Jimmy Kimmel Apologizes Via Twitter For Attacks On Melania Trump, Sean Hannity

UPDATE: Sean Hannity has tweeted that he will respond to Kimmel’s truce offering on his Monday show. “I am at a tournament with my daughter,” said the tweet. “I will have a full and comprehensive response tomorrow on Hannity.”  The show airs at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT.

EARLIER: The Twitter and television war between talk show hosts Jimmy Kimmel and Sean Hannity is apparently over. The increasingly vitriolic exchanges between the two had escalated to the point where physical threats were being made and charges of perversion casually tossed about. Kimmel even mentioned death threats against his family.

The conflict started when Kimmel mocked the White House Easter Egg Roll and Melania Trump‘s accent while reading a children’s book to celebration participants. Fox & Friends subsequently savaged the ABC star over his monologue jokes, igniting the back and forth between Kimmel and Hannity.

Kimmel today issued the following statement via Twitter:

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