Sean Hannity Says He’s Relocated To Florida

Sean Hannity

UPDATED: Sean Hannity told listeners on his radio show on Tuesday that he’s relocated to Florida, citing New York’s tax rates as a major reason for the move.

“We are now beginning our first broadcast from my new home, and that is in the free state of Florida,” Hannity said on his iHeartRadio show. “I am out. I am done. I am finished in New York.”

The Fox News host said that “finally for the first time that I can think of in my adult life, I actually have representatives in the state that I am living in that share my values.” He named the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis, and its two Republican senators.

Hannity also hosted his Fox News primetime show from his remote studio in the Sunshine State, repeating some of the same comments about the benefits of Florida.

Florida has no state income tax. New York’s state tax on incomes above $5 million reaches 10.3%.

“This migration out of blue states with high taxes, burdensome regulation, high crime, horrible school districts is real,” Hannity said.

The tax situation in New York and other large states was exacerbated by the 2017 tax law, a signature piece of legislation signed by President Donald Trump, who also switched his residency to Florida. The 2017 bill put limits on the amount of state and local taxes that taxpayers can deduct on their federal returns.

Hannity has often railed against Democratic governors of major blue-states. He moderated a recent debate between California Governor Gavin Newsom and DeSantis, but just about all of the questions were negatives aimed at the Golden State.

On his radio show, Hannity also mentioned the possibility that residents in California and New York will pay reparations. “It won’t be impactful to me,” he said.

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