U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt

U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt


Frankfurt, Hesse 955 Follower:innen


U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt is the largest Consulate and fourth largest U.S. diplomatic post worldwide with 1,000+ highly engaged staff supporting 10 U.S. Government departments and agencies. Our Consular District encompasses Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saarland. U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt is a truly global platform, providing support to over 160 other U.S. missions around the world and housing one of the largest consular sections in Europe. We regularly engage and partner with students and professionals across a variety of fields to further promote and strengthen the German-American transatlantic relationship. Terms of Use: http://state.gov/tou

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt, Hesse


Beschäftigte von U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt


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    #MotivationMonday: Become an invaluable part of the second annual Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Program in Frankfurt! You’re skilled in program management? You have strong professional networks in the fields of entrepreneurship and private sector sponsors? Then this contracting position for U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt & Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen’s upcoming entrepreneurship program might be for you! Check out the scope of work, requirements, and details at www.dai-tuebingen.de/AWE Application Deadline is September 15th! 

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    Unternehmensseite von US Botschaft anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are pleased to announce that Deputy Chief of Mission Alan Meltzer has assumed duty as U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, ad interim, to the Federal Republic of Germany. In this capacity, Chargé Meltzer will serve as Chief of Mission and as the senior-most U.S. government official in Germany. “It is an honor to lead our teams in our Embassy in Berlin and at our five consulates across Germany. Germany is our indispensable ally and partner with whom we work closely every day on virtually every single challenge the world is facing. It is because of that good work that the U.S.-German relationship today is stronger than ever. I look forward to carrying that forward." -Alan Meltzer, Chargé d'Affaires   *** Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass der Gesandte Alan Meltzer den Posten des Geschäftsträgers ad interim der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angetreten hat. In dieser Funktion wird Meltzer als ranghöchster Vertreter der US-Regierung in Deutschland die US-Vertretung leiten.   „Es ist mir eine Ehre, unsere Teams an unserer Botschaft in Berlin und unseren fünf Konsulaten in ganz Deutschland zu leiten. Deutschland ist für uns ein unverzichtbarer Verbündeter und Partner, mit dem wir täglich an nahezu allen Herausforderungen eng zusammenarbeiten, vor denen die Welt steht. Aus diesem Grund sind die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen heute stärker denn je. Ich freue mich darauf, diese gute Arbeit fortzusetzen“, sagte Alan Meltzer, Geschäftsträger US-Vertretung in Deutschland

    • Alan Meltzer, Geschäftsträger der US-Vertretung in Deutschland
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    Thank you for this valuable conversation on the importance of the transatlantic partnership! 🤝

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    Yesterday (July 23), Technische Universität Darmstadt had the honour to host a panel discussion on questions of global (dis)order(s). The panel convened on the occasion of a joint seminar by TU Darmstadt and The University of Texas at San Antonio organized by Professor Markus Lederer and Professor Matthias Hofferberth. This seminar is but one example of the strong and thriving partnership of the two universities. Acting Principal Officer of the U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt, Jennifer DeWitt Walsh, the Mayor of City of San Antonio, Ron Nirenberg, and the President of TU Darmstadt, Tanja Brühl brought their distinguished expertise to the table as panelists. The discussion shed light on the current status of transatlantic relations and provided various perspectives on future challenges for global order. The panelists agreed on the importance of the transatlantic partnership as an (global) ordering principle. They emphasized the multifaceted nature of this partnership; a partnership that needs to be supported on various levels and in various formats. Occasions such as this panel discussion are excellent opportunities to do so and allow for intense U.S.-German reflections on world order. In moving forward, both the panelists and the students from TU Darmstadt and UTSA encouraged a discussion on how transatlantic relations and global order can adapt to increase fairness and be open to change for the future. Thank you to all panelists for your inspiring contributions, making for a lively and thought-provoking discussion! 📰 Read more: https://lnkd.in/dvncztQR

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  • U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt hat dies direkt geteilt

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    On July 18, Acting Consul General Jennifer Walsh participated in the groundbreaking event of CyrusOne in Frankfurt.  The United States and Germany remain focused on broadening and strengthening the bilateral trade and investment relationship. Am 18. Juli nahm die stellvertretende Generalkonsulin Jennifer Walsh an der Grundsteinlegung von CyrusOne in Frankfurt teil. Die Vereinigten Staaten und Deutschland konzentrieren sich weiterhin auf die Ausweitung und Stärkung der bilateralen Handels- und Investitionsbeziehungen. U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt CyrusOne American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (AmCham Germany) GERMAN DATACENTER ASSOCIATION e.V. 

