Kevin Bieksa Lands Leaping One-Punch Knockdown

Barry PetcheskyBarry Petchesky|published: Wed Oct 25 2017 13:37
Patrick Smith/Getty Images

I’m generally over hockey fights, both for their silliness and their safety concerns. So here’s a good reminder that for as right-thinking as I’d like to imagine myself, I’m entirely willing to drop all principles the second something cool happens.

The Ducks came into Philly Tuesday night and blew out the Flyers 6-2, and even that loss wasn’t as painful or decisive as Radko Gudas’s insta-knockout at the hands of Kevin Bieksa:

Let’s watch that again. The scariest part here is probably Bieksa’s face throughout the whole brief showdown.

Your commemorative moment-of-impact photo:

Patrick Smith/Getty Images