


Berlin, Berlin 10.014 Follower:innen

Because life is best lived on a clean planet.


CleanHub keeps plastic out of the sea by implementing waste recovery where there is none. We enable proactive brands to reduce plastic and collect more than they produce, by funding and advancing plastic recovery in coastal communities with the greatest risk of plastic entering the ocean. Our trash tracking technology is verified by TÜV SÜD according to ISO standards, bringing full transparency to collection. To search for, and buy from, brands taking action on plastic pollution, check out our Brand Directory Together, we solve waste.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin


Beschäftigte von CleanHub


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    Sustainable retail probably sounds like a pretty broad term these days. But any retailer that prioritises ESG principles sound A-OK to us. But seriously, what do we mean by sustainable retail, and why is it important? In our latest blog post, we've unpacked all the need to know info about how sustainability is transforming the retail space. Have a read here: We've also explored what this means for brands. Especially those who prioritise sustainability practices. Being authentically sustainable, through product, packaging, supply chain and sustainability initiatives is proving to be a sure fire way to get on the shelves of more and more retailers. Take Phizz as a perfect example of this. As well as being delicious and a fantastic brand - by building their values around sustainability, they are popping up across the largest UK retailers' shelves. Daniel Cray, founder of Phizz told CleanHub that retailers like Sainsbury’s have a ‘future brands’ program to find disruptive small businesses with unique sustainability approaches and help them secure shelf space. “They know there’s a customer that’s looking for that,” he said. “While it could easily be looked over because of bigger budgets coming from multi-nationals, they want to champion that.” Driven by demand, there’s more shelf space being made for eco-friendly products, and the market will continue to grow. Want to make sure your brand benefits from this growth? Get in touch to speak to us about how we can help #sustainableretail

    • Text reads, How to become a sustainable retailer. And shows a table with eco-friendly cosmetic products such as a make up brush,  wooden peg and a bamboo toothbrush
  • Unternehmensseite von CleanHub anzeigen, Grafik

    10.014 Follower:innen

    Are packaged ice cubes filling your iced coffee with microplastics? Given the prevalence of microplastics in bottled water, it will unfortunately come as no surprise that other water products have similar levels of contamination. Cooooool 😐 In 2023, researchers found that 100% of pre-packaged ice cubes across 15 brands in Mexico contained microplastic contamination. Results varied, but the most prevalent microplastics were polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyvinyl alcohol. That's fine, right?! We'll make our own ice... Well, before you turn to DIY ice cube trays, there’s even less research. However, an associate professor told HealthCentral that freezing plastic can also cause microplastics to leach into water; much like heating does. Looking for an alternative? Over the last few years, a more sustainable solution has emerged in the shape of stainless steel ice cube trays. They are a healthier alternative that looks pretty fine at dinner parties too. Silicone ice cube trays have similarly been touted as a sustainable alternative that some believe is better for human health and is waaaaaay easier to remove ice from.  And to any smug tea drinkers out there, unfortunately the sacred tea bag isn't out of the woods on this just yet. Although this might surprise a lot of people, many tea bags are made with unsustainable polypropylene plastic — and even paper tea bags can have traces of plastic in the sealant. This means many tea bags aren’t biodegradable and may lead to microplastic contamination. However more and more brands are now plastic free, and 100% compostable which is A-OK with us. Read more on this topic, plus other ways to avoid microplastics by ditching these 7 everyday products > Happy reading. Have a wonderful Wednesday ☀ #mircoplastics #plasticcontamination #reduceplasticwaste

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  • Unternehmensseite von CleanHub anzeigen, Grafik

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    We talk a lot about the kgs of plastic that is collected thanks to the support of our amazing brand partners. But even we admit, visualising the scale of various weights can be tricky for our human brains to handle. When we email our newsletter subscribers to celebrate that their sign up has collected 1 kg of plastic waste, we talk in terms of cabbages. A universal metric, we're sure you'll agree. 1 kg is about the equivalent to the weight of a laptop - or a large cabbage. In cabbage terms, that might not seem like a lot, but trying to visualise 1 kg of plastic waste can be quite difficult. And if you think 1 kg of plastic waste is hard to visualise, imagine trying to visualise 9,529,204 kg* of plastic waste. Probably a lot of blue whales. But most importantly - a heck load of plastic pollution that we have prevented reaching the ocean or being dumped. To give you a helping hand, here's a video from our CEO Joel Tasche to show you exactly what 1 kg of plastic waste looks like... *At the time of writing, this is how much plastic waste we have collected, connecting more than 225,587 households to waste management. _____________________________________________________________ Your brand can help keep our environment plastic free, contributing directly to the collection of plastic waste that would otherwise be dumped or burned. Get in touch to speak with our team Be right back. All this talk of cabbage has made us want a bowl of coleslaw. Have a beautiful Tuesday friends ☀

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    What does the waste management issue look like in a soon to be African megacity? This week our Co-Founder and Co-CEO Joel Tasche is in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to find out. Joel will be exploring this topic and bringing the answers to these and any questions you have to your feed this week: ⁉ How does the plastic end up here in the first place? 🗑 What can we do to help solve the problem? 🤳 What we are already doing here in Dar es Salaam, thanks to the support of our brand partners? We'd love to hear from you. Let us know in the comments any questions you'd like to put to Joel or your experiences of this huge commercial port on Tanzania’s Indian Ocean coast and it's issues with waste management. #wastemanagement #protecttheoceans #plasticpollution

