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httpbis: HTTP

Scheduled Sessions

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF115: httpbis (agenda-115-httpbis)
Minutes IETF115: httpbis (minutes-115-httpbis)
Bluesheets IETF115: httpbis : Mon 15:30 (bluesheets-115-httpbis-202211071530)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF115: httpbis: Mon 15:30 ( as json )


Signatures (slides-115-httpbis-sessa-signatures)
Alternative Services (slides-115-httpbis-sessa-alternative-services)
ORIGIN H3 (slides-115-httpbis-sessa-origin-h3)
Cookies (slides-115-httpbis-cookies)
Client-Cert Header Field (slides-115-httpbis-client-cert-header-field)
Partitioned Cookies (slides-115-httpbis-sessa-partitioned-cookies)
MASQUE (slides-115-httpbis-sessa-masque)


Notes and recordings

Notepad for note-takers
Video recording for HTTPBIS on 2022-11-07 at 15:30:00
Session recording

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF115: httpbis (agenda-115-httpbis)
Minutes IETF115: httpbis (minutes-115-httpbis)
Bluesheets IETF115: httpbis : Fri 09:30 (bluesheets-115-httpbis-202211110930)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF115: httpbis: Fri 09:30 ( as json )


Resumable Uploads (slides-115-httpbis-resumable-uploads)
Unprompted Authentication (slides-115-httpbis-unprompted-authentication)
ORIGIN and Coalescing (slides-115-httpbis-origin-and-coalescing)
Modernizing HTTP Forward Proxies (Ben Schwartz) (slides-115-httpbis-sessb-modernizing-http-forward-proxies-ben-schwartz)
SASL in HTTP (slides-115-httpbis-sasl-in-http)


Notes and recordings

Notepad for note-takers
Video recording for HTTPBIS on 2022-11-11 at 09:30:00
Session recording

Unscheduled Sessions