Laura Benanti Sends Melania Off With Broadway Panache In Final ‘Colbert’ Visit


There’s at least one thing everyone should agree will be missed after tomorrow: Laura Benanti’s recurring appearances as Melania Trump on CBS’ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Fortunately, the Tony-winning Broadway star provided a fitting goodbye last night with a send-off that hit an early high note for 2021.

Singing to the tune of Beauty and the Beast‘s “Belle,” and dancing through an entirely unforgiving Times Square, Benanti-as-Melania returns to “the city that never sleeps…with a porn star and then lies to you about it,” hoping to find her place in a post-White House world.

Only, New York isn’t having it. “I’m beloved when I go out,” Benanti sings, with a street chorus answering, “She’s completely nuts, we hate her freaking guts.” Some other choice responses: “We hate you like you hate Ivanka.”

“What do you want from me,” a stunned Melania asks. “Another f*cking Christmas tree?”

In his introduction to the taped production number, Colbert describes Benanti-as-Melania’s visit as “one last time.”

“On a completely unrelated note,” Colbert says after the performance, “I want to thank Laura Benanti for her service to a grateful nation.”

Watch the segment above.

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