  • Unternehmensseite von CleanHub anzeigen, Grafik

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    Looking for ways to take part in Plastic-Free July? We've spotlighted some of our favourite plastic-free brands to help raise awareness and guide consumers to eco-friendly alternatives. By choosing these brands, you can make an immediate impact and contribute to a healthier planet. 🌎 Whether you're new to the movement or looking for fresh ideas, our list offers a variety of sustainable options. From household items to personal care products, these brands are dedicated to providing high-quality, environmentally-friendly alternatives that make it easy to ditch plastic. Read the full list here 👉 Happy Plastic-Free July! 😎 KOA+ROY LLC AIRNEX 8trackfoods MATE the Label Wild

  • Unternehmensseite von CleanHub anzeigen, Grafik

    10.014 Follower:innen

    Are you ready to transform your business and make a positive impact? 🌍 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles are changing the business landscape, offering a framework for companies to showcase their commitments beyond profit. ESG is a way to measure how a company supports the planet, treats its employees, and makes honest decisions. Consumers today are increasingly inclined to support brands that prioritize ESG practices, making it an essential aspect of any successful business strategy. ESG is here to stay and integrating ESG into your business framework is not just beneficial but crucial for long-term success. What's on this page? 📈 01 | The growth of ESG investment globally 🛍️ 02 | How ESG commitments attract different consumers 💼 03 | How investors see ESG reporting ⚖️ 04 | Pros and cons of ESG 🚧 05 | ESG adoption challenges 🔮 06 | What the future for ESG holds 💡 07 | Advice on how to implement an effective ESG strategy Dive in to explore how ESG can shape the future of your business! ⬇

    ESG Statistics Report for 2024 | CleanHub

    ESG Statistics Report for 2024 | CleanHub

  • Unternehmensseite von CleanHub anzeigen, Grafik

    10.014 Follower:innen

    What Are the Benefits Of Your Brand Partnering with CleanHub? ⬇ As plastic waste continues to soar, emerging regulations and consumer demand are pushing businesses toward sustainability. So how can brands take meaningful action against plastic pollution? By partnering with CleanHub, duh?! 😉 Joining hundreds of global companies already making a difference. Offset your plastic footprint for every pound (lb) you produce, or collect more than you use by funding the collection of plastic waste before it reaches the ocean.  We've helped hundreds of brands take action on plastic pollution, positively impact local communities, and tell their sustainability story. What are the benefits of partnering with CleanHub? 💪 🏖 Support coastal communities - connecting households to waste collection, creating safe and dignified jobs with fair pay and opportunities 🌎 Make an impact your customers can trust - add our trust mark to packaging and digital comms ✅ Receive a dedicated impact report with real-time evidence of every lb collected on behalf of your brand 🙌 Get unlimited seats to an online catalogue of ready-to-use assets for your most important digital channels. ....the list goes on. Your brand has the platform, the voice, and the community power to make a tangible impact on the health of the planet and people's lives.    Together, we can make waves 💙 Ready to unlock the benefits of partnering with CleanHub?  Talk to our team today to learn about the ways we can help you. ➡ ID: Image shows CleanHub's Rizal weighing a bag of collected waste and logging it in the Track and Trace app

    • Image shows CleanHub's Rizal weighing a bag of collected waste and logging it in the Track and Trace app
  • Unternehmensseite von CleanHub anzeigen, Grafik

    10.014 Follower:innen

    Plastic tops our list of ocean pollutant sources, but there are a number of things we can all do to turn this around. 💪 Moving forward, we can prevent plastic pollution by: 🌊 Stopping plastic pollution at the source  🌊 Carrying out beach cleanups 🌊 Creating business incentives to eliminate plastic use 🌊 Developing and improving waste management laws  🌊 Investing in plastic pollution innovations Want to learn more about this topic? Head to our blog “What Are the 6 Most Common Sources of Ocean Pollution?” blog on our website ➡

  • Unternehmensseite von CleanHub anzeigen, Grafik

    10.014 Follower:innen

    CleanHub is building a scalable solution to plastic pollution 🌎 We’re on a mission to put a CleanHub in every coastal community that doesn’t have proper waste management. People everywhere will have their trash collected and managed in a safe, dignified way. Our goal is to: 🌱 Prevent plastic from ever polluting the environment 🌊 Connect people in coastal regions to proper waste collection where it didn’t exist before 💪 Create jobs in the local communities, where workers are treated well, with fair pay and opportunities Want to be part of the solution to plastic pollution? Of course you do. Talk to our team and join hundreds of brands protecting our oceans by preventing plastic pollution, 👉

  • Unternehmensseite von CleanHub anzeigen, Grafik

    10.014 Follower:innen

    The momentum behind Plastic Free July this year so far is brilliant. Raising awareness to help consumers to find and try alternatives is the best way we can support the movement. Especially when cost is still perceived as a barrier. And while consumers build up their knowledge of where to turn when they want to reduce their plastic consumption, it can feel daunting. So this is our guide on the best plastic-free products to try during Plastic Free July. Read the full list here 👉 We will tag all the featured brands in the comments. Who would you include as your go-to plastic free brand? #PlasticFreeOptions #SustainableAlternatives #PlasticFreeJuly

    • Text reads : Industry trends, Best 15 Plastic-Free Brands to Watch Out for in 2024

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