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Concluded groups

Note that the information on historical groups may be inaccurate.


Applications and Real-Time Area

Group Name Start Concluded
appsawg ART Area General Applications Working Group 2010-10 2017-07
arcmedia 'Archive' Top-Level Media Type 2015-02 2015-07
avtext Audio/Video Transport Extensions 2011-01 2017-08
bfcpbis Binary Floor Control Protocol Bis 2011-11 2021-01
capport Captive Portal Interaction 2016-01 2020-12
clue ControLling mUltiple streams for tElepresence 2011-01 2020-03
codec Internet Wideband Audio Codec 2010-01 2018-09
dbound Domain Boundaries 2015-04 2017-04
dcrup DKIM Crypto Update 2017-04 2018-09
dkim Domain Keys Identified Mail 2006-01 2024-01
doh DNS Over HTTPS 2017-09 2020-03
drinks Data for Reachability of Inter/tra-NetworK SIP 2008-06 2016-04
eppext Extensible Provisioning Protocol Extensions 2013-12 2016-03
geojson Geographic JSON 2015-10 2017-06
hybi BiDirectional or Server-Initiated HTTP 2010-01 2016-01
ice Interactive Connectivity Establishment 2015-10 2020-07
imapapnd IMAP APPEND Extensions 2015-06 2016-05
insipid INtermediary-safe SIP session ID 2012-03 2018-10
jsonbis Javascript Object Notation Update 2015-06 2017-12
jsonpath JSON Path 2020-10 2024-03
justfont Font Top Level Media Type 2015-12 2017-03
lager Label Generation Rules 2015-07 2016-10
modern Managing, Ordering, Distributing, Exposing, & Registering telephone Numbers 2015-07 2020-02
netvc Internet Video Codec 2015-05 2020-03
p2psip Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol 2007-02 2016-12
payload Audio/Video Transport Payloads 2011-01 2019-09
perc Privacy Enhanced RTP Conferencing 2015-06 2022-04
precis Preparation and Comparison of Internationalized Strings 2010-06 2017-11
rum Relay User Machine 2019-04 2023-10
sedate Serialising Extended Data About Times and Events 2021-07 2024-05
sipbrandy SIP Best-practice Recommendations Against Network Dangers to privacY 2016-07 2021-02
siprec SIP Recording 2010-03 2016-12
slim Selection of Language for Internet Media 2015-10 2018-10
stox SIP-TO-XMPP 2013-06 2017-01
straw Sip Traversal Required for Applications to Work 2012-06 2017-03
tzdist Time Zone Data Distribution Service 2014-08 2016-04
urnbis Uniform Resource Names, Revised 2010-11 2017-10
uuidrev Revise Universally Unique Identifier Definitions 2022-08 2024-05
webpush Web-Based Push Notifications 2014-10 2017-12
wpack Web Packaging 2020-03 2023-02
xmpp Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol 2009-05 2015-09
xrblock Metric Blocks for use with RTCP's Extended Report Framework 2011-01 2019-09

