fall-of-rome - Sports News, Headlines & Highlights

Rome's Collapse Turned Petty Kings, Strongmen, And Warlords Into The French
Decades before Romulus Augustulus was deposed in 476 AD and the Western Roman Empire officially went out of business, the provinces of northern Gaul (roughly the area between Paris and the lower Rhine in what’s now the Netherlands and northwest Germany) had long since slipped from the grasp of the a...
Theoderic The Great Was A Barbarian General Cloaked In The Language And Political Concepts Of The Past
As the central institutions of the Roman Empire in the west crumbled and the provinces splintered off and went their own way over the course of the fifth century, new kingdoms popped up to take their place. Today, we tend to identify these new political units with specific barbarian groups: the Visi...
After The Visigoths Sacked Rome, They Established A Full-Blown Kingdom
When last we met the Goths, they had just sacked the city of Rome in 410 CE, the act for which this barbarian people is both famous and infamous. They were, after all, the first group in 800 years to pillage the Eternal City, and that kind of action is going to leave a mark in the history books. The...
The Roman Empire Was Brought Down By Structural Rot 
One way of telling the story of the fall of the Roman Empire is to examine the lives and personalities at the very top of the political spectrum, the emperors, generals, court officials, and kings at the center of power who made the life-and-death decisions that reverberated throughout the Roman wor...
The Roman Empire Accidentally Killed Itself
It took just 80 years for the Roman Empire to fall apart as a political unit....
As The Roman Empire Fell, Its People Stopped Talking To One Another

As The Roman Empire Fell, Its People Stopped Talking To One Another

Mon Mar 06 2017
What Happened To Normal People When The Roman Economy Fell Apart?

What Happened To Normal People When The Roman Economy Fell Apart?

Tue Feb 21 2017
The Roman Economy Was A Powerhouse 

The Roman Economy Was A Powerhouse 

Tue Feb 07 2017
The Late Roman Empire Army Was A Changing, But Still Massive, Force 

The Late Roman Empire Army Was A Changing, But Still Massive, Force 

Sun Jan 15 2017
Attila The Hun Did Far More Than Just Leave Charred Bones In His Wake

Attila The Hun Did Far More Than Just Leave Charred Bones In His Wake

Tue Dec 20 2016
When The Vandals Took North Africa, They Had Their Way With The Roman Empire 

When The Vandals Took North Africa, They Had Their Way With The Roman Empire 

Wed Nov 30 2016
When Rome Fell, Some Barely Noticed And Some Were Murdered By Rampaging Hordes

When Rome Fell, Some Barely Noticed And Some Were Murdered By Rampaging Hordes

Tue Oct 25 2016
What In The Hell Happened To Roman Britain?

What In The Hell Happened To Roman Britain?

Sun Oct 09 2016
If Rome Was So Weak Before It Fell, How Did Its Industry Manage To Pollute Greenland?

If Rome Was So Weak Before It Fell, How Did Its Industry Manage To Pollute Greenland?

Tue Sep 20 2016
Forget What You Learned In School; The Goths Sacked Rome For Good Reasons

Forget What You Learned In School; The Goths Sacked Rome For Good Reasons

Tue Sep 06 2016
Whatever Your History Teacher Said, The Goths Crushed Rome Because Rome Had It Coming

Whatever Your History Teacher Said, The Goths Crushed Rome Because Rome Had It Coming

Mon Aug 29 2016
Ancient Barbarians Weren't, Well, Barbarians, Whatever The Movies Say

Ancient Barbarians Weren't, Well, Barbarians, Whatever The Movies Say

Sun Aug 14 2016