RecyCoal GmbH

RecyCoal GmbH


Aachen, NRW 856 Follower:innen

Green charcoal for the world.


Transforming Agriculture and Combating Climate Change with Biochar 🌿🌍🌱 At RecyCoal, we promote an ecological humus with biochar, to enhance soil quality, empower local communities, and combat climate change. By incentivizing participation in profitable agricultural enterprises and generating income through Carbon Credits, we drive sustainable development. 💚 Our biochar-enriched fertilizer significantly improves soil fertility, structure, and water retention, leading to yields up to 4 times higher than untreated soil. Farmers achieve remarkable improvements in crop productivity, ensuring food security and economic prosperity for communities. 🌾 Beyond technology provision, we foster collaboration by sharing CO2 certificate profits with local partners, opening new opportunities for growth and sustainability. This approach creates a network of empowered contributors actively combating climate change. 🤝 Our innovative process converts biological waste into stable biochar, effectively sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By making a positive impact on climate change mitigation, we actively contribute to a sustainable future. ♻️ Join us at RecyCoal in our mission to create sustainable agriculture, empower communities, and combat climate change. Together, we make a lasting impact on the environment and enhance global well-being. 🌍 #RecyCoal #Sustainability #ClimateAction #Biochar

2–10 Beschäftigte
Aachen, NRW
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


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    Enactus Aachen e.V. c/o WIN Lehrstuhl Kackertstraße 7

    Aachen, NRW 52072, DE


Beschäftigte von RecyCoal GmbH


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    856 Follower:innen

    🇷🇼Part II, Travelouge Rwanda week 3 (10.06.24 - 16.06.24) In the third week, Charlotte was still able to devote herself to various tasks and goals, which included the following: ☀️ Giving a workshop in Rwamagana and evaluating the concept; administrative tasks for RecyCoal Ltd. and looking for bag producers in Kigali to be able to store the porduced biochar directly in their own bags with the RecyCoal logo in the future. ☀️Workshop in Rwamagana Our workshop was a great success! We identified 31 potential new producers who are all ready to support our vision. The location “La Ferme du Lac” proved to be ideal for our next production hub. The focus on ecological principles and the extensive knowledge of composting and biochar recharging are a great advantage. Overall, the participants were extremely knowledgeable. ☀️ Rwandan LTD We visited the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) and agreed dates and costs for bulk density tests with the Rwanda Standards Board (RSB). These tests are necessary for certification, among other things, but we carry them out regularly to ensure the high quality of our biochar. This week was full of productive meetings and workshops. 📈 The progress in business development and our successful partnerships show that we are on the right track to achieve our goals in Rwanda. It is always very motivating for us to see how many interested people we meet during our field visits, meetings and workshops, which can lead to wonderful collaborations! 💚 #sustainability #businessdevelopment #Rwanda #workshop #production #ecology

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  • Unternehmensseite von RecyCoal GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    856 Follower:innen

    🇷🇼 Part I: Travelogue Rwanda We are happy to share insights from Charlotte Herboth‘s stay in Rwanda with you! The trip was full of valuable experiences and significant progress that we would like to share. ☀️Week 1 (28.05.2024 - 02.06.2024) 🤝Arriving and making connections: Charlotte's arrival in Gitwa was an important first step. An important meeting took place with the environmental protection authority REMA in Ruhango. They showed great interest in our project and would like to visit our site. 👨🌾 First meeting with the farmers: We had the pleasure of speaking and introducing ourselves directly to the local producers and explaining our plans for the next week. It was encouraging to experience their curiosity and willingness to collaborate. ☀️ Week 2 (03.06.2024 - 09.06.2024) 🌾 Intensive fieldwork and documentation: In the second week, Charlotte interviewed over 30 producers. We worked with around a third of them to produce kontikis, a traditional process for making biochar. 📝 Strategic planning and translations: A managing plan for our partner company Ceres was written and submitted. We also created a seasonal production calendar, as production in different countries with different agricultural seasons can allow for more continuous production of sinks. A significant achievement was the translation of our app into Kinyarwanda to better reach local farmers. Stay tuned for the second part of the trip report next week! Thank you for reading and for your interest in our project. RecyCoal - better soils for future generations! 💚 #sustainability #agriculture #Rwanda #projectwork #sustainabledevelopment #environmentalprotection #localcollaboration #innovation

