deecoob GmbH

deecoob GmbH

IT und Services

Dresden, SN 406 Follower:innen

deecoob & MESLIS - Partner & Cloud Plattform für die globale Musik-, Film- und Event Industrie.


Mit unserer Cloud-Plattform sowie unseren Daten- und Informationsdienstleistungen sind wir wichtiger Partner für die globale Musik-, Film- und Eventindustrie. Zu unseren weltweiten Kunden gehören Verwertungsgesellschaften, Musikverlage, Künstler, Künstleragenturen, Streamingdienste aber auch Veranstalter und Dienstleister der Veranstaltungsbranche. Insbesondere Kunst schaffende und Kunst aufführende Menschen und Organisationen unterstützen wir bei der Durchsetzung ihrer Urheber- und Verwertungsrechte in einer zunehmend digitalen Welt. MESLIS ist dafür die weltweit führende, cloud basierte Service- und Datenplattform, die wir entwickeln, betreiben und vermarkten. MESLIS crawled, qualifiziert und prozessiert automatisch und voll digitalisiert alle erforderlichen Daten und Informationen der Musik- und Eventindustrie und stellt sie den Kunden in einem Webportal für die Recherche und Nutzung zur Verfügung. Dabei setzen wir einen wichtigen Fokus auf Informationen zur kommerziellen Nutzung von Musik- und Film-Werken im öffentlichen Raum. Im Zentrum unserer gemeinsamen Arbeit steht die Wertschöpfung aus der Nutzung und Verwertung urheberrechtlich geschützter Werke. Damit leisten wir einen wichtigen Beitrag für alle Künstler und gewährleisten mehr Tantiemen aus der korrekten Lizenzierung von Events oder Venues. People first & Fail fast - Learn fast! Unsere Mitarbeiter, Partner und Kunden treiben ihre Ideen gemeinsam voran - stetig und immer auf Augenhöhe. Wir arbeiten datengetrieben, technologie fokussiert und weitestgehend automatisiert um Millionen von Daten weltweit zu verarbeiten. Fehler, die wir machen verstehen wir als Herausforderung und Basis für unsere Weiterentwicklung. Wir merken so das es voran geht. Herausforderungen begegnen wir mit Kreativität und Innovation - zeitlich flexibel, im Office oder Remote. Ziele, die wir erreichen, feiern wir gemeinsam und sind uns bewusst, dass es Ergebnisse gemeinsamer Teamarbeit sind.

IT und Services
51–200 Beschäftigte
Dresden, SN
Data Crawling, Data-Mining, Research Service, Data Processing, Lead Qualification, MESLIS, Cloud Services, Digital Transformation, CMO, Music Artists, Licensing Live Events, Automated Data Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Global Music Industry, Talent Scouting, Location Scouting, Artist Scouting, Tour Tracking, Setlist Tracking und Event Tracking



Beschäftigte von deecoob GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von deecoob GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    406 Follower:innen

    Interesting read, the power of music!

    Unternehmensseite von Music360 anzeigen, Grafik

    231 Follower:innen

    Elevate your workplace with the power of music! Research shows that music can boost productivity, enhance employee morale, and create a positive atmosphere for customers. A Harvard Business Review study reveals that the right music at the right time can significantly impact productivity, especially for routine tasks. It's crucial for businesses to carefully curate playlists that resonate with their target audience and align with their brand. A 2024 IMRO study across various industries confirmed that music overwhelmingly creates a better atmosphere, benefits businesses, and improves staff morale. Music is more than background noise; it's a strategic tool to create a harmonious and productive workplace. Let the music play! Click here for the full read: #music #workplace #productivity #employeemorale Music360 IMRO Lisa Ni Choisdealbha

  • Unternehmensseite von deecoob GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    406 Follower:innen

    Thanks Markus Hähnel, AI Techlead with deecoob GmbH for sharing some insights on our Migration of MESLIS into the Google Cloud at Google Cloud Summit conference.

    Profil von Lisa Nöth anzeigen, Grafik

    Alliance Manager. Political Activist.

