John Gibson's Glove Save Was So Good, It Fooled Whoever Operates The Goal Horn

Barry PetcheskyBarry Petchesky|published: Wed Dec 06 2017 14:26
Ethan Miller/Getty Images

There’s a weird tic of hockey writers where every great save has to be framed as a “save of the year candidate.” I do this too. Was tempted to do it here. Why? Why can’t we just set up a great save with “here’s a great save”? Do we not trust readers to watch a highlight unless we position it as a potential award-winner? Do we subconsciously believe a great save can’t be worthy on its own inherent merits? Do we understand how hyperbolic this makes us look when 98 percent of saves presented as save of the year candidates won’t ever be mentioned or showed again, and certainly won’t actually be listed among the saves of the year?

Anyway, here’s John Gibson with a save of the year candidate:

Vegas beat Anaheim in a shootout 4-3.