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  • Unternehmensseite von RecyCoal GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    856 Follower:innen

    🌾Boosting Agriculture in Rwanda with Biochar Fertilizer🌿 We are thrilled to share an update on our agricultural fields in Rwanda. MUTAGANDA Dieudonne and Charlotte Herboth currently did the process of mixing biochar fertilizer, a key step towards enhancing soil health and crop yields. The mixing process consists of a few crucial steps: 🌱 Preparation: Carefully measuring and preparing the biochar and other organic materials. 🌱 Blending: Thoroughly mixing the biochar with compost and nutrients to create a balanced fertilizer. 🌱 Application: Evenly distributing the biochar mixture across the fields to ensure optimal growth conditions. This sustainable approach not only improves soil fertility but also contributes to carbon sequestration, benefiting both our crops and the environment. We're excited about the positive impact this will have on our harvests and the broader agricultural community in Rwanda. Stay tuned for more updates! If you want to contribute and are interested in buying carbon credits, please visit our website!💚 #Agriculture #Sustainability #Biochar #Rwanda #FarmingInnovation #SoilHealth

  • Unternehmensseite von RecyCoal GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    856 Follower:innen

    This week, we participated in the #Neuland x atec event in Aachen. The pitch battle was an amazing opportunity to share our vision with a network of entrepreneurs and innovators. We are incredibly grateful to Worldfund for the 5k cash prize—thank you for this wonderful recognition! 🏆 Our booth at the event allowed us to connect with many inspiring people and witness the innovative spirit firsthand. It was fantastic to engage with not only the Aachen ecosystem but also visitors from beyond. 💬 A big thank you to Tim Schumacher World Fund, Malte Brettel and the organizing team of RWTH Innovation. Your hard work made this event a huge success!

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  • Unternehmensseite von RecyCoal GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    856 Follower:innen

    🚀Startups aufgepasst! 🚀 Wir freuen uns,das spannende 10-wöchiges Remote-Programm des WerkX anzukündigen, das darauf abzielt, euch auf eurem Weg zu unterstützen und zu stärken. Hier sind einige der Highlights: 🔷 Schärfung eures Produkts/Dienstleistung 🔷 Teamaufbau und Führungsrollen 🔷 Erste Schritte auf dem deutschen und europäischen Markt 🔷 Netzwerk auf- und ausbauen 🔷 Bankable werden (kein VC Case) Das Programm startet und endet mit jeweils einem Bootcamp-Wochenende in Bochum im WERK X Startup Inkubator und bei der GLS Bank: 🗓️ Bootcamp 1: 30.08. - 01.09.2024 (Programm-Start) 🗓️ Bootcamp 2: 08.11. - 10.11.2024 (Programm-Abschluss) Um teilzunehmen, muss euer Startup eine Vision und Ziele mit direkter Wirkung auf mindestens eines der Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) der Vereinten Nationen formulieren und sich einem der folgenden Fokusbereiche zuordnen: 🌱 Food & Ernährung ♻️ Zirkuläre Konsumwirtschaft 🏠 Bauen & Wohnen 🚗 Mobilität ⚡️ Erneuerbare Energie 🏗️ Infrastruktur Die Bewerbung ist bis zum 31.07.2024 mit einem Businessplan und einem maximal dreiminütigen Video möglich. Seid dabei und nutzt die Chance, euer Startup auf das nächste Level zu bringen! #Startups #Innovation #Sustainability #Networking #Leadership #Entrepreneurship #BusinessGrowth #SDGs #RemoteProgram

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  • Unternehmensseite von RecyCoal GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    856 Follower:innen