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    Together with Frankfurt’s Kulturdezernentin Sabine Hartwig, head archivist Wolfgang Schopf and Vice President Ulrich Schielein of the Goethe University Frankfurt, and local politician Axel Kaufmann, our Public Diplomacy Chief Heidi Ramsay unveiled a plaque at the university’s Casino building honoring U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Paul Bloomquist, who was assassinated in the line of duty on May 11, 1972. More than 50 years after the RAF’s brutal attack at Goethe University, which was then the U.S. Army’s Headquarters in Frankfurt, the initiative by the local city council to show pays tribute to Americans who gave their lives to safeguard the establishment of democracy and the rule of law in Germany. As Heidi said at the unveiling: “The deep partnership between the United States and Germany, rooted in our shared commitment to democracy, stands as a testament to our collective determination to build a safer, more just, and more prosperous world. This plaque demonstrates Goethe University’s and the City of Frankfurt’s commitment to upholding those values to which LTC Bloomquist dedicated his life.” On behalf of the United States, we thank you for honoring his sacrifice.

    Unternehmensseite von Goethe-Universität Frankfurt anzeigen, Grafik

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    Ein wichtiger Moment der Erinnerung 💭 Am Freitag wurde auf dem Uni-Campus Westend eine Gedenktafel eingeweiht, die an die Opfer des RAF-Anschlags auf das Hauptquartier der US Army am 11. Mai 1972 erinnert. Oberstleutnant Paul A. Bloomquist verlor sein Leben und 13 weitere Menschen wurden verletzt. Die Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) verübte diesen Anschlag aus Protest gegen den Vietnamkrieg und hinterließ eine Wunde in der Geschichte Frankfurts und der Bundesrepublik. → Dr. Ina Hartwig (Kultur- und Wissenschaftsdezernentin) betonte, wie wichtig es ist, diese Opfer zu benennen und ihre Geschichten sichtbar zu machen. → Unser Vizepräsident Ulrich Schielein hob hervor, dass die Goethe-Universität für einen friedlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskurs steht – als Gegenentwurf zur Gewalt der RAF. → Frau Heidi Ramsay der Public Diplomacy Abteilung sagte: „Die enge Partnerschaft zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und Deutschland, die in unserem gemeinsamen Bekenntnis zur Demokratie verankert ist, zeigt unsere gemeinsame Entschlossenheit, eine sicherere, gerechtere und wohlhabendere Welt zu schaffen.   Die Gedenktafel zeigt das Engagement der Goethe-Universität und der Stadt Frankfurt am Main für die Aufrechterhaltung der Werte, denen Oberstleutnant Bloomquist sein Leben gewidmet hat. “ → Auch der stellvertretende Ortsvorsteher Axel Kaufmann und der Leiter des Universitätsarchivs Frankfurt am Main PD Dr. Michael Maaser brachten ihre Gedanken und Gefühle zum Ausdruck. Die Gedenktafel soll ein dauerhaftes Zeichen des Gedenkens und der Mahnung sein. Der Campus Westend ist ein Ort mit vielen Schichten der Erinnerung. Diese neue Gedenktafel trägt dazu bei, die Opfer des Terroranschlags aus der Anonymität herauszuholen und ihre Namen im kollektiven Gedächtnis zu verankern. Ein wichtiger Schritt, um Geschichte sichtbar und greifbar zu machen, insbesondere in einer Zeit, in der politisch motivierte Gewalt leider wieder zunimmt. 📍 Besuchen Sie die Gedenktafel auf dem Campus Westend und setzen Sie ein Zeichen gegen Terror und Gewalt. 🔗 Hier weiter lesen: https://lnkd.in/eupNaeFu. 📸 V.l.n.r.: Herr Michael Maaser (Universitätsarchiv FFM), Frau Heidi Ramsay (U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt), Herr Ulrich Schielein (Goethe-Universität), Frau Dr. Ina Hartwig (Kultur- und Wirtschaftsdezernentin FFM) und Herr Axel Kaufmann (stellv. Ortsvorsteher). #Erinnerung #Geschichte #Frankfurt #RAF #USArmy #GoetheUni #CampusWestend #Gedenktafel #Frieden

