IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

We develop next level products in Vietnam together with our clients in Germany.


From start-ups to top corporations: The development of modern software requires an efficient team that can grow quickly with the requirements. We offer qualified personnel with know-how in the latest technologies of web, mobile applications and cloud solutions. - Digital transformation consulting - Agile software development - Qualified staff

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
11–50 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt am Main
Web applications, Mobile applications, Cloud solutions, SaaS und Software consulting


Beschäftigte von CODE LEAP


  • Unternehmensseite von CODE LEAP anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today at our CODE LEAP office, our Senior Software Engineer Huy Nguyen Cong hosted a sharing session on self-deploying AI. 🚀 🚀🚀 The session focused on open-source large language models (LLMs) like Llama, Gemma, .... emphasizing their language generation and processing capabilities. Huy introduced Ollama, an open-source platform for running LLMs locally, ideal for building self-deploying AI APIs for use in applications. He discussed applications such as chat assistants, linguistic APIs, and image analysis. The session also covered function calling in APIs and concluded with a Q&A, providing a comprehensive understanding of self-deploying AI technologies.

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  • Unternehmensseite von CODE LEAP anzeigen, Grafik

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    Software Engineer vien pham hosted a sharing session today at the CODE LEAP office on Faker.js, a JavaScript library for generating mock data. The session covered key features such as creating realistic data for locations, time-based events, localization, finance, products, hacker jargon, names, and numbers. Benefits include saving time, ensuring consistency, identifying potential issues early, and improving test quality. Vien also provided a practical guide on installing and using Faker.js, along with useful resources for further exploration.

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  • Unternehmensseite von CODE LEAP anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today at the CODE LEAP office, our Angular Expert Tú Thành Nguyễn shared insights on reactive programming in front-end development, focusing on RxJS and Angular. He explained the difference between imperative and declarative programming, highlighting that declarative code is more concise, predictable, and readable once familiar. Thanh emphasized the role of reactive programming as a declarative paradigm that relies on asynchronous event processing and data streams, commonly implemented through RxJS in modern front-end frameworks. He discussed the key components of RxJS, including observables, operators, and subscriptions, stressing the importance of managing state carefully and avoiding side effects 🚀 🚀 🚀

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  • Unternehmensseite von CODE LEAP anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today at our CODE LEAP office, Van Tuong Quang Vo, the Scrum Master, led a session covering the fundamentals of Scrum, its advantages, and appropriate use cases. He addressed common challenges in adopting Scrum and identified indicators of Zombie Scrum and Scrumbut, providing strategies for handling them. Quang stressed the importance of maintaining the lightweight nature of Scrum and advocated for freedom in selecting tools. Additionally, he encouraged all team members to actively engage in process improvement and to voice concerns when necessary, emphasizing a collaborative approach to optimization.

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  • Unternehmensseite von CODE LEAP anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 Highlights from today’s sharing session at CODE LEAP! 🚀🚀🚀 Our CTO, Pierrick LIBERT, led a fantastic session on project methodologies and best practices. We covered the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK), focusing on stakeholder analysis, requirement workshops, and document analysis. Pierrick introduced us to the MoSCoW prioritization technique and the FURPS+ model for comprehensive software development. We also explored other methodologies such as Scrum and Lean Startup, along with best practices for structured approaches to project management and requirement gathering. #ProjectManagement #BusinessAnalysis #BestPractices #CODELEAP #Leadership #LearningAndDevelopment

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  • Unternehmensseite von CODE LEAP anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today's sharing session at CODE LEAP by Senior Software Engineer Hoang Dinh was titled: “Empowering AI Development with Semantic Kernel”. The session featured Microsoft’s latest AI development breakthrough: We explored how this cutting-edge SDK seamlessly integrates large language models like OpenAI with C#, Python, and Java, enabling the creation of AI-driven plugins that interact with services such as ChatGPT and Microsoft 365. Additionally, we discussed how Semantic Kernel simplifies task automation and enables scalable AI solutions.

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  • Unternehmensseite von CODE LEAP anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, our Python Engineer, Frank Nguyen, delivered an insightful presentation on prompt engineering. Prompt engineering involves crafting and refining commands to effectively guide large language models. Key elements of a prompt include the instruction, context, input data, and output indicator. For instance, to generate a nuanced review, you might instruct the model to paraphrase a text to appear positive while conveying a negative sentiment. When comparing AWS services like DynamoDB and RDS, providing clear instructions with contextual input and a tabulated output can be highly effective. Remember, not every task requires all four elements; the format depends on the specific requirements. Start simple and iterate to become more specific with your instructions to receive higher-quality outputs.

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  • Unternehmensseite von CODE LEAP anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, our Senior Mobile Engineer, Ty Phạm, delivered a sharing session on the transformative capabilities of Jetpack Compose for Android UI development. Traditionally, Android apps were constructed using XML layouts, requiring separate files to manage the UI and its logic. Jetpack Compose revolutionizes this process by utilizing Kotlin exclusively, which consolidates and simplifies the development flow. In Jetpack Compose, composable functions are the cornerstone, allowing developers to define UI components with concise, declarative code. These functions facilitate a modular approach where UI elements can be easily created and reused across different parts of an application. A significant advantage of this framework is the ability to preview UI components directly within Android Studio, enhancing the developer's workflow and reducing the iteration time. Furthermore, Jetpack Compose offers an extensive library of pre-defined composable functions for common UI elements like Text and Button, as well as layout components including Column, Row, and Box. This not only accelerates the development process but also promotes a more intuitive layout design, making it simpler to build complex UIs. Developers can also leverage advanced state management techniques within composable functions - but that will be discussed in another session.

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  • Unternehmensseite von CODE LEAP anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, our team joined an insightful technical sharing session about Implementing Security, Vulnerability Assessment, and Penetration Testing - led by our talented presenter, team lead and backend engineer: Hoan Nguyen Hoan kicked off the session by introducing the concept of Penetration Testing (Pentest) and its crucial role in identifying security vulnerabilities. He advocated for the adoption of OWASP standards to standardize software implementation and enhance security across our services. To ensure a "successful" pentest, Hoan emphasized the importance of a reliable infrastructure, utilizing tools like WAF (Web Application Firewall) and VPC (Virtual Private Cloud). He also highlighted the need for a security checklist to validate all new services and adhere to security best practices. After a pentest, Hoan stressed the significance of evaluating and gathering feedback from tester, preparing root cause analyses, and establishing action plans for continuous improvement based on lessons learned. Throughout the session, Hoan's expertise and practical examples left attendees with a deeper understanding of how to effectively implement security measures and continually enhance the protection of our services. Sessions like these not only strengthen our technical skills but also foster a culture of collaboration, growth, and commitment to delivering secure solutions to our clients. 🚀

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