    🌱News from Rwanda: Improved Maize Yields with Our Biochar!🌱 We are excited to share some great news from our site in Rwanda! Our recent harvest results show an impressive increase in the size of the corncobs themselves, directly attributed to the use of our biochar technology. ☀️Why is this important? Our biochar has proven to be extremely effective in sustainably enhancing soil quality. It improves water retention, increases nutrient availability, and supports the growth of healthy plants. Thanks to these improvements, we have seen a significant boost in maize yields this season. ☀️What does this mean for the community? This development not only positively impacts our production capacity but also strengthens the local economy and food security. ☀️Looking to the future We are proud of what our team in Rwanda has achieved and view this as another step towards sustainable and efficient agriculture. In the coming days, our system and site will be certified, which will allow us to sell official CO2 certificates! Stay tuned for more updates and follow our journey as we revolutionize fertilizer usage and celebrate sustainable harvest successes.🌾 RecyCoal – better soils for future generations💚 #Sustainability #Agriculture #Innovation #Biochar #HarvestSuccess #Rwanda #FutureOfFarming

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  • Unternehmensseite von RecyCoal GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    856 Follower:innen

    What's Happening in Rwanda? 🇷🇼 Our colleague Charlotte Herboth is currently on site in Rwanda, conducting workshops with MUTAGANDA Dieudonne for local farmers. Together, they discuss pyrolysis, biochar, and fertilizers. 🌱 In our workshops, we cover a wide range of topics, including composting, soil health, nutrient deficiencies, and various fertilization methods. Due to the comprehensive nature of our workshops, we meet with the farmers for several consecutive days. 📆 A key aspect of our approach is the hands-on "learning-by-doing" method. During the workshop, we produce biochar together with the participants using a Kontiki. 🔥 On the final day, things get particularly exciting: we mix our fertilizer using the biochar we produced and other materials like compost. This way, the fertilizer gains not only high water retention capacity and carbon content but also abundant nutrients. We then set up test fields with this freshly made fertilizer to demonstrate that our methode delivers on its promises! 🌾💧 #workshop #sustainable #kontiki #biochar #rwanda #soilamendment

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  • Unternehmensseite von RecyCoal GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    856 Follower:innen

    🌍“Week of the Environment" at Bellevue Palace, Berlin🌍 We at RecyCoal had the honor of participating in the prestigious "Week of the Environment" event at Bellevue Palace in Berlin. This event, under the patronage of the Federal President, is a significant forum for innovation and sustainability. 🌱 Our attendance provided us with the opportunity to connect with leading experts, thought leaders, and other innovative startups from various industries. The diverse discussions and presentations on the latest developments and best practices in the field of environmental and climate protection were particularly impressive. The "Week of the Environment" was a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our own sustainable initiatives and gain valuable insights into the future of environmental protection. We are more motivated than ever to advance our project and make a positive contribution to the environment. A big thank you to the organizers and all participants for this inspiring and enriching experience! #Environment #Sustainability #Innovation #Startup #WeekOfTheEnvironment #Berlin #BellevuePalace #ClimateProtection #Networking Linda Lingenauber Mariama Ami Diop Johannes Kern Lena Schildkamp

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  • Unternehmensseite von RecyCoal GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    856 Follower:innen

    🌍 Meet the Producers Vol 2! 🌱 We are excited to continue our series and introduce four more of our incredible producers! ✨ Vestine Mukansanga    ✨ Immaculee Mukamfura    ✨ Jean Bosco Nsengumuremyi    ✨ Francine Urayeneza  Did you know that 50% of the revenue from our CO2 certificates goes directly to the farmers? This allows them to benefit from high-quality biochar fertilizer for their fields and be fairly compensated for their efforts! We are also thrilled to share some of the first success stories from our farmers. For instance, thanks to the income Epiphanie Murekeyisoni (featured last week) has earned with our support, she can now afford to send her child to school! Would you like to support our farmers and purchase CO2 sequestration as a climate service? Order a Climate Saver Certificate at and help us put CO2 back into the ground. RecyCoal – better soils for future generations! 🌿💚 #RecyCoal #SustainableAgriculture #ClimateAction #CO2Sequestration #Farmers #Sustainability #FutureGenerations 

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