Applications Area

Group Name Start Concluded
6lowapp Application Protocols for Low-power V6 Networks
822ext Internet Message Extensions 1991-04 1993-10
aaarg Application Authentication/Authorization Review Gr 2000-06
acap Application Configuration Access Protocol 1996-11 2004-04
apex Application Exchange 2001-03 2003-12
applcore Application CORE Protocol
applmib Application MIB 1995-11 1999-07
asid Access, Searching and Indexing of Directories 1994-06 1999-02
atompub Atom Publishing Format and Protocol 2004-06 2007-10
b2bxml Business to Business XML Data Commun. Strategies 2003-12
beep Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol 2000-06 2002-03
blocks An Application Protocol Framework & A Model Applic 2003-12
c15n Contextualization of Resolution 2003-12
calsch Calendaring and Scheduling 1996-10 2004-09
calsify Calendaring and Scheduling Standards Simplification 2005-07 2010-12
cdi Content Distribution Internetworking 2002-02 2003-06
charset Character Set Policy 2000-06
chronos Distributed Scheduling Protocol 1991-01 1992-08
cnrp Common Name Resolution Protocol 1999-09 2002-09
confctrl Conferencing Control 1992-12
conneg Content Negotiation 1998-02 2000-10
crisp Cross Registry Information Service Protocol 2002-06 2009-03
dasl DAV Searching and Locating 1998-11 2000-04
dce OSF Distributed Computing Environment 1992-07
deltav Web Versioning and Configuration Management 1999-09 2002-03
dirdep Directory Deployment 2000-06
dix Digital Identity Exchange Protocol 2006-05
dns Domain Name System 1987-02 1994-03
domreg Domain Registration Services 2003-12
drp Domain Registry Protocol
drums Detailed Revision/Update of Message Standards 1995-05 2001-04
eai Email Address Internationalization 2006-03 2013-03
ecml Electronic Commerce Modeling Lanugage 2000-06
edi Electronic Data Interchange 1994-05 1995-07
ediint Electronic Data Interchange-Internet Integration 1996-06 2006-03
fax Internet Fax 1997-01 2005-02
find Common Indexing Protocol 1995-10 1999-08
findstuf Finding Stuff 2000-06
ftpext Extensions to FTP 1996-09 2004-01
ftpext2 FTP Extensions, 2nd edition 2010-11 2012-04
furi Future of Uniform Resource Identifiers 2003-12
html HyperText Markup Language 1994-11 1996-09
http HyperText Transfer Protocol 1995-01 2000-10
httpext HTTP Extensions 2000-06
httpstate HTTP State Management Mechanism 2009-12 2011-05
idn Internationalized Domain Name 2008-04
idnabis Internationalized Domain Names in Applications, Revised 2008-04 2010-03
idnprov IDN over EPP 2005-05
ids Integrated Directory Services 1993-02 1998-10
iea Internationalizing Email Address 2005-05
iee Internationalized Email and Extensions 2006-01
iiri Internet Information Retrieval Infrastructure 2005-05
ikstel Internet Kermit Services/Outstanding Telnet Option
imap Internet Message Access Protocol 1993-06 1995-05
imapext Internet Message Access Protocol Extension 2000-05 2008-06
imapmove IMAP MOVE extension 2012-06 2013-01
imp Internet Mercantile Protocols 1993-08
impp Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol 1999-02 2004-09
imxpbof IMXP 2003-12
index Web Indexing and Related Issues 1983-12 1997-01
intloc Internationalization and Localization of Internet Protocols 2003-12
ipdvb IP over DVB 2004-01 2011-08
ipp Internet Printing Protocol 1997-03 2004-08
ippext IPP Extensions 2000-06
ircup IRC Update 2000-06
iri Internationalized Resource Identifiers 2010-01 2013-01
irnss Internet Resource Name Search Service 2003-12
isms Integrated Security Model for SNMP 2004-09 2011-08
iww IAB Wireless Workshop 2003-12
jcardcal JSON data formats for vCard and iCalendar 2013-03 2014-06
json JavaScript Object Notation 2013-05 2015-03
jxta JXTA 2003-12
laser LDAP Schema for E-mail Routing
ldapbis LDAP (v3) Revision 2000-11 2006-06
ldapext LDAP Extension 1997-10 2003-04
ldup LDAP Duplication/Replication/Update Protocols 1998-11 2004-04
lemonade Enhancements to Internet email to Support Diverse Service Environments 2003-02 2010-02
lessor Language Select/Search/Order Registry 2000-06
list Automated Internet Mailing List Services 1991-07 1992-10
lsma Large Scale Multicast Applications 1996-12 2000-02
ltans Long-Term Archive and Notary Services 2003-10 2011-07
ltru Language Tag Registry Update 2005-03 2009-11
madman Mail and Directory Management 1993-04 2000-04
mailcap Mail Recipient Capabilities
mailext Mail Extensions 1994-07 1996-06
mailrev Review of Short Mail-related Extension Proposals
marf Messaging Abuse Reporting Format 2010-01 2012-06
marid MTA Authorization Records in DNS 2004-04 2004-09
mcwww Multicast WWW 1983-12 1997-01
metad MIME Enabled Textually Accessed Directories
mhsds MHS-DS 1992-01 1995-03
mhtml MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents 1996-03 1999-06
mimemhs MIME-MHS Interworking 1992-04 1993-09
mimesgml MIME Content-Type for SGML Documents 1995-01 1996-05
mixer MIME - X.400 Gateway 1995-06 1998-03
mmms Mobile Multimedia Messaging Service
mmox Massively Multi-Player Games and Applications
morg Message Organization 2009-01 2011-03
msgtrk Message Tracking Protocol 1998-11 2004-10
multiapp Networking Multimedia Applications 1993-08
ndmp Network Data Management Protocol 2003-12
netdata Network Database 1991-03 1994-03
netfax Network Fax 1990-08 1992-10
nntp Network News Transport Protocol 1991-04 1993-10
nntpext NNTP Extensions 1996-12 2005-10
notary Notifications and Acknowledgements Requirements 1994-02 1995-11
notify Event Notification Service
npp Network Printing Protocol 1990-02 1994-02
oda Office Document Architecture 1991-03 1993-04
ogpx Open Grid Protocol
opes Open Pluggable Edge Services 2002-02 2007-03
osids OSI Directory Services 1990-10 1994-11
paws Protocol to Access WS database 2011-06 2015-05
pipr Presence Information Protocol Requirements 2000-06
pop Post Office Protocol 1991-06 1993-04
prim Presence and Instant Messaging Protocol 2001-07 2003-03
printmib Printer MIB 1996-11 2000-04
provreg Provisioning Registry Protocol 2001-02 2004-04
qresync IMAP QRESYNC Extension 2013-04 2014-05
qualdocs High Quality Document Transfer 2003-12
quis Quality Information Services 1994-11 1995-05
receipt Receipt Notifications for Internet Mail 1995-08 1998-04
remconf Remote Conferencing 1997-01
repute Reputation Services 2011-11 2013-11
rescap Resource Capabilities Discovery 1999-12 2003-10
rui Remote UI 2006-01
schema Schema Registration 1997-11 2000-02
sieve Sieve Mail Filtering Language 2004-11 2012-11
sip-o Simple Internet Protocol 1993-01 1994-02
smtpext Internet Mail Extensions 1990-12 1993-03
spam Bulk Unsolicited Mail 2000-06
spatial Spatial Location 2003-12
spfbis SPF Update 2012-02 2014-04
swap Simple Workflow Access Protocol 2000-06
telnet TELNET 1989-06 1994-11
tftpexts TFTP Extensions 1994-10 1995-03
tip Transaction Internet Protocol 1997-07 1998-10
tn3270e Telnet TN3270 Enhancements 1997-03 2004-02
trade Internet Open Trading Protocol 1998-06 2005-02
ucs UCS Character Set 1993-08
ulp Universal Logging Protocol 2000-06
urc Uniform Resource Characteristics 1983-12 1997-01
urlreg Uniform Resource Locator Registration Procedures 1997-07 1999-11
urn Uniform Resource Names 1996-09 2002-10
usefor Usenet Article Standard Update 1997-10 2009-03
vcarddav vCard and CardDAV 2008-01 2012-11
vpim Voice Profile for Internet Mail 2000-05 2005-04
vwrap Virtual World Region Agent Protocol 2009-09 2011-05
webdav WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning 1997-03 2007-03
webi Web Intermediaries 2001-01 2002-06
websec Web Security 2010-10 2015-04
weirds Web Extensible Internet Registration Data Service 2012-05 2015-03
wg-msg Mail and Messaging 1983-12 1997-01
whip Internet White Pages Requirements 1994-06 1995-06
widex Widget Description Exchange Service 2005-10 2007-07
wrec Web Replication and Caching 1999-02 2001-03
x400ops X.400 Operations 1991-02 1994-06
xmlpatch XML-Patch-Ops 2006-01
xmpp-old Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol 2002-10 2004-10
yam Yet Another Mail 2009-05 2011-11

General Area

Group Name Start Concluded
coach Comprehensive apprOACH to quality 2003-12
elegy NomCom Eligibility Update 2022-08 2023-07
git GitHub Integration and Tooling 2019-02 2020-09
ianaplan Planning for the IANA/NTIA Transition 2014-09 2016-11
iasa2 IETF Administrative Support Activity 2 2018-04 2020-03
icar Improved Cross-Area Review 2004-02 2005-03
ietf-tv The Future of IETF Multicast/Unicast Service 2005-05
inaparch International Networking and the NAP Architecture 1997-01
intprop Intellectual Property of the IETF 1997-01
ipr Intellectual Property Rights 2002-07 2008-11
midtax Middle box Taxonomy 2003-12
mtgvenue Meeting Venue 2016-07 2020-04
newtrk New IETF Standards Track Discussion 2004-02 2006-08
nomcom Operation of the IESG/IAB Nominating and Recall Committees 2002-04 2004-06
pesci Process Evolution Consideration for the IETF 2006-01
poised Process for Organization of Internet Standards 1992-09 1994-04
poised95 Poised 95 1995-07 1996-03
poisson Process for Organization of Internet Standards ONgoing 1995-07 2001-10
problem Problem Statement 2003-03 2004-11
pufi Procedures Update for IETF 2008-04
shmoo Stay Home Meet Occasionally Online 2020-07 2023-12
techspec Requirements for IETF Technical Specificaiton Publication 2006-05
uswg User Services 1989-01 2002-10

