Irate Canadian Maybe Says 'Vote Trump,' Then Maybe Not, Then, OK, We’re Lost, Too

Jesse SpectorJesse Spector|published: Wed Aug 26 2020 15:22
Huh? credits: Getty

San Jose Sharks forward Logan Couture has shown in the past that he knows how to handle himself in a fight. But maybe that’s only on the ice?

“I spent last night in Toronto Ontario,” Couture tweeted on Wednesday morning. “I talked about voting for the Republican Party, and I mentioned Donald Trump by name. I was sucker punched. Is this really what we are coming to? If you vote you are a villain? Man this world is so wrong”

Well, if you vote for Donald Trump, yes, you are a villain. Aside from all the racism, misogyny, homophobia, and lawlessness, you’re endorsing a man whose inept response to the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the United States having 180,000 deaths from the pandemic, twice as much as every country on Earth outside of Brazil, where 117,000 have died under the “leadership” of proto-fascist goon Jair Bolsonaro. Voting for Trump is endorsing a total disregard for those lives that have been lost, which is, indeed, villainous.

But what’s this about voting? Couture is a Canadian citizen. He can’t vote in the United States.

Couture addressed that in a tweet he deleted, which said, “I don’t vote, I never said I liked Donald Trump. I don’t.”

Further clarifying — clarifying? — this, Couture wrote, “Craziest part is I don’t vote. I mentioned my father being a former police officer. I really don’t believe this is the world we live in”

It is indeed hard to believe, especially because in 2011, a San Jose Mercury News feature about the rookie Couture mentioned that his father Chet was “ a city firefighter.” Chet Couture’s Twitter bio says he’s a “Retired fire Engine Captain” and his account, which isn’t verified, but is followed by David Pollak, the Mercury News writer who wrote the Couture feature nine years ago, mostly retweets memes with the occasional nod to firefighting.

Maybe Couture got punched so hard on Tuesday night, he forgot what his dad did for a living?

Or maybe he’s full of crap. Well, definitely he’s full of crap, because either his tweets on Wednesday morning are bogus, or his statement from May 30 is. In that one, he wrote, “At times I think most of us have been at fault for turning a blind eye when it comes to racism. It cannot continue.”

Saying you’d vote, if you could, for the president who called white nationalists “very fine people,” yeah, that’s turning a blind eye. It’s being a villain.

It doesn’t matter whether Couture was being dishonest in May or in August, because either way, he’s revealed himself to be as much of a phony as the American president he wishes he could vote for.