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    Celebrating Independence Day, Democracy, and the 75th Anniversary of the NATO Alliance with our German American Institutes Acting Principal Officer Jennifer DeWitt Walsh and Public Diplomacy Chief Heidi Ramsay joined our German American Institutes (GAI) in Freiburg, Stuttgart, and Tübingen to celebrate the 248th birthday of the United States of America. The signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the belief in equality, democracy, and freedom of conscience laid the foundation for the United States to become a beacon of hope and possibility for people worldwide. The principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence — that human beings are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights — continue to resonate globally.  They remind us that freedom is universal and that it is our shared responsibility to protect and nurture democracy wherever it may be threatened. The German American Institutes are the embodiment of that strength of commitment, and their efforts ensure that the transatlantic bond stays strong for generations to come.    The importance of the German-American partnership was reinforced as NATO leaders gathered in Washington for the 75th anniversary of the alliance. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, meeting with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on the eve of the summit, said: “Together the United States and Germany have been confronting the extraordinary challenges to our Alliance, to our people. The fact that we’re doing it together, the fact that we are such strong partners has been an extraordinary source of strength these past few years. […] One thing that gives me tremendous confidence is the partnership, the alliance between the United States and Germany.” Find out more at: https://lnkd.in/eka6Wct8 Photos courtesy of Robin Lehnert (Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum Stuttgart) and Marc Doradzillo (Carl-Schurz-Haus Freiburg)

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    "As citizen diplomats, your work here will contribute to a stronger, more interconnected world." This is how our Public Diplomacy Fellow Desmond Ferrell welcomed approximately 400 students from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ireland to Germany on Friday, July 5, at the University of Heidelberg, together with representatives from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Embassy of Canada, and the British Consulate General in Düsseldorf. The undergraduate students are participating in the RISE program in the fields of natural sciences and engineering, where they conduct research under supervision by doctoral candidates at German universities. The demand for expertise in the fields of natural sciences and engineering, combined with international experience, has significantly increased in the business and research fields. With RISE, the DAAD offers a supportive arm to equip U.S. students with the skills needed to meet the demand. Check out: https://lnkd.in/eWyvxTfk Photos copyright by DAAD/Henn

    • Copyright DAAD/Henn
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    Last week U.S. Consulate Frankfurt and the initiative Creative Change e.V. teamed up with partner institutions and schools for Frankfurt’s first-ever Democracy Parkour. During the interactive project week, around 100 young participants aged 15-25 came together to complete 10 modules at 5 stations spread across the city of Frankfurt and Offenbach in the spirit of a classic obstacle course, a parkour. A big thank you goes out to The English Theatre Frankfurt, Anne Frank Educational Center, Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt, and Research Institute Social Cohesion, as well as the educators and young participants of JOBLINGE, Wöhlerschule, Ernst-Reuter-Schule II, and Ziehenschule.

    A week of experiential learning to strengthen democratic participation.

    A week of experiential learning to strengthen democratic participation.

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    Der 19. Juni (Juneteenth) ist ein gesetzlicher Feiertag in den Vereinigten Staaten, an dem die Errungenschaften der Afroamerikaner*innen, ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit angesichts einer Vergangenheit der Sklaverei und der anhaltende Kampf gegen strukturellen Rassismus gewürdigt werden. Warum der 19. Juni? Am 22. September 1862 verkündete Präsident Abraham Lincoln in seiner Emanzipationsproklamation die Abschaffung der Sklaverei. Doch Texas, das während des Amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs zu den Konföderierten Staaten gehörte, schenkte der Proklamation Lincolns keine Beachtung. Deshalb marschierte Gordon Granger, Generalmajor der Unionsarmee, am 19. Juni 1865 mit 2000 Soldaten nach Galveston, Texas, wo er den Texaner*innen die Abschaffung der Sklaverei verkündete. _______________________________________________ Juneteenth, or June 19, is a federal holiday in the United States honoring the achievements of African-Americans, their resilience in the face of a past of slavery, and the ongoing struggle against structural racism. Why June 19? On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the abolition of slavery in his Emancipation Proclamation. But Texas, which was part of the Confederate States during the American Civil War, paid no heed to Lincoln's proclamation. Therefore, on June 19, 1865, Gordon Granger, Major General of the Union Army, marched with 2,000 soldiers to Galveston, Texas, where he proclaimed the abolition of slavery to the Texans.

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