Internet Area

Group Name Start Concluded
16ng IP over IEEE 802.16 Networks 2006-06 2010-06
6ai IPv6 Address Independence
6lowpan IPv6 over Low power WPAN 2005-03 2014-01
6tisch IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e 2013-10 2023-07
aatn Avoidance of Address Translation in Networks
adsl Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
ancp Access Node Control Protocol 2006-06 2015-03
anycast Anycast
aplusp Address Plus Port
appleip IP Over AppleTalk 1990-02 1996-02
autoconf Ad-Hoc Network Autoconfiguration 2005-10 2012-03
cip Connection IP 1988-10 1992-09
csi Cga & Send maIntenance 2008-02 2013-02
ddbof Device Discovery 2003-12
dna Detecting Network Attachment 2004-02 2009-10
dnsext DNS Extensions 1999-12 2013-07
dnsind DNS IXFR, Notification, and Dynamic Update 1994-06 2000-01
dnsnext DNS: Where Do We Go From Here? 1999-11
eap Extensible Authentication Protocol 2002-07 2008-05
explisp Experimentation in LISP 2008-08
fddi IP Over FDDI 1989-10 1993-01
fickle Fast Ip Connectivity and KeepaLivE 2003-12
frnetmib Frame Relay Service MIB 1993-04 2002-01
hip Host Identity Protocol 2004-02 2021-08
homenet Home Networking 2011-07 2023-02
icos IP Configuration Security 2005-05
ifmib Interfaces MIB 1995-05 2003-09
ion Internetworking Over NBMA 1996-05 2000-06
ip1394 IP Over IEEE 1394 1997-07 2000-06
ipac Internet Personal Appliance Control 2003-12
ipae IP Address Encapsulation 1992-10 1993-05
ipatm IP Over Asynchronous Transfer Mode 1992-01 1996-05
ipfc IP over Fibre Channel 1998-05 2002-01
ipngwg IPNG 1994-11 2001-12
ipobt IP over Bluetooth 2003-12
ipoib IP over InfiniBand 2001-07 2006-07
iporpr IP over Resilient Packet Rings 2001-01 2008-09
ippcp IP Payload Compression Protocol 1997-07 1999-09
ipsat IP over Satellite Links
ipv6 IP Version 6 Working Group 2000-12 2007-09
ipv6mib IPv6 MIB 1995-03 1997-10
ipvbi IP over VBI 1998-03 1999-12
ipvlx IP Virtual Link Extension 2005-05
ipwave IP Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments 2016-10 2022-11
isdnmib ISDN MIB 1995-05 1998-02
itrace ICMP Traceback 2000-07 2003-09
l2cp Layer 2 Control Protocol 2006-05
lpwan IPv6 over Low Power Wide-Area Networks 2016-10 2023-07
lrw Lightweight Reachability softWires 2011-02
lwig Light-Weight Implementation Guidance 2011-03 2024-01
magma Multicast & Anycast Group Membership 2001-07 2009-03
mext Mobility EXTensions for IPv6 2007-07 2012-03
mif Multiple Interfaces 2009-04 2016-05
mip4 Mobility for IPv4 2003-08 2015-08
mip6 Mobility for IPv6 2003-09 2007-11
mipshop Mobility for IP: Performance, Signaling and Handoff Optimization 2003-10 2010-09
mmb Multi-Media Bridging 1990-10 1993-01
mobileip IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts 1992-06 2003-11
monami6 Mobile Nodes and Multiple Interfaces in IPv6 2005-10 2007-11
monet Mobile Networks 2003-12
mptrans Multiprotocol Transport 1983-12 1997-01
mtudisc IP MTU Discovery 1989-10 1990-09
multimob Multicast Mobility 2009-09 2014-12
nat66 IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Address Translation 2009-09
nemo Network Mobility 2002-10 2007-11
netext Network-Based Mobility Extensions 2009-05 2016-05
netlmm Network-based Localized Mobility Management 2006-01 2010-10
netwklr Network Layer
nits Networks in the Small - aka Home Networks 1999-09
nsiim Next Steps in IP Mobility 2003-12
pana Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access 2001-11 2009-12
pcc Performance and Congestion Control 1987-11 1911-01
pcp Port Control Protocol 2010-08 2017-11
pip P. Internet Protocol 1992-08 1994-02
pktway PacketWay 1995-07 1999-08
ppp Point-to-Point Protocol 1988-03 1989-11
pppext Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions 1989-10 2013-10
pppoe PPP Over Ethernet
rdisc Router Discovery 1988-10 1991-08
remboot Remote Boot Protocol
savi Source Address Validation Improvements 2008-07 2018-10
send Securing Neighbor Discovery 2002-10 2004-08
shim6 Site Multihoming by IPv6 Intermediation 2005-06 2011-08
smds IP Over Switched Megabit Data Service 1990-02 1990-12
softwire Softwires 2005-12 2019-11
st2 Internet Stream Protocol V2 1993-10 1996-03
sunset4 Sunsetting IPv4 2012-05 2018-05
svrloc Service Location Protocol 1990-12 2001-05
tc Tunneling Configuration 2005-05
tpix TP/IX 1993-05 1994-02
trunkmib DS1/DS3 MIB 1995-05 1999-02
tuba TCP/UDP Over CLNP-Addressed Networks 1992-10 1995-05
vgmib 100VG-AnyLAN MIB 1995-05 1998-01
vpn Virtual Private Networking
wasrv Wide Area Service Location
zeroconf Zero Configuration Networking 1999-09 2004-08
zerouter Zeroconf Router 2003-12

IP: Next Generation Area

Group Name Start Concluded
addrconf Address Autoconfiguration 1994-11 1996-04
ale Address Lifetime Expectations 1994-01 1995-03
catnip Common Architecture for Next Generation IP 1994-02 1995-05
sipp Simple Internet Protocol Plus 1994-02 1994-11

Network Management Area

Group Name Start Concluded
acct Internet Accounting 1990-02 1993-04
alertman Alert Management 1989-04 1990-12
charmib Character MIB 1993-04 1994-07
chassis Chassis MIB 1992-03 1993-07
cmot CMIP Over TCP 1987-07 1989-01
decnetiv DECnet Phase IV MIB 1993-04 1993-12
ethermib Ethernet MIB 1991-11 1993-02
fddimib FDDI MIB 1989-05 1993-09
hostmib Host Resources MIB 1992-06 1993-09
lanman LAN Manager 1989-03 1991-03
modemmgt Modem Management 1993-04 1994-08
mpsnmp SNMP Over a Multi-Protocol Internet 1992-04 1993-03
msi Management Services Interface 1989-10 1991-08
oim OSI Internet Management 1989-10 1992-04
rdbmsmib Relational Database Management Systems MIB 1994-01 1994-08
snmp Simple Network Management Protocol 1987-02 1991-11
snmpv2 SNMP Version 2 1994-10 1995-12
transmib Transmission Mib 1990-05 1990-12
trmon Token Ring Remote Monitoring 1992-03 1993-09
x25mib X.25 Management Information Base 1991-03 1993-05

