SMA Solar Technology AG

SMA Solar Technology AG

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion

Niestetal, Kassel 134.336 Follower:innen

Neue Energielösungen für nachhaltige, globale Projekte.


Innovative und nachhaltige Schlüsseltechnologien sind Voraussetzungen für die Versorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien. Mehr als 3.000 Mitarbeiter*innen aus 18 Ländern setzen sich dafür ein, dass SMA aktiv zur Förderung der Produktion und Entwicklung von PV-Systemtechnologien weltweit beiträgt. SMA ist der einzige Wechselrichterhersteller weltweit, der für jeden Modultyp und jede Systemgröße den richtigen Wechselrichter anbietet. Für kleine Wohnsysteme, mittelgroße gewerbliche Systeme und Großanlagen; netzgekoppelte Photovoltaikanlagen; sowie netzunabhängige und hybride Systeme. SMA entwickelt auch technologisch führende Systemlösungen und ist führend in der Energie der Zukunft, beispielsweise in der intelligenten Optimierung des Eigenverbrauchs, der Netzintegration von Solarenergie und der Integration von Batterien zur effektiveren Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien. Ziel dieses LinkedIn-Profils ist es, Expertenwissen über Wechselrichtertechnologie, interessante Referenzprojekte und neue Produkte im Bereich kommerzieller und großer Solarkraftwerke auszutauschen und die heutigen und zukünftigen Energieversorgungsstrukturen und -lösungen zu diskutieren. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kommentare, Fragen und Rückmeldungen.

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Niestetal, Kassel
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Solar inverter technology, Battery storage management, Commercial PV power systems und Large-Scale PV power solutions


Beschäftigte von SMA Solar Technology AG


  • Unternehmensseite von SMA Solar Technology AG anzeigen, Grafik

    134.336 Follower:innen

    Jetzt kostenlos Ticket sichern fürs 12. Barcamp Renewables bei SMA! Am 14. und 15. November veranstaltet SMA zusammen mit den Energieblogger und deENet Kompetenznetzwerk dezentrale Energietechnologien e. V. das 12. Barcamp Renewables. Was dich erwartet? ✅ Austausch und Inspiration zum Thema Erneuerbare Energien, Klimagerechtigkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und vieles mehr ✅ eine offene, dynamische Atmosphäre ✅ Vernetzung mit tollen Menschen ✅ keine vorgefertigte Agenda – die Themen werden gemeinsam von den Teilnehmenden gefunden ✅ einen spannenden Auftakt-Abend mit Keynotes von Andreas Braun, Leiter des Kassel Institute for Sustainability, und Energiesparkommissar ☀️ Carsten Herbert. Das klingt gut? Dann sichere dir jetzt dein Gratis-Ticket hier: Barcamp Renewables der Energieblogger (

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  • Unternehmensseite von SMA Solar Technology AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Work first, run later 🏃♀️🏃♂️🏃♂️ The DAK-Gesundheit corporate run brings colleagues together outside of work, promoting team spirit and health. Almost 950 runners started to run the 5.3 kilometer course. With 167 participants, SMA was at the top of the list of participating companies. For Rudi Birnbach from Company Sports, the event is one of the highlights of the year. Because what could be better than to see beaming faces in SMA jerseys at the finish line? Congratulations to team “SMA Performance” - the fastest SMA team! 🙌 We are already looking forward to next year and even more top performances!

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  • Unternehmensseite von SMA Solar Technology AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    This is how we are building the future of energy 💪🌞   Our innovative technologies are designed to meet the growing demand for sustainable and reliable energy around the world.   Take a look at our production of large-scale solar and storage systems and learn how we are pushing the world's energy future. Stay tuned for the next level of energy solutions in our new #GIGAWATTFACTORY  

  • Unternehmensseite von SMA Solar Technology AG anzeigen, Grafik

    134.336 Follower:innen

    Proud to be in the Top 10! 😊 The new Purpose Readiness Index (PRI) from GLOBEONE – Transform to Better evaluates how effectively companies demonstrate their positive impact on society. Globeone's comprehensive purpose study on the credibility of German brands assessed over 170 companies, rated by consumers on future viability, sustainability, authenticity, and social relevance. The results reveal that only about 10% of the surveyed companies and institutions are currently well-positioned to credibly communicate their positive societal contributions. We are therefore very happy that SMA has reached a very good result. Many thanks to all employees who contribute to this on a daily basis. 

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  • Unternehmensseite von SMA Solar Technology AG anzeigen, Grafik

    134.336 Follower:innen

    Flood! How to deal with the solar system? In general, solar systems do not pose any particular hazards during floods. However, caution is advised since many solar systems have solar and battery inverters as well as battery storage units—the electrical components of the systems—located in the basement, which is where the water collects. PV modules, inverters, string distributors, battery storage units, DC plugs, and cables that have been flooded or damaged by water can pose a danger. Very important: Never put yourself at risk. SMA advises system operators to always contact their installer or an electrical professional first.

  • Unternehmensseite von SMA Solar Technology AG anzeigen, Grafik

    134.336 Follower:innen

    An eye-catcher underwater and on rooftops. Visitors to Lady Elliot Island marvel at the diversity of the underwater world. But the coral island at the southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef also has a lot to offer "up top". The holiday resort is a mini solar city with a 189 kW solar array including Sunny Island battery inverters and a 617 kWh battery storage system. On an annual average, about 80 percent of the resort's electricity comes from solar power. A perfect vacation spot. What other places with eco-friendly approaches are worth visiting? We look forward to your tips. SMA Australia

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  • Unternehmensseite von SMA Solar Technology AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    On the move 📦 New working environments at SMA. At the moment many colleagues are moving offices and finding newly designed work environments with open office concepts offering retreat areas, collaboration zones, focus boxes and modern hybrid meeting rooms. Together with the option of mobile working, we want to provide everyone with the workspace they need. We believe that inspiring workspaces motivate people and are the basis for exceptional performance and personal well-being.

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  • Unternehmensseite von SMA Solar Technology AG anzeigen, Grafik

    134.336 Follower:innen

    Solar energy made in Germany. 🌞 Ready? Let's go! 🦾 In the middle of Germany, the new member of our hybrid inverter family has recently rolled off the production line - the Sunny Boy SmartEnergy! As a PV and battery inverter in one, it ensures for a reliable power supply. With three MPP trackers, different roof orientations can also be planned for solar power production. This makes it particularly flexible for carports, roofs with dormers and different roof orientations. Get to know the 1-phase SMA hybrid inverter now! Click on Link:

  • Unternehmensseite von SMA Solar Technology AG anzeigen, Grafik

    134.336 Follower:innen

    EU's largest solar trade fair dazzled once again.  Managing energy to save yours: Here our top 5 of The smarter E Europe 2024    1️⃣ More than 150 motivated colleagues at two exhibition stands 2️⃣ Super smart solutions with Sunny Home Manager 2.0, including a dynamic electricity tariff 3️⃣ Solutions for charging vehicle fleets in cooperation with coneva GmbH 4️⃣ Our platform solution Sunny Central FLEX received the "The smarter E Award" for future-proofing & flexible usability 5️⃣ Two exclusive evening events in a stylish location   Were you there? What were your highlights? #intersolar #empower

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