DBeaver Community

Open-source version

DBeaver PRO

Commercial versions
  • Basic support for relational databases:
    MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and others
  • Data Editor
  • SQL Editor
  • Database schema editor
  • DDL
  • Basic ER Diagrams
  • Basic charts
  • Data export/import
  • Task management
  • Database maintenance tools

  • All DBeaver Community features
  • Advanced security
  • Advanced support for relational databases
  • Connection through ODBC drivers
  • NoSQL databases support:
    MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, CouchDB and others
  • Cloud databases support:
    Redshift, Google BigQuery, Oracle Cloud and others
  • Native support for AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure
  • Cloud storage support
  • Metadata management tools
  • Database performance visual tools
  • AI assistant in SQL
  • Multi-component task management
  • Task Scheduler
  • Visual Query Builder
  • Ongoing technical support

DBeaver 24.1.2

  • SQL Editor:
    • Performance in Smart mode of Blank line as a statement delimiter was enhanced
    • Ability to show all SQL scripts from the main toolbar was added
    • Syntax highlighting for functions with multiple arguments was fixed
    • SQL datatype color use was corrected
    • DROP statement support was added to Outline
  • Metadata Editor: Foreign Key creation dialog UIX was improved
  • Data Editor:
    • Indication of the table read-only/editable mode was added
    • Information about active unique key used for data edit was added
    • Customise and Save filter buttons were moved to the dropdown
    • Issue with too small Result Set Order/Filter Settings window was resolved
    • Rollback timer flickering was fixed
  • Query Manager: information about database schema and catalog was added to the detailed record view
  • Simple Structure Compare: issue with long file names was resolved
  • Connectivity:
    • Issue with default SSH connection timeout was resolved
    • Driver downloading problem reporting was fixed
  • General:
    • Incorrect button behavior in the confirmation dialog was fixed
    • Security credential encryption was enhanced (thanks to @longhaseng52)
    • Toolbar and Data Editor background on the Dark theme was improved
    • Smart commit mode indication was fixed
    • Issue with metadata cache reading was resolved
    • Automatic resize of connection dialog and tasks dialogs was fixed
    • Databases:
      • Clickhouse:
        • Complex structures handling was fixed
        • Clickhouse driver was updated to version 0.6.1
      • CUBRID: ‘db_server’ information was added to the Database Navigator
      • Oracle: Connection error in the application downloaded from the Microsoft Store was fixed
      • PostgreSQL: Dollar-quoted string parsing was fixed
      • SQL Server:
        • Issue with resultset primary key detection was resolved
        • Duplicated output when running stored procedures was fixed
        • NTLM Authentication was fixed
        • Datetime datatype representation was fixed

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