Operational Requirements Area

Group Name Start Concluded
acct2 Internet Accounting 2 1983-12 1997-01
bgpdepl BGP Deployment and Application 1992-04 1994-03
cidrd CIDR Deployment 1994-03 1996-12
eii Emergency Information Infrastructure 1983-12 1997-01
gisd Generic Internet Service Description 1993-09 1995-10
ire Internet Registry Evolution 1983-12 1997-01
netstat Network Status Reports 1994-06 1996-06
newdom New Top Level Domains 1983-12 1997-01
njm Network Joint Management 1990-02 1994-04
noop Network OSI Operations 1991-03 1994-04
opstat Operational Statistics 1990-12 1995-08
snmp-ng SNMP - Next Generation 1997-02 1997-02
ucp User Connectivity 1990-02 1994-03
wpkops Web PKI OPS 2013-02 2015-05

Operations and Management Area

Group Name Start Concluded
2000 The Internet and the Millennium Problem 1997-02 2000-01
6renum IPv6 Site Renumbering 2011-06 2013-10
aaa Authentication, Authorization and Accounting 1999-02 2007-01
adslmib ADSL MIB 1998-05 2014-01
agentx SNMP Agent Extensibility 1995-11 2002-05
alto Application-Layer Traffic Optimization 2008-11 2024-01
armd Address Resolution for Massive numbers of hosts in the Data center 2011-03 2012-10
artmib Application Response Time MIB
atommib AToM MIB 1995-02 2004-11
bridge Bridge MIB 1990-08 2006-02
capwap Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points 2004-01 2010-05
cfgmgmt Configuration Management
coredb Council of Registrars Database 2000-10
ddniwg DDN Interconnectivity 1990-08 1991-08
dime Diameter Maintenance and Extensions 2006-01 2024-03
disman Distributed Management 1996-05 2006-07
dnsmeas DNS Research Measurements 2003-12
eman Energy Management 2010-09 2015-06
entmib Entity MIB 1995-09 2006-02
eos Evolution of SNMP 2001-02 2003-04
gr303 GR-303 MIB
grip G & R for Security Incident Processing 1995-02 2001-12
hmibs H.Multimedia MIBs
hubmib Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB 1995-06 2007-09
imad IPv4 Multicast Address Architecture 2006-01
imss Internet and Management Support for Storage 2003-10 2009-01
ipcdn IP over Cable Data Network 1996-09 2009-04
ipfix IP Flow Information Export 2001-09 2015-03
ippt IP Path Tracing 2003-12
ispmon Monitoring Infrastructure Deployment 2003-12
jomann Joint Monitoring Access for Adjacent Networks NSF 1988-10 1989-10
l2sm L2VPN Service Model 2016-11 2018-12
l3sm L3VPN Service Model 2015-03 2016-11
lime Layer Independent OAM Management in the Multi-Layer Environment 2014-10 2018-02
lmap Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance 2013-06 2018-02
lsd2 LDAP Service Deployment - Take 2
lsd-old LDAP Service Deployment 1998-01 1998-11
multi6 Site Multihoming in IPv6 2001-03 2007-03
nasreq Network Access Server Requirements 1999-01 2003-07
nasreqng Next Generation Network Access Server Requirements
newsnmp New Work in the Network Management Area
ngtrans Next Generation Transition 1994-12 2003-02
nim Network Information Model 2003-12
ops-nm OPS-NM Configuration Management Requirements 2003-12
pier Procedures for Internet/Enterprise Renumbering 1995-12 1998-06
pmol Performance Metrics for Other Layers 2007-11 2011-08
policy Policy Framework 1998-10 2004-11
posse Packet Over SONET/SDH Examination
psamp Packet Sampling 2002-06 2009-07
ptomaine Prefix Taxonomy Ongoing Measurement & Inter Network Experiment 2001-09 2004-07
ptopomib Physical Topology MIB 1996-10 2000-10
radius Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service 1995-12 2000-07
rap Resource Allocation Protocol 1997-11 2005-06
ride Registry Information Database Exchange Formats & P
rmonmib Remote Network Monitoring 1993-09 2006-10
roamops Roaming Operations 1996-11 2001-01
rperfman Remote Performance Management 2003-12
rps Routing Policy System 1995-06 2000-02
rwhois RWhois Operational Development 1995-03 1998-09
sgm Small Group Multicast 2003-12
siked Secure Internet Key Distribution 2003-12
sls Service Level Specification and Usage 2003-12
sming Next Generation Structure of Management Information 2000-11 2003-04
smiv2 Structure of Management Information Version 2
snmpconf Configuration Management with SNMP 2000-01 2005-03
snmpv3 SNMP Version 3 1997-03 2003-09
supa Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions 2015-10 2017-08
tmnsnmp TMN-SNMP 2003-12
upsmib Uninterruptible Power Supply 1992-10 1999-04

OSI Integration Area

Group Name Start Concluded
osigen OSI General 1989-01 1992-06
osinsap Assignment of OSI NSAP Addresses 1990-02 1991-03
osix400 OSI X.400 1990-02 1991-08
skinstak OSI Upper-Layer Communications for Applications 1992-10 1993-02
thinosi Minimal OSI Upper-Layers 1993-02 1994-10

Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area

Group Name Start Concluded
atoca Authority-to-Citizen Alert 2010-08 2012-11
avt Audio/Video Transport 1992-03 2011-03
bliss Basic Level of Interoperability for SIP Services 2007-06 2013-02
cuss Call Control UUI Service for SIP 2010-08 2015-01
dart DiffServ Applied to Real-time Transports 2014-04 2014-11
enum Telephone Number Mapping 1999-10 2011-05
geopriv Geographic Location/Privacy 2001-06 2014-11
ieprep Internet Emergency Preparedness 2002-02 2007-09
iptel IP Telephony 1998-03 2009-03
martini Multiple AoR reachabiliTy InformatioN Indication 2009-12 2011-03
mediactrl Media Server Control 2007-02 2013-10
megaco Media Gateway Control 1999-01 2006-03
p2p-sip Peer to Peer Support for Session Initiation Protocol 2007-02
salud Sip ALerting for User Devices 2010-07 2015-02
sigtran Signaling Transport 1998-11 2009-03
simple SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions 2001-03 2013-02
sip Session Initiation Protocol 1999-09 2009-05
sipclf SIP Common Log Format 2009-09 2013-02
sipping Session Initiation Proposal Investigation 2001-11 2009-05
soc SIP Overload Control 2010-05 2015-02
speechsc Speech Services Control 2002-06 2012-11
speermint Session PEERing for Multimedia INTerconnect 2006-02 2011-11
splices looSely-couPLed sIp deviCES 2010-07 2012-01
vipr Verification Involving PSTN Reachability 2011-03 2014-01
xcon Centralized Conferencing 2003-10 2011-09

