
We enable innovation and industrial implementation of nano devices to advance the digital future.


Raith is a leading precision technology solution provider for nanofabrication, electron beam lithography, focused ion beam fabrication, laser beam lithography, nanoengineering and reverse engineering applications. Customers include universities and other organizations involved in various fields of nanotechnology research and materials science as well as industrial and medium sized enterprises that use nanotechnology for specific product applications or produce compound semiconductors. Founded in 1980 and headquartered in Dortmund, Germany, Raith employs more than 200 people. The company works as close as possible with customers in the most important global markets through subsidiaries in the Netherlands, the USA and in Asia and through an extensive partner and service network.

201–500 Beschäftigte
Dortmund, Germany
Nanofabrication, Electron Beam Lithography, FIB Nanofabrication, Nanoengineering, Reverse Engineering und Laser Beam Lithography


Beschäftigte von RAITH Group


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    New dimensions – new corporate identity As the world around us is constantly evolving, so are we as a company. Much has happened over the past years, and we want our brand to reflect that. Today, we are happy and proud to present our new corporate identity including a new logo and a new website. “Challenge the frontiers of nanotechnology” is the philosophy that drives us. We aim to enable you to push the limits “small,” of “precise,” of the “status quo,” and of the “impossible” - in other words to reach new dimensions, where our innovative products and solutions can help solve the most pressing challenges of today. Take a look at our new technology brands, discover how our unique solutions enhance the efficiency of your work, and check out all of the different sectors where our customers work. Also, sign up today and become part of the RAITH community which gives you access to all our download material, webinars and, as a RAITH user, access to exclusive user tutorials. New website: https://ow.ly/H1Pc50SK9Yu News article – new corporate identity: https://ow.ly/X7uV50SK9Yt

  • Unternehmensseite von RAITH Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Last Friday, Robert Habeck, Germany's Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, visited the technology park PHOENIX West in Dortmund. Next to visiting the PHOENIX West area and talking to several important representatives of technology companies based in Dortmund, RAITH Group CEO Dr. Michael Steigerwald gave insights into the portfolio and mission of RAITH. 

    Unternehmensseite von TechnologieZentrumDortmund anzeigen, Grafik

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    Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, besuchte im Rahmen seiner Sommertour den Technologiepark PHOENIX in Dortmund.   Dabei wurde er von NRW-Wirtschaftsministerin Mona Neubaur, Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes NRW, begleitet.   Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Mitte) und NRW-Wirtschaftsministerin Mona Neubaur (2.v.r.) besuchten den Technologiepark PHOENIX in Dortmund und tauschten sich dabei aus mit Heike Marzen (li.), Geschäftsführerin der Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund, Stefan Schreiber (2.v.l.), Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender des TechnologieZentrumDortmund und Hauptgeschäftsführer der IHK zu Dortmund und Dirk Stürmer (re.), Geschäftsführer des TechnologieZentrumDortmund. Fotos: TZDO / Roland Kentrup     Hauptprogrammpunkt war ein geführter Rundgang über das PHOENIX West Gelände in Dortmund-Hörde.       Heike Marzen und Stefan Schreiber begrüßten die Minister in der MST.factory dortmund (MST), dem Kompetenzzentrum des TZDO für Mikro- und Nanotechnologie auf PHOENIX West. Dirk Stürmer stellte in der MST die Arbeitsweise des TZDO mit seinen branchenbezogenen Kompetenzzentren vor. Das TZDO zählt zu den führenden Technologie- und Gründerzentren in Europa.   Danach startete der Rundgang PHOENIX mit Heike Marzen und Dirk Stürmer als kundige Tourguides, die über die erfolgreiche Entwicklung des Technologieparks PHOENIX, in dem heute rund 200 Unternehmen angesiedelt sind, anschaulich berichteten.   Eine Station des Rundgangs war der 2023 eröffnete Produktionsstandort der WEW GmbH in der Felicitasstraße 2 auf PHOENIX West. Die 2021 in der MST.factory dortmund gestartete WEW will grünen Wasserstoff durch eine kostenoptimale Stackherstellung wettbewerbsfähig machen, wie Dr. Wiebke Lueke, Geschäftsführerin der WEW GmbH, beim Talk in der Musterfertigung für die Produktion von alkalischen Elektrolyse-Stacks erläuterte.   Bei dem Talk stellten sich zwei weitere innovative Unternehmen mit Sitz im Technologiepak PHOENIX kurz vor: Sven Rüger, Geschäftsführer der Innolume GmbH mit Sitz in der MST.factory dortmund, sprach über leistungsstarke Chips und Laserprodukte der Innolume GmbH, die unter anderen in den Bereichen Datenkommunikation, Medizintechnik und Industrie Verwendung finden.   Dr. Michael Steigerwald, Geschäftsführer der RAITH Group mit Hauptsitz in Dortmund, machte den Gästen die Mikro- und Nanofabrikations-Systeme und -Lösungen anschaulich, die die RAITH Group entwickelt und produziert. Der Rundgang endete vor der Dortmunder Bergmann Brauerei GmbH, wo alle Teilnehmer der Tour noch ein gut gekühltes Bier – gebraut in Dortmund – genießen konnten.   Weitere Infos: https://lnkd.in/eNVUDVzY   #dortmund #fphoenixwest #wirtschaft #wissenschaft #technologie #dortmund #startup #startups #technologiezentrumdortmund

