Thomas Ellerbeck

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Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung

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  • Member of Tourism Advisory Board of the German Government / Tourismusbeirat der Bundesregierung

    Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy, Germany / Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie

    3 Jahre


  • Member of the Presidium / Mitglied des Präsidiums

    Association of German Aviation Industry / Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftfahrtindustrie BDL

    –Heute 8 Jahre 1 Monat


  • Member of the Council / Co-Founder and Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation

    Lindau Nobel Laureates Meetings

    –Heute 24 Jahre

    Science and Technology

    The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, established 1951:

    The annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings provide a globally recognised forum for the transfer of knowledge between generations of scientists. They inspire and motivate Nobel Laureates and international Best Talents. Lectures of Nobel Laureates reflect current scientific topics and present relevant fields of research of the future. In panel discussions, seminars and during the various events of the social…

    The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, established 1951:

    The annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings provide a globally recognised forum for the transfer of knowledge between generations of scientists. They inspire and motivate Nobel Laureates and international Best Talents. Lectures of Nobel Laureates reflect current scientific topics and present relevant fields of research of the future. In panel discussions, seminars and during the various events of the social programme young researchers nominated by a worldwide network of academic partners interact with Nobel Laureates. The meetings of Nobel Laureates in chemistry, physiology or medicine and in physics have been held since 1951. Since 2004, the Laureates of the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel have also held meetings at Lake Constance. The Lindau Dialogue has been given extra impulse with the interdisciplinary conferences. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and their vision can only be turned into reality thanks to the active support of Nobel Laureates. More than 260 Nobel Laureates express their support for the Lindau Meetings through their membership of the Founders Assembly of the foundation. Every year, between 20 and 25 Nobel Laureates spend a week in the Lake Constance area to meet the next geeneration of leading scientists. The foundation was established in the year 2000 by the council and the Bernadotte family on the initiative of a group of Nobel Laureates. Joint initiatives regarding the advancement of the Lindau Meetings and the establishment of an international network of academic partners are key priorities. The foundation regards its task as to provide sustainable funding for Nobel Laureate Meetings in the future through an endowment. Meanwhile the foundation conducts outreach projects to safeguard the annual funding. More than 260 Nobel Laureates are member of the Founders Assembly.

  • Plan International Grafik

    Mitglied des Kuratoriums Plan Deutschland e.V.

    Plan International

    –Heute 9 Jahre 2 Monate

    Poverty Alleviation

  • Member of the Advisory Board

    Near and Middle East Business Association, Berlin/Germany - Nah- und Mittelostverein (NuMOV)

  • Grafik

    Advisor / Beirat

    –Heute 2 Jahre 8 Monate


    Digital Health, Telemedizin


  • Deutsch

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • Englisch



  • BDL Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft e.V.

    Mitglied des Präsidiums


  • DRV Deutscher ReiseVerband e.V. (German Travel Association)

    Member of the Board / Mitglied des Vorstands


  • GNTB German National Tourist Board / Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus

    Member of the GNTB Board of Directors / Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates

  • Atlantik Brücke e.V.



  • WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Rundfunkrat

    Member of the Broadcasting Council (Rundfunkrat), Member of the Budget- and Finance Committee

    11. Broadcasting Council of WDR (election period from 2009 to 2016) WDR is one of the largest European public broadcasters

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