Routing Area

Group Name Start Concluded
bgmp Border Gateway Multicast Protocol 1999-08 2004-06
bgp Border Gateway Protocol 1989-01 1994-08
bigaddr IPv7 Addressing 1993-04
dlswmib Data Link Switching MIB 1995-02 2001-04
forces Forwarding and Control Element Separation 2001-07 2015-03
gels GMPLS Controlled Ethernet Label Switching 2006-01
i2rs Interface to the Routing System 2013-01 2021-03
idmr Inter-Domain Multicast Routing 1993-06 2005-02
idpr Inter-Domain Policy Routing 1988-10 1995-02
ipidrp OSI IDRP for IP Over IP 1992-06 1994-08
iplpdn IP Over Large Public Data Networks 1990-12 1993-08
isis IS-IS for IP Internets 1998-11 2018-03
karp Keying and Authentication for Routing Protocols 2010-02 2014-05
l1vpn Layer 1 Virtual Private Networks 2005-06 2009-03
l2tpext Layer Two Tunneling Protocol Extensions 1999-10 2018-05
l2vpn Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks 2003-07 2014-11
l3vpn Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks 2003-07 2014-10
maestro Multicast Addr. Exten. & Simple Transmitter Opti.
mlm Multicast Last Mile 2003-12
mospf Multicast Extensions to OSPF 1990-10 2001-05
msdp Multicast Source Discovery Protocol 1998-11 2004-01
nimrod New Internet Routing and Addressing Architecture 1994-01 1998-03
odv Open Distance Vector IGP 1989-10 1990-05
ospf Open Shortest Path First IGP 1988-03 2018-03
pdnrout Private Data Network Routing 1988-06 1990-08
pwe3 Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge 2001-05 2014-11
qosr QoS Routing 1997-02 1999-04
raw Reliable and Available Wireless 2020-02 2023-10
rip Routing Information Protocol 1995-02 2003-06
ripv2 RIP Version II 1993-05 1995-02
rolc Routing over Large Clouds 1993-10 1996-05
rpsec Routing Protocol Security Requirements 2002-06 2009-03
rreq Router Requirements 1989-10 1995-05
sdr Source Demand Routing 1993-03 1998-03
sfc Service Function Chaining 2013-12 2023-07
sidr Secure Inter-Domain Routing 2006-04 2018-09
snadlc SNA DLC Services MIB 1993-05 2001-04
snanau SNA NAU Services MIB 1993-05 1999-06
ssm Source-Specific Multicast 2000-07 2007-02
tagsw Tag Switching BOF 1983-12 1997-01
trill Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links 2005-06 2018-03
udlr UniDirectional Link Routing 1997-01 2003-12
vrrp Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol 1997-06 2011-06

Security Area

Group Name Start Concluded
aac Authorization and Access Control 1993-06 1995-03
abfab Application Bridging for Federated Access Beyond web 2010-10 2016-09
aft Authenticated Firewall Traversal 1994-10 2002-10
alien Anonymous Identifiers 2006-01
btns Better-Than-Nothing Security 2005-03 2010-03
cat Common Authentication Technology 1991-03 2002-07
cidf Common Intrusion Detection Framework
cipso Commercial Internet Protocol Security Option 1991-03 1995-03
curdle CURves, Deprecating and a Little more Encryption 2015-12 2022-02
dane DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities 2010-12 2017-03
dice DTLS In Constrained Environments 2013-09 2016-01
dnssec Domain Name System Security 1994-03 1999-12
dots DDoS Open Threat Signaling 2015-06 2023-04
easycert Easy-to-Use Certificates 2005-05
enroll Credential and Provisioning 2003-11 2005-10
hash One-way Hash Function 2006-01
hokey Handover Keying 2006-10 2012-08
httpauth Hypertext Transfer Protocol Authentication 2013-03 2017-02
i2nsf Interface to Network Security Functions 2015-09 2023-06
ident TCP Client Identity Protocol 1992-04 1993-03
idwg Intrusion Detection Exchange Format 1998-11 2006-03
inch Extended Incident Handling 2002-08 2006-10
ipauth IP Authentication 1988-10 1991-01
ipsec IP Security Protocol 1993-06 2005-04
ipseckey IPSEC KEYing information resource record 2003-02 2005-03
ipsp IP Security Policy 2000-01 2005-03
ipsra IP Security Remote Access 2000-03 2003-05
ispp Internet Secure Payments Protocol 1983-12 1997-01
keyprov Provisioning of Symmetric Keys 2007-01 2010-12
kink Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys 2000-09 2006-04
krb-wg Kerberos 2000-07 2013-03
mass Message Authentication Signature Standards 2006-01
micropay Micro Payments
mile Managed Incident Lightweight Exchange 2011-10 2020-12
mobike IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming 2004-02 2006-04
msec Multicast Security 2001-02 2011-10
nea Network Endpoint Assessment 2006-10 2014-05
otp One Time Password Authentication 1995-06 2002-10
pem Privacy-Enhanced Electronic Mail 1991-07 1996-02
perm Protected Entertainment Rights Management 2005-05
pki4ipsec Profiling Use of PKI in IPSEC 2004-01 2007-03
pkix Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) 1995-10 2013-10
sacm Security Automation and Continuous Monitoring 2013-07 2022-07
sacred Securely Available Credentials 2000-10 2006-02
sasl Simple Authentication and Security Layer 2002-12 2010-08
secevent Security Events 2016-10 2023-06
secmech Security Mechanisms 2006-01
secsh Secure Shell 1997-02 2006-10
smime S/MIME Mail Security 1997-11 2010-10
snmpauth SNMP Authentication 1989-10 1990-12
snmpsec SNMP Security 1991-03 1993-05
spki Simple Public Key Infrastructure 1997-01 2001-02
spwg Internet Security Policy 1990-02 1991-08
stime Secure Network Time Protocol 1999-08 2005-02
stp Secure Transport Proxy
syslog Security Issues in Network Event Logging 2000-05 2010-10
telsec Telnet Security 2003-04
tfesp Transport Friendly ESP
tigress Transfer dIGital cREdentialS Securely 2022-07 2024-03
tokbind Token Binding 2015-03 2021-03
trans Public Notary Transparency 2014-02 2021-08
trustmgt Trust Management
wts Web Transaction Security 1995-05 2001-07
xmldsig XML Digital Signatures 1999-05 2004-01

Sub-IP Area

Group Name Start Concluded
gsmp General Switch Management Protocol 1999-01 2004-01
ipo IP over Optical 2001-01 2004-01
mplsoam MPLS Maintenance Mechanisms 2003-12
ppvpn Provider Provisioned Virtual Private Networks 2001-01 2003-07
tewg Internet Traffic Engineering 1999-10 2005-01

