Filip Forsberg Goes Between The Legs For One Clever Goal

Barry PetcheskyBarry Petchesky|published: Sun Jan 13 2019 20:46
credits: Jeff Roberson | source: AP

The Predators capped their season’s longest road trip with a 6-3 loss at Carolina, but not before Filip Forsberg scored one of the niftiest goals of the year. It wasn’t particularly flashy—it’s tough to even see what happened at full speed—but it was smart as hell.

Forsberg, tied up in close quarters in front of the net, brought a bouncing puck back in to himself before shooting between his own legs. It was the only thing that could’ve worked in that situation, and it did. You’re going to need to see the replays to appreciate it:

It was Forsberg’s 18th of the season, coming a period after he scored shorthanded for No. 17. That extends his team lead.