    We took that roadshow notion quite serious when all trains were cancelled on Monday: Packed a car with Googlers, customers and CLOUDPILOTS, grabbed some snacks and off we went. And I'm so happy we made it because the #GoogleCloud Summit SÜD was full of amazing conversations, inspiring talks and a lot of laughter and joy. Thanks so much to Markus Hähnel who joined us on stage to talk about how deecoob GmbH is empowering the music industry with technology and my funtastic team at CLOUDPILOTS Software & Consulting GmbH who came along for the ride. Two done, one to go before we take a short summit break. See you next week in Offenbach :

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  • Unternehmensseite von deecoob GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    406 Follower:innen

    Markus Hähnel and deecoob GmbH together with our partner CLOUDPILOTS Software & Consulting GmbH at Google Cloud Summit in Munich with an exciting presentation on Cloud Technology and AI for deecoob's leading data platform MESLIS for global music industry.

    Unternehmensseite von CLOUDPILOTS Software & Consulting GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    2.616 Follower:innen

    Servus aus München 🥨 Beim heutigen Google Cloud Summit in München sind selbstverständlich wieder einige Pilot:innen am Start. Unsere Head of Partner Alliances, Lisa Nöth, hat gemeinsam mit der deecoob GmbH einen Vortrag zum Thema "𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘛𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘯𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘺: 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘈𝘐 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘺𝘮𝘣𝘪𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘴" gehalten. Auf den Geschmack gekommen? Nutze die Chance & sei in Offenbach dabei! 📍Offenbach, 12. Juni 2024 ➡️ #GoogleCloud #CloudSummitDACH #AI #CLOUDPILOTS #DigitalTransformation

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  • Unternehmensseite von deecoob GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    406 Follower:innen

    Our Summer Event 2024: Ice Cream, Hiking, and Culinary Delights May 30, 2024 - On the last Thursday in May, the much-anticipated deecoob GmbH Summer Event 2024 finally arrived! Despite the heavy rain over the past few days and even on the morning of the event, we were uncertain if our plans would proceed as scheduled. However, the rain fortunately cleared up by the afternoon, allowing us to go ahead with our summer celebration as planned. Our patience was rewarded with plenty of sunshine. Enjoying Delicious Ice Cream at Winemaker Lutz Müller's Farm Shop Near Albrechtsberg Castle Around 3:30 PM, the first deecoob GmbH employees started arriving at the meeting point. To kick off the afternoon with a delightful surprise, we were treated to a variety of PauPau ice cream flavours, ranging from Mango Lassi to Wild Berry to Cinnamon Semolina. There was a flavour to satisfy every palate. Energised and excited, we set off on our hike with high spirits and perfect hiking weather. Hiking 3.2 Kilometres Through the Heath Over the King Albert Obelisk Our hike took us across diverse terrains, passing landmarks such as the König Albert Obelisk, the forest kindergarten, and meandering along streams and ravines through the Dresden Heath towards Konzertplatz Weißer Hirsch. Small groups formed along the trail, filled with laughter, conversations about work, and discussions of fun leisure activities. Despite the recent rains, the well-maintained forest paths were mostly dry and easy to navigate. After 3.2 kilometers, we reached our destination: Konzertplatz Weißer Hirsch. Arrival: One Hour Later, we arrived at Konzertplatz Weißer Hirsch happy, satisfied, and a bit tired, about an hour later. Before diving into the delicious buffet, we took some time to enjoy the ambiance and pleasant atmosphere. With drinks in hand, everyone found a place to sit. Thanks to the pleasant weather, we spontaneously decided to stay outside on the terrace. Around 6 PM: The Buffet Opens, offering a wide array of choices: marinated steaks, chicken, feta on braised carrots with honey and rosemary, vegan burritos from the grill, yoghourt cream with strawberries, and chocolate crumble. There was something for everyone. With lively conversations, delicious food, tasty beer, and excellent wine, we enjoyed a beautiful evening together. #teambuilding