Transport Area

Group Name Start Concluded
adapts Adaptive Applications Support
alias Access Link Intermediaries Assisting Services 2003-12
aqm Active Queue Management and Packet Scheduling 2013-09 2017-10
behave Behavior Engineering for Hindrance Avoidance 2004-09 2013-10
cm Congestion Management 2000-06
conex Congestion Exposure 2010-06 2016-01
dccp Datagram Congestion Control Protocol 2002-06 2012-11
dcp Datagram Control Protocol 2003-12
decade Decoupled Application Data Enroute 2010-04 2012-09
decides Deployment Considerations of Implementing Differen
diffserv Differentiated Services 1998-02 2003-03
ecm Endpoint Congestion Management 1999-10 2001-06
ecn Explicit Congestion Notification 2000-06
fecframe FEC Framework 2006-04 2013-03
foglamps Limitations of Multiple Addressing Realms 2003-12
hip-old Host Identity Payload 2003-12
homegate Broadband Home Gateway
httpng HTTP Next Generation 2000-06
imm Interactive Multimedia 1983-12 1997-01
intersec Transport Service at Intermediary 2003-12
intserv Integrated Services 1994-05 2000-12
ips IP Storage 2000-09 2007-11
issll Integrated Services over Specific Link Layers 1996-05 2002-05
ledbat Low Extra Delay Background Transport 2008-11 2012-12
malloc Multicast-Address Allocation 1998-05 2003-06
midcom Middlebox Communication 2001-01 2008-03
mnnp Multicast NetNews Protocol 2000-06
mptcp Multipath TCP 2009-10 2020-03
nat Network Address Translators 1998-03 2002-02
navdec Network Access Serve & Voice on IP Device Control
nsis Next Steps in Signaling 2001-11 2011-03
oncrpc ONC Remote Procedure Call 1994-03 2001-01
pads Path-Decoupled Signaling 2003-12
pcn Congestion and Pre-Congestion Notification 2007-02 2012-07
pilc Performance Implications of Link Characteristics 1999-04 2004-01
pin PSTN Internet Notification 2000-06
pint PSTN and Internet Internetworking 1997-07 2001-02
plpmtud Packetization Layer Path MTU Discovery 2003-12
pmtud Path MTU Discovery 2003-07 2007-04
pmutd Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery 2011-02
ppsp Peer to Peer Streaming Protocol 2010-03 2016-01
qosmc Protocols for Negotiated-QOS Multicast Communicat.
rddp Remote Direct Data Placement 2002-06 2007-11
rmcat RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques 2012-09 2023-07
rmt Reliable Multicast Transport 1999-04 2013-09
rohc Robust Header Compression 2000-03 2010-03
roi RDMA over the Internet Protocol Suite 2003-12
rserpool Reliable Server Pooling 2000-12 2009-04
rsvp Resource Reservation Setup Protocol 1993-12 2001-05
rtfm Realtime Traffic Flow Measurement 1996-02 2000-10
rtfm2 Development of the Realtime Traffic Flow Measurement Architecture 2003-12
ruts Requirements for Unicast Transport/Sessions 2000-06
seamoby Context Transfer, Handoff Candidate Discovery, and Dormant Mode Host Alerting 2000-11 2004-10
shara Sharing of an IPv4 Address
sigprodi Signaling Protocols Discussion 2003-12
sin SIP/IN Interworking 2003-12
sip323 SIP and H.323 Interworking 2003-12
slums Support for Lots of Unicast Multiplexed Sessions
spirits Service in the PSTN/IN Requesting InTernet Service 1999-10 2005-05
ss7 SS7/Internet
storm STORage Maintenance 2009-08 2016-02
tcpimpl TCP Implementation 1997-02 2000-10
tcpinc TCP Increased Security 2014-06 2019-06
tcplw TCP Large Windows 1989-10 1998-04
tcpsat TCP Over Satellite 1997-07 2000-02
tist Topology-Insensitive Service Traversal 2003-12
tnfs Trusted Network File Systems 1991-07 1996-01
tram TURN Revised and Modernized 2014-02 2021-11
trigtran Triggers for Transport 2003-12
voipeer VoIP Peering and Interconnect 2006-01
vompls Voice over IP over MPLS 2003-12

User Services Area

Group Name Start Concluded
arts The Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the Internet 1983-12 1997-01
dfs Distributed File Systems 1990-02 1993-06
disi Directory Information Services Infrastructure 1991-02 1993-02
fyiup FYI Updates 1999-05 2001-02
harts Humanities and Arts 1995-05 1997-08
iafa Internet Anonymous FTP Archives 1991-11 1994-05
iiir Integration of Internet Information Resources 1992-09 1995-04
isn Internet School Networking 1991-10 1998-09
iup Internet User Population 1989-10 1990-11
nir Networked Information Retrieval 1992-09 1994-08
nisi Network Information Services Infrastructure 1990-02 1995-08
noctool2 NOC-Tool Catalogue Revisions 1991-03 1993-06
noctools NOC-Tools 1989-01 1990-04
run Responsible Use of the Network 1994-10 2002-03
ssh Site Security Handbook 1994-11 1999-02
stdguide Guide for Internet Standards Writers 1995-10 1998-07
telework Telecommuting 1997-01
trainmat Network Training Materials 1993-02 1996-10
userdoc User Documents 1989-07 1990-03
userdoc2 User Documents Revisions 1992-03 1994-08
userglos Internet User Glossary 1995-06 1996-08
webpriv Web User Privacy: Expectations & Threats
weird Web Elucidation of Internet-Related Developments 1999-05 2001-02
wnils Whois and Network Information Lookup Service 1992-09 1996-02

Web and Internet Transport

Group Name Start Concluded
rtcweb Real-Time Communication in WEB-browsers 2011-05 2024-04


The information below is incomplete and misses a few older RGs. Please check the IRTF site for more complete information.


Group Name Start Concluded
asrg Anti-Spam Research Group 2013-03
dtnrg Delay-Tolerant Networking 2016-04
e2erg End-to-End Research Group Charter 2012-04
eme End Middle End Research Group 2012-04
end2end End-to-End Research Group 2012-04
gsec Group Security 2012-04
hiprg Host Identity Protocol 2012-07
imrg Internet Measurement Research Group 2012-04
mobopts IP Mobility Optimizations Research Group 2012-06
ncrg Network Complexity Research Group 2014-06
nfvrg Network Function Virtualization 2014-10 2018-11
nwcrg Coding for efficient NetWork Communications Research Group 2013-02 2023-08
p2prg Peer-to-Peer Research Group 2013-02
rrg Routing Research Group 2014-06
samrg Scalable Adaptive Multicast Research Group 2013-12
sdnrg Software Defined Networking 2012-06 2017-01
tmrg Transport Modeling Research Group 2012-04
vnrg Virtual Networks Research Group 2012-04


Applications and Real-Time Area

Group Name Start Concluded
abcd Application Behavior Considering DNS
bimi Brand Indicators for Message Identification
dbound2 Domain Boundaries
i18nrp Internationalization Review Procedures
iss Internet Storage Sync
ledger Ledger
ript Realtime Internet Peering for Telephony
secret Secure Credential Transfer

