Nov 14 2018 02:49

Tom Wilson has had a pretty eventful return to the Capitals since an arbitrator reduced his suspension today and made him eligible to play tonight against the Wild. First, Wilson scored a goal and picked up a goaltender interference penalty on the same play. (It looked more like he was pushed than any intentional dirtiness.) And later, as if you couldn’t have guessed, he got into a scrap.

At the ensuing faceoff following a Mikko Koivu goal halfway through the game, Wilson and Wild brawler Marcus Foligno immediately went at it. The bout featured plenty of grabbing with only a few clean punches, and it ended after about 20 seconds when a falling Wilson pulled Foligno down with him.

A goal, a minor penalty, and a major penalty is what we’ll call a Tom Wilson Hat Trick.