Lufthansa Industry Solutions

Lufthansa Industry Solutions

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Norderstedt, Schleswig-Holstein 37.865 Follower:innen

Your partner for digital transformation. #LHINDknowsIT


Lufthansa Industry Solutions (LHIND) is a service provider for IT consulting and system integration. This Lufthansa subsidiary helps its clients with the digital transformation of their companies. Its customer base includes companies both within and outside the Lufthansa Group, as well as more than 300 companies in various lines of business. The company is based in Norderstedt and employs more than 2,500 members of staff at several branch offices in Germany, Albania, Switzerland and the USA. Data Policy:

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Norderstedt, Schleswig-Holstein
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
IT-Beratung, Digitalisierung, Systemintegration, Automatisierung, Projektmanagement, Technology Consulting, Supply Chain, Mobile Lösungen, Big Data, Industrie 4.0, Internet of Things, IT-Security, SAP-Services und -Beratung, Collaboration Platforms, Consulting, Software-Entwicklung, Application Management Services, Artificial Intelligence, Java Development, KI, AI, Cloud, Developers und IT Professionals, Smart City, Logistik und Künstliche Intelligenz



Beschäftigte von Lufthansa Industry Solutions


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    Welcome back, Tim! It looks like your past seven months were quite the adventure.

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    A business manager traveling the world- too good to be true? No! This was made possible by a #PersonalTimeOut at Lufthansa Industry Solutions. Here you "save up" for an extended break and then continue to receive your salary on a pro rata basis. The opportunity to take time off at work (usually a few months)- can benefit the quality of both life and work. It provides the chance to use the time out for personal or family-related projects or tasks- e.g. to develop new skills or the freedom pursue interests. In Tim-Patrick's case: Travel! ✈️⏱️🤝   🌏 Our colleague, Tim (Business Manager in our department Artifical Intelligence Data Analytics), used his 7-month sabbatical to travel the world together with his wife. They had the dream of a world trip for a long time and decided to prolong their honeymoon.                                                                                   💍2 weeks after getting married they first spent 6 weeks in Kenya and Tanzania, as well as on Zanzibar. Next stop were 5 months in South America, followed by two months in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.    What would you use the time out for? Let us know in the comments below ⁉️👇🏼 #ExploreLufthansaIndustrySolutions #LufthansaGroup

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    We're thrilled to have you at LHIND, Insaf! Thank you for enriching our team!

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    Spotlight on Lufthansa Industry Solutions's July #WomenInIT: insaf! 🌟 With master's degrees in Computer Science and in Business Management, she's been in several Business Intelligence roles for 6 years across various industries. Now at LHIND, she drives Power Bl technology for Air Cargo & Logistics. From tackling project challenges to managing a major COVID-era project, she's turned underestimation into success.🤩🙏🏼 Sometimes, the big challenges Insaf faces are due to underestimation, but like any superhero, she uses them to her advantage and turns 'coding like a girl' into the new standard! ✨ Off-duty, Insaf enjoys Beach trekking, exploring coffee cultures and modeling traditional Tunisian outfits.🥾☕👗 #ExploreLufthansaIndustrySolutions #LufthansaGroup

  • Unternehmensseite von Lufthansa Industry Solutions anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are proud to be an official partner of Circular Valley! ♻ They have set up an amazing program -applications are open until July 28. 🚀

    Unternehmensseite von Circular Valley anzeigen, Grafik

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    ♻ Circular Economy startups watch out! We are looking for startups for Batch 7 of our Accelerator program. Apply now! 🔍 Specifically, we’re looking for innovative startups with business models that have a major positive impact on the environment. For the upcoming batch of startups, we are primarily looking for startups in the following thematic categories: - Renewable energy and energy storage - Mechanical recycling of plastics - Circular use of technical or industrial equipment, machinery, tools and furniture (more details on our website) 📆 The two-month program starts at the end of September and consists of two on-site phases in Germany (September 30 - October 13 and November 4 - 22). The first phase is for early-stage startups only and provides founders with basic knowledge. The second phase is mandatory for representatives of all startups. 🤝 If your startup is selected, you will participate in tailored expert workshops and training modules and will also benefit from individual support from our coaches. We offer you access to our exclusive Circular Valley Network, allowing you to connect to our 140+ partners from industry, science and policy. You will also have the opportunity to pitch your startup on stage in front of hundreds of high-level representatives of these partners at the Circular Valley Forum on November 15. 💲 Participation-related costs (travel, accommodation, etc.) for up to two people per startup will be covered by us. We are not asking for equity in your company. ❗️ The application period is open until July 28, 2024, 23:59 (CET). You can find more information and the application form on our website: 😀 We look forward to receiving your application! #circularvalley #circulareconomy #circularity #gigaimpact #sustainability #environment #homeofcirculareconomy #accelerator #startup #startuphelp #innovation #kreislaufwirtschaft #heimatderkreislaufwirtschaft #nachhaltigkeit #klimaschutz #nrw #rheinruhr

  • Unternehmensseite von Lufthansa Industry Solutions anzeigen, Grafik

    37.865 Follower:innen

    Wie sieht die Zukunft im Hotelgewerbe aus? Was bringt Gamification? Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es? Das hat ein Projektteam der NORDAKADEMIE Hochschule der Wirtschaft unter Leitung von Dr. Fereshta Yazdani untersucht. Den Deep Dive lesen Sie jetzt in unserem Artikel. 🙏🏻 #LHINDknowsIT

    ⭐️ Die Zukunft der Gastfreundschaft: Wie wir Gamification nutzen, um die Branche zu revolutionieren. ⭐️