Applications Area

Group Name Start Concluded
aggsrv Aggregated Service Discovery
biff Notifications from Mail Stores
cnhhttp Content Negotiation Headers in HTTP
dmsp Distributed Multimodal Synchronization Protocol
dsii Data Set Identifier Interoperability
esds Extensible Supply-chain Discovery Service
fsm Formal State Machines
ftpftam FTP-FTAM Gateway
grobj Generic Referral Object
hasmat HTTP Application Security Minus Authentication and Transport
iia Integrated Information Architecture 1983-12
kwns Keywords Naming Services
lamug DIS Large-Scale Multicast Usage 1983-12
lsthdr Listheader 1983-12
lucid Locale-free UniCode Identifiers
mailreq Email Requirements
mib Internet MIB 1988-05
mimecont Mime Content 1983-12
mimereg Mime Registration 1983-12
napmime NAPLPS Graphics and Character Sets as a MIME
netgraph Network Graphics 1990-02
newprep Stringprep after IDNA2008
pages Framework for White Pages Service in the Internet 1983-12
remmail Remote Mail Protocol
rydeirde Registry Data Escrow/Internet Registration Escrow
slrrp Simple Lightweight RFID Reader Protocol
sofa Support of Firewalls by Applications 1983-12
stif Structured Text Interchange Format 1983-12
telarch Teleconferencing Architecture
teleconf Teleconferencing
telnetlm TELNET Linemode Working Group 1988-06
testing Testing 1983-12
uribof Uniform Resource Identifiers
urirev04 Uniform Resource Identifier Revisions
url Uniform Resource Locators 1983-12
vac Voluntary Access Control 1983-12
wae Web Authentication Enhancement
whois Whois Protocol

General Area

Group Name Start Concluded
antitrust Does the IETF Need an Anti-Trust Policy
edunext Education and Mentoring Next Generation
history Networking History
iddtspec Review of Datatracker Specifications to Follow Internet-Draft Activities
ietfgrow IETF Growth 1992-07
imtg International Meeting Arrangements
iprbis Proposed Update IPR Policy
liaison Liaison Relationships
netrqmts IETF Meeting Network Requirements
newgen Next Generation Internet Initiative
pre8prob Pre-5378 Problem
rfcplusplus The label "RFC"
rpsreqs Remote Participation System Requirements
saad Scope Addressing Architecture Discussion
wgdtspec Review of Datatracker Specifications to Support
wugh WGs Using GitHub

Internet Area

Group Name Start Concluded
6tsch Deterministic IPv6 over IEEE802.15.4e Timeslotted Channel Hopping
arcing Alternative Resolution Contexts for Internet Naming
banana BANdwidth Aggregation for interNet Access
dmm-proposed Distributed Mobility Management (formerly MEXT)
dnsbof Domain Name Server BOF
dnsbundled Bundled Domains
dnse Encryption of DNS requests for confidentiality
fmc Fixed Mobile Convergence
fun FUture home Networks
geonet Internet-wide Geo-Networking
hipbof Host Identity Protocol BOF
hippi IP Over HIPPI
ila Identifier Locator Addressing
intareawg Internet Area Proposed Working Group
its Intelligent Transportation Systems
lowpan IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4
lwip Light-Weight IP Protocol Design
mdnsext Extensions to the Bonjour protocol suite
netext2 Network-Based Mobilty Extension, 2nd Stage
paw Predictable and Available Wireless
rbridge IP Subnets in Topologies which are Flexible, Universal and Nice
sava Source Address Validation Architecture
srp Spatial Reuse Protocol
urp User Registration Protocol

Operations and Management Area

Group Name Start Concluded
6bonebof Transitions Planning
apm Application Performance Metrics
callhome Reversing Traditional Client/Server Connection Model
canmod Comparing Approaches to NETCONF Modeling
casm Coordinated Address Space Management
coms Common Operations and Management on network Slices
driu DNS Resolver Identification and Use
ksk KSK Futures
multrans Multicast Transition
nee Netconf Extensions and Evolution
netslicing Network Slicing
omarea Operations and Management Open Area Meeting 1983-12
polterm Policy Terminology
renum Site Renumbering
wgtlgo Technology Deep Dive - Modern Router Architecture
xsdmi XSD for accessing SMIv2 data models

Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area

Group Name Start Concluded
dcon Distributed Conferencing
e2md E. 164 to Metadata
hiccup Harnessing IP for Critical Communications Using Precedence
peppermint Provisioning Extensions in Peering Registries for Multimedia INTerconnection
rtpsec RTP Secure Keying
rucus Ruducing Unwanted Communications using SIP
videocodec Internet Video Codec

Routing Area

Group Name Start Concluded
actn Abstraction and Control of Transport Networks
bcause BNG Control-plane And User-plane SEparation
cidr CIDR Supernetting
dcrouting Data Center Routing
ipnni Integrated PNNI 1983-12
irs Interface to the Routing System
iwg Interconnectivity Working Group 1983-12
mmnet Mobile Mesh Networks 1983-12
msr6 Multicast Source Routing over IPv6
nsc Network Service Chaining
rl2n Routing For Low Power and Lossy Networks
road Routing and Addressing
rtgtbl Routing Table Lookup Algorithm
sdn Software Driven Networks
status Stacked Tunnels for Source Routing

Security Area

Group Name Start Concluded
cacao Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations for Cyber Security
certrans Certificate Transparency
cicm Common Interface to Cryptographic Modules 2012-05
danish DANE AutheNtication for Iot Service Hardening
fedauth Federated Authentication Beyond the Web
hoakey Handover and Application Keying and Pre-authentication
ifare IPsec FAilover and REdundancy
jwp JSON Web Proofs
lurk Limited Use of Remote Keys
mathmesh MatheMatical Mesh
perpass Handling Pervasive Monitoring in the IETF
plasma Policy Augmented S/Mime
posh PKIX over Secure HTTP
sbsm Session Based Security Model for SNMPv3
scap Synergy of SCAP Program and IETF Activities
spkm NFSv4 and Low Infrastructure Public Key Based GSS Security Mechanisms
tam Trust Anchor Management 2007-07
woes Web Object Encryption and Signing

Transport Area

Group Name Start Concluded
accord Alternatives to Content Classification for Operator Resource Deployment
ceot Circuit Emulation over Transport
guts Guidelines for UDP and TCP Based Systems 1983-12
i2aex Infrastructure-to-Application Information Exposure
ieps International Emergency Preparedness Scheme
ippmxx IP Performance Metrics, Next Steps
l4s Low Latency Low Loss Scalable throughput
letic Link-Enhancing Transport Intermediary Communication
loops Local Optimizations on Path Segments
nbs Name-Based Sockets
offpath Path-decoupled Signaling for Data
otsv Open Transport Area Meeting 1983-12
plus Path Layer UDP Substrate
safe Self-Address Fixing Evolution
spud Session Protocol for User Datagrams
tana Techniques for Advanced Networking Applications
tcmtf Tunneling Compressed Multiplexed Traffic Flows
ternli Transport-Enhancing Refinements to the Network Layer
ttcp Transaction TCP
vnfpool Virtualized Network Function Pool

