Chris Stewart Punches Teammate, Corrects Situation By Punching Opponent

Samer KalafSamer Kalaf|published: Mon Mar 06 2017 18:33

Hockey scrums can be a chaotic mess of limbs, so it’s understandable that the Wild’s Chris Stewart would accidentally biff teammate Zach Parise in the face during Sunday’s game. What’s better is that Stewart tried to play it off by smacking someone else.

The puck was dead in San Jose’s zone, so the Sharks tried to escort Stewart from the crease while Parise skated in his blind spot. Just as Parise arrived to back up his teammate, he got a glove to the mouth:

After the friendly fire, Stewart redirected his hand right into Sharks winger Joel Ward’s face. Everyone had a good laugh afterward as they menacingly gripped each other’s uniforms.