    ⭐️ Die Zukunft der Gastfreundschaft: Wie wir Gamification nutzen, um die Branche zu revolutionieren. ⭐️

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    What the Health 💚 The last two days at LHIND and Lufthansa Systems were filled with fantastic health-focused activities. In collaboration with DAK-Gesundheit and Aktivital GmbH at the Raunheim location, we had a variety of excellent offerings: 💪 Cardio Check: Expert analysis of blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. 🩸 🤸 Movement Analysis: Identifying and correcting imbalances in strength and mobility. 🚴 Smoothie Bike: Mixing your own smoothie by cycling! 🥝🍇🥕 👊 Self-Defense for Women: Effective techniques taught by Vanessa Schmitt from LSY. 🏋️ Active Break: An active pause before lunch. 🍱 Meal Prep: Peggy Posny from Kraaibeek GmbH demonstrated how to prepare healthy lunches. What do you do to stay healthy? Share it in the comments! 💬 #ExploreLufthansaIndustrySolutions #LufthansaGroup

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    Dierk is coming around with two passions this time! He is the creative force behind all things design at LHIND 🎨 From brochures to fair stands, and illustrations to user experience, Dierk does it all. With over a decade at LHIND, his work and that of the entire design team (Rabea & Michael) has earned the company the prestigious German Brand Award this year 🏆   Outside of work, Dierk has a unique passion for armor and Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) ⚔️ He recently added a second black suit of armor to his collection and owns numerous swords. As an avid writer, he's published more than ten historical manuscripts in modern editions. When asked whether the sword or the pen is mightier, he's torn between the two ✍️ 🏰 Do you have double trouble too? Write them in the comments! 💬👇🏼 #ExploreLufthansaIndustrySolutions #LufthansaGroup #WhatsYourPassion

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    Wie geht es der Datacenter-Branche gerade? – Ein kurzer Check: 🌱 steigende Energiekosten 🌱 neue gesetzliche Anforderungen 🌱 immer mehr Druck, umweltfreundlicher zu werden und CO2-Emissionen zu reduzieren Diese Herausforderungen müssen Betreiber lösen – und gleichzeitig höhere Leistung und Effizienz bieten. 👩💻 Wie kann man Kunden strategisch und operativ bei genau diesen Nachhaltigkeitszielen unterstützen? Das wird unsere Nachhaltigkeitsspezialistin, Stephanie Hackenholt, beim Tech Forum von connect professional in Frankfurt in ihrer Keynote erklären. 👏 📅 10. Juli | 9 Uhr 📍 Frankfurt/Offenbach Achat Hotel Offenbach Plaza 📲 Anmeldung hier: Was ist Ihr Ansatz für mehr Umweltfreundlichkeit im Unternehmen? Wir würden uns freuen, uns auszutauschen! 💬 #LHINDknowsIT 

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    Quantencomputing: Die Zukunft der Luftfahrt und Logistik beginnt in ... Hamburg! 🚀🔬   Wir hatten das Privileg, als Vertreter der Industrie an einer Kick-off Veranstaltung des Projekts Hamburg Quanten Computing (HQC) teilzunehmen. Mit dabei war auch unser Managing Director, Jörn Messner.   Warum ist Quantencomputing so wichtig?   🤓 Optimierung von Logistikprozessen: Quantencomputer können komplexe Probleme, wie das optimale Parken von Flugzeugen an einem Flughafen, in kürzester Zeit lösen. 🤓 Nachhaltigkeit: Wir können nachhaltige Lösungen entwickeln, um den CO2-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren. 🤓 Innovative Technologien: Wir können damit neue, bisher undenkbare technologische Fortschritte erzielen.   Jörn Messner fasst es so zusammen: ➡️ „Wir sehen das Thema Quantencomputing als potenziell disruptive Technologie, welche wir für unsere Kunden in Aviation, Transport und Logistik nutzen wollen. Bereits jetzt identifizieren und analysieren wir Anwendungsfälle und bauen interne Kompetenzen auf.“   Hamburg ist Vorreiter. 💪 Mit dem Zentrum für Optische Quantentechnologien (ZOQ) und der Unterstützung des Hamburg Quantum Innovation Capital (hqic) wird Hamburg zu einem internationalen Hotspot für Quantencomputing. Dies ermöglicht uns, gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern, die Zukunft aktiv zu gestalten. ⭐️   Wir freuen uns auf die zukünftigen Entwicklungen! 🌐   Was denken Sie über #Quantencomputing? 💬   #LHINDknowsIT

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    Empowering the next generation of IT Experts with mint:pink at LHIND! 🚀 The #mintprogram aims to break down stereotypes and introduce girls to the world of technology. In countries like Albania, women are already equally represented in IT – a goal we strive to achieve here as well. During their visit, the participants experienced the world of cyber security up close: 👩🏽💻Guided by IT security consultant Lisa Ulbrich, they discovered security vulnerabilities and learned how to protect against digital attacks. 💻 The highlight? Web fuzzing, where multiple inputs are placed behind the URL to find website weaknesses. Lena, a participant, exclaimed, “This is the best thing I’ve ever done with a computer.” 🌟👩🏼💻 Many thanks to Manuela Oelke, who took the time to answer all the questions and Ina-Lotte Dühring for the organisation. We are proud to support such programs and foster the next generation of IT experts. 🚀 More information to this event here: 📸 Claudia Höhne #WomenInTech #CyberSecurity #ExploreLufthansaIndustrySolutions #LufthansaGroup

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