User Services Area

Group Name Start Concluded
abby Netiquette
dawg Distribution and Announcement 1983-12
gopher GOPHER
isn2 Internet School Networking 2 1983-12
livdoc Living Documents
loip Low Cost IP Hardware Wish List
rtl Read the Label 1983-12
udi Universal Document Identifiers
wais WAIS and Directory Integration
www World-Wide Web
Group Name Start Concluded
aeiou Address Extension by IP Option Usage 1983-12
afic ATM Forum/IETF Cooperation BOF 1983-12 1997-01
atminfo Whither ATM - an update 1983-12
atmmib Managing ATM with SNMP
check Installation Checklist 1983-12
colip CO and CL IP Transport over ATM 1983-12
compen Compression Encapsulation over IP 1983-12
dcnl Dynamic Creation of Network Links (T3 Circuits) 1983-12
devdisc SNMP Device Discovery 1983-12
dis Distributed Interactive Simulation 1983-12
dlsw Data Link Switching 1983-12
dns2 DNS II
dnsevolv IETF Role in DNS Evolution 1983-12 1997-01
dnsfutur DNS Future Work 1983-12
earthen Explorations of Alternate Routing & Topology to He 1983-12
eid Endpoint Identifier 1983-12
emailmgt IFIP Electronic Mail Management
fddifs Future Directions for Differential Services 1983-12 1997-01
hops Host Proximity Service 1983-12
hostreq Host Requirements 1987-11
httpmib HyperText Transfer Protocol MIB 1983-12
httpsec HTTP Secure 1983-12
iab-wcit IAB-sponsored Discussion of WCIT
icp Internet Cache Protocol 1983-12 1997-01
ima Internet Middleware 1983-12 1997-01
ioh Internet and OSI Harmonisation 1983-12
ios Object/Document Security 1983-12 1997-01
ipacad IP Applications Over Cable Data Network 1983-12
ipaddr IP Addressing Plan
ipdecide IPng Decision Process 1993-08
isfoo Integrated Services over Foo 1983-12
mailftp Mail-based File Distribution 1983-12 1994-03
mbone MBONE Engineering and Operations
mboneng MBone Engineering 1983-12
mibcomp SNMPMIB Compiler 1983-12
mplxmib Multiplexing SNMP Agents BOF
msp Message Security Protocol 1983-12
nbmav6 IPv6 over NBMA 1983-12
ngreqs IPng Requirements 1983-12
nosi Next Generation and OSI 1983-12
nsfnet Perspectives on the Next Generation of the NSFnet 1993-08
nttcp New Technology TCP 1983-12
onc NFS and ONC IETF Standards Effort 1983-12
opera Establishing a Forum for Operational Issues 1983-12
opmeas Developing Operational Measurement Criteria 1983-12
osiextnd Extensions to OSI for use in the Internet 1983-12 1997-01
ositrans OSI Transition 1911-01
peering High Speed 34 Megabit Atlantic Peering 1983-12
pgpmime MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy 1983-12
piara Pricing for Internet Addresses and Route Assignmen 1983-12
printjob Print Job Management 1983-12
prottest Protocol Testing 1983-12
raidmib Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks MIB
ramp Remote Account Maintenance Protocol 1983-12 1994-03
realtime Realtime Packet Forwarding and Admission Control 1983-12
resdisc Resource Discovery 1983-12 1997-01
rfc1006 RFC1006bis/ISO TP over IPv6 1983-12
roamreq Dialup Roaming Requirements BOF 1983-12
rreqlist Router Requirements Checklist 1983-12
rtqos Net Support for QOS and Real-Time Traffic
sam SNMP Application Monitoring
select Selection Criteria
shr Special Host Requirements 1990-08 1992-04
skey S/Key One Time Password Standardization 1983-12 1997-01
skip Simple Key Management for IP 1983-12
smibof SMI Documentation 1983-12
smpframe Simple Management Protocol (SMP) Framework
snamib SNA Systems Management
snapper SNA Peer-to-Peer Networking
snmpagen SNMP Agent Description
snmpseci SNMP Security Implementors
snmpxns SNMP Over XNS 1983-12
ssl Session Layer Security 1983-12
tacit Transition and Coexistence Including Testing 1983-12
tadmin Trusted Administration 1997-01
tcoord TSIG/IETF Coordination
tcpfix TCP Short-Term Problems 1983-12
tcpng Next Generation TCP 1983-12
termacct Terminal Server Accounting and Authentication 1983-12 1997-03
tmux TCP Multiplexing
tpcint Remote Printing on Glodal Facsimile Devices 1983-12 1997-01
tracerte Traceroute
trafchar Traffic Collection, Measurement & Characterization
tsess Trusted Sessions 1997-01
tspatm RSVP and INTSERV over ATM 1983-12
txwg Trusted X 1997-01
usm Ubiquitous Secure Mail 1983-12 1997-01
vtp Virtual Tunneling Protocol BOF 1983-12 1997-01
x3s3dot3 Network Level Standards (x3s3.3) 1983-12 1997-01


Applications and Real-Time Area

Group Name Start Concluded
apparea ART Area Open Meeting for Applications 2017-06
raiarea ART Area Open Meeting for Real-time Applications and Infrastructure 2017-06

Applications Area

Group Name Start Concluded
apptsv Applications/Transport Joint Session 2006-03
usvarea User Services Area Open Meeting 2002-03

Transport Area

Group Name Start Concluded
tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting 2024-01
Group Name Start Concluded
nmarea Network Management Area Open Meeting 1983-12 1997-04


No groups found.


Applications and Real-Time Area

Group Name Start Concluded
raiart ART Area Review Directorate for Real-time Applications and Infrastructure 2014-10 2017-06

General Area

Group Name Start Concluded
emodir Education, Mentoring and Outreach Directorate
smartpower Smart Power Directorate 2014-10 2021-08

Routing Area

Group Name Start Concluded
rtgyangcoord Routing Area Yang Co-Ordinators 2015-02

Transport Area

Group Name Start Concluded
rsvpdir RSVP Directorate 2014-10 2021-05
tsvdir Transport Area Directorate 2014-10 2016-11

Review teams

Applications and Real-Time Area

Group Name Start Concluded
i18ndir Internationalization Directorate 2023-01


General Area

Group Name Start Concluded
edu Education 2021-09
iahc International Ad Hoc Committee 1997-01
tools-arch Tools Architecture and Strategy Team 2021-08

Security Area

Group Name Start Concluded
ghost GatHering and reOrganizing STandards information 2015-05 2021-03

User Services Area

Group Name Start Concluded
usac User Services Area Council 2002-03
Group Name Start Concluded
isoc-old Internet Society Advisory Council 1993-08
ngdir IPNG Directorate 1983-12 1996-04
orad Operational Requirements Area Directorate 1983-12 1997-01
proto The Process and Tools Team


Internet Architecture Board

Group Name Start Concluded
i18n-program Internationalization
iabemservprogram IAB Emergency Services Program
iabipevolprogram IAB IP Evolution Program
iabitutcoord IAB ITU-T Coordination Program
iabprivacyprogram IAB Privacy Program
iabsecprogram IAB Security Program
iabtoolsprocesses IAB Tools and Processes Program
inip Names and Identifiers
model-t Internet Threat Model 2022-09
privsec Privacy and Security 2019-09
rfcefdp RFC Editor Future Development
stackevo IP Stack Evolution 2019-09