wwe - Sports News, Headlines & Highlights

Sick, Sad World of Sports: Who started off 2024 on the wrong foot
There was no shortage of allegedly heinous behavior to start the new year, with Chicago Bulls fans booing a widow, Vince McMahon resigning in disgrace (again) and various big-name athletes unaware of the age of consent. ...
Vince McMahon preyed on female WWE wrestlers: Ashley Massaro
As accusations against Vince McMahon and the WWE continue to pile up, VICE NEWS has obtained a previously unpublished statement by former wrestler Ashley Massaro given before her death that claims McMahon preyed on female wrestlers and ended Massaro’s career because she rejected his sexual advances....
Vince McMahon, John Laurinitis accused of covering up alleged rape
Vince McMahon, already facing a bombshell sexual assault and trafficking lawsuit, is also being accused of covering up the alleged rape of one of his former female talents — who later died by suicide — as well as sexually harassing her....
If only WWE’s 'Be A Star' anti-bullying campaign had applied to adults
(Content Warning: This article contains allegations of sexual assault, sexual coercion, and sexual harassment)...
The Rock is WWE’s biggest 'Hey, look over there!'
What to do when the name most associated with your company is accused of being one of history’s greatest monsters, as well as completely biffing the first meeting with the media after said accusations? Well, if you’re WWE and billions of dollars strong, apparently you call on one of the biggest star...
Feds investigating sexual assault, trafficking allegations against Vince McMahon

Feds investigating sexual assault, trafficking allegations against Vince McMahon

Fri Feb 02 2024
TKO, WWE's billion-dollar parent company, apparently can’t afford a PR Expert

TKO, WWE's billion-dollar parent company, apparently can’t afford a PR Expert

Tue Jan 30 2024
This should spell the end of Vince McMahon for good

This should spell the end of Vince McMahon for good

Sat Jan 27 2024
Vince McMahon named in new, horrifying sex-traffic lawsuit

Vince McMahon named in new, horrifying sex-traffic lawsuit

Thu Jan 25 2024
WWE Monday Night Raw headed to Netflix in 2025

WWE Monday Night Raw headed to Netflix in 2025

Tue Jan 23 2024
Man who helped kill Gawker reportedly rescues teen in car wreck

Man who helped kill Gawker reportedly rescues teen in car wreck

Thu Jan 18 2024
Saturday night’s NFL playoff streaming exclusive on Peacock isn’t the last we’ll see

Saturday night’s NFL playoff streaming exclusive on Peacock isn’t the last we’ll see

Thu Jan 18 2024
It doesn’t matter whether NFL playoff games are on Peacock: Millions will tune in anyway

It doesn’t matter whether NFL playoff games are on Peacock: Millions will tune in anyway

Fri Jan 12 2024
Everyone can now see it — this is what CM Punk really is

Everyone can now see it — this is what CM Punk really is

Mon Nov 27 2023
WWE gets richer while 100 employees get the boot

WWE gets richer while 100 employees get the boot

Thu Sep 21 2023
LeBron James, wife and 2 associates named in federal PED investigation

LeBron James, wife and 2 associates named in federal PED investigation

Wed Sep 13 2023
Don’t let the door hit you on the ass, Ronda Rousey

Don’t let the door hit you on the ass, Ronda Rousey

Mon Aug 07 2023
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