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  • Unternehmensseite von deecoob GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    406 Follower:innen

    deecoob GmbH just wrapped up its 3rd annual Campus Event in Munich, and it was an incredible two days of inspiration and collaboration! With the support of our customers, including PPL PRS Ltd, Buma Stemra, SCAN, GEMA, IMRO, SUISA, ZAiKS and Stim we hosted a successful gathering that left everyone feeling motivated and connected. Our event kicked off with a warm welcome from Tobias Holzmüller, CEO of GEMA. His insightful opening remarks emphasised the importance of listening to market demands and customer needs, a perfect start to our two-day journey. Next, Managing Director Matthias Friedrich took the stage for his keynote address. He invited us all to embrace the cloud journey, highlighting its significance and the numerous benefits it offers for our customers and deecoob. Then we took a deep dive into how we could improve the market coverage and the quality of MESLIS data for our customers. All participants were asked to join in an interactive session to come up with ideas and suggestions for improvement. Participants eagerly collaborated to brainstorm ideas, leading to highly productive and engaging discussions. After wrapping up the day with a Q&A session, we were all ready to hit the beautiful town of Munich for some well deserved drinks and food. deecoob picked out the perfect local Bavarian restaurant, Der Pschorr. Joined by GEMA board member @Georg Oeller, we enjoyed traditional Bavarian dishes and drinks, creating cherished memories. The next morning, all participants gathered bright and early for more knowledge-sharing sessions. The focus was on the workflow from data acquisition to royalty distribution, with Matthias Friedrich highlighting the other exceptional features of our MESLIS system. This session proved to be a real eye opener for our customers. Our head of IT Nenad Vlaski provided another great inspirational presentation on the challenges of the whole cloud migration process but also painted the picture of a very bright future with many more options and much more speedy and efficient services that deecoob will be able to provide. As the event concluded, Matthias summed up two great days full of sharing and learning and we sent our dear customers home with another warm lunch and some great memories. The first feedback we picked up was that everybody highly valued the event, praising the open communication, discussing all incidents and current work, and giving a realistic outlook on the road ahead. In short, our Campus Event 2024 was again a great success, creating stronger connections and a commitment to organizing more events like this in the future. Thank you to all who participated and made it such a memorable experience!

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  • Unternehmensseite von deecoob GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    406 Follower:innen

    Exciting News Alert. Last Thursday February 22nd, Matthias Friedrich & Joris Bos of deecoob GmbH had the pleasure of conducting an onboarding workshop at Sabam / Unisono in Brussels! 🇧🇪 It was a special opportunity to introduce our highly valued new customer, Unisono, to our cutting-edge live music monitoring tool, MESLIS. During the workshop, we dived deep into MESLIS's innovative features, showcasing how it empowers Unisono to efficiently monitor and manage live music events and discover new venues. MESLIS is revolutionising the way Unisono navigates and monitors the music industry. The engagement and enthusiasm from the Unisono team were truly inspiring! 💡 Their commitment to maximising the potential of MESLIS reaffirms our belief in the transformative power of technology in driving progress within the music ecosystem. A huge thank you to Unisono for the warm welcome and eagerness to embrace innovation! 🙌 We're thrilled to embark on this collaborative journey and looking forward to a positive evaluation as possible starting point for a long term partnership. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue to revolutionise the music industry together! 🎵 #deecoob #SABAM #MESLIS #LiveMusicMonitoring #Innovation #Collaboration #MusicIndustry #Brussels #WorkshopSuccess

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  • Unternehmensseite von deecoob GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    406 Follower:innen

    Today we welcomed Tobias Holzmüller, CEO of GEMA for a visit in our deecoob GmbH office in Dresden. Our teams presented themselves and their work to the new CEO. We had a very exciting exchange about deecoob's services for GEMA, our product MESLIS and our work for the worldwide collecting societies. Tobias Holzmüller was specifically discussing with Claudia Manicke and Christian Seitz the Music Notification Service (MNS) where we are processing a major proportion of licensing relevant music events in Germany on behalf of GEMA. As always far too short, we will be happy to continue the exchange on future occasions.

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