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  • Unternehmensseite von RAITH Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Dr. Guiseppe Romano is one of last years winners of the 2023 Microgrpah Art Award. This amazing work was created using the RAITH VELION - thank you for sharing! Dr. Romano describes his work as follows: "Thermoelectrics (TE) aims to convert thermal energy directly into electricity. Good TE materials must have high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity; as these two properties are interrelated, TE materials currently have low efficiency. Nanostructuring is a promising approach because it induces different boundary scattering experienced by electrons and heat carriers, i.e., phonons. Notable nanostructured TE systems include thin films, nanowires, and porous materials. Despite these promises, engineering TE materials is primarily done with trial-and-error. In a recent study [Romano and Johnson, Struct. Multidiscip. Optim. 65.10 (2022): 297.], novel structures were identified using simulations and topology optimization. The optimized geometries have been patterned on a 200nm-thick silicon membrane using FIB-SEM. The achieved sub-100nm resolution potentially leads to ultra-low thermal conductivity, which is being measured using the thermal transient grating technique."

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  • Unternehmensseite von RAITH Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, we want to honor the 20 years of cooperation and great work of Dr. Ryo Mimura, who is now enjoying his well-deserved retirement. In his roles as a “Senior R&D Engineer / CPO” (2005), leading and building up all RAITH CPO activities, as a “Principal Engineer” (2014) and as a “Senior Principal Engineer” (2020), Dr. Ryo Mimura was a crucial part of the development and support of our E-Beam and FIB technology. We want to thank you for your passion, professionalism, and kindness throughout this whole journey! Arigato Gozaimasu, Dr. Mimura.

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  • Unternehmensseite von RAITH Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Mr. Raphael Dawant (Université de Sherbrooke) is one of last year's winners of the 2023 Micrograph Art Award. Thank you for sharing this amazing work with us created using the RAITH EBPG5200 Plus. Raphael describes his work as follows: "This work is driven by the desire to develop neuromorphic applications requiring high-density memory and in-memory computing for efficient operation. These demands are addressed using a crossbar array with Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM), enabling high-speed, high-density vector-matrix multiplication. We fabricate a crossbar array with Titanium Oxide (TiOx) based memory, using key steps to optimize performance. This micrograph exhibits a complex structured design, patterned with an EBPG and plasma etching of a memory crossbar array. The intricate pattern showcased here is the memory crossbar's bottom electrode, presenting a dense grid of zigzag lines that forms a mesmerizing optical illusion. This visual trickery emerges from a specific optimization process that aims for an even distribution of pattern density, a critical factor for the ensuing Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) step. CMP is essential to ensure a smooth and consistent planar structure. The symmetry of the pattern and the alternating direction of lines create a distinct streaked effect, adding to the overall high-tech aesthetic. The concerted emphasis on optimizing design rules for pattern uniformity reflects the meticulous attention to detail that goes into the fabrication of these advanced memory devices."

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