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HTTP Resource Versioning

Document Type Active Internet-Draft (individual)
Author Michael Toomim
Last updated 2024-07-08
RFC stream (None)
Intended RFC status (None)
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Consensus boilerplate Unknown
RFC Editor Note (None)
IESG IESG state I-D Exists
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Internet-Draft                                                 M. Toomim
Expires: Feb 10, 2024                                  Invisible College
Intended status: Proposed Standard                           Jul 8, 2024

                        HTTP Resource Versioning


   HTTP resources change over time.  Each change to a resource creates a
   new "version" of its state.  HTTP systems often need a way to
   identify, read, write, navigate, and/or merge these versions, in
   order to implement cache consistency, create history archives, settle
   race conditions, request incremental updates to resources, interpret
   incremental updates to versions, or implement distributed
   collaborative editing algorithms.

   This document analyzes existing methods of versioning in HTTP,
   highlights limitations, and sketches a more general versioning
   approach that can enable new use-cases for HTTP.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as
   Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction ..................................................4
   1.1.  Existing Versioning in HTTP .................................6
   1.1.1.  Versioning with `Last-Modified` ...........................6
   1.1.2.  Versioning with `ETag` ....................................7
   1.1.3.  Versioning encoded within URLs ............................8
   1.2.  Limitations of Existing Approaches ..........................8
   1.3.  Design Goals for a New HTTP Versioning System ...............9
   1.4.  Overview of Proposed Solution ...............................9
   2.  HTTP Resource Versioning .....................................10
   2.1.  Version History ............................................10
   2.2.  Version Identifiers ........................................10
   2.3.  Version and Parents Headers ................................11
   2.4.  Using Versioning with HTTP Methods .........................12
   2.4.1.  GET the current version ..................................12
   2.4.2.  GET a specific version ...................................13
   2.4.3.  PUT a new version ........................................13
   2.4.4.  GET a range of historical versions .......................14
   2.5.  Rules for Version and Parents headers ......................16
   2.6.  The `Current-Version` header ...............................16
   3.  Example Applications of Resource Versioning ..................17
   3.1  Incremental RSS subscription ................................17
   3.2.  Hosting git via HTTP .......................................18
   3.3.  Resumeable uploads .........................................21
   3.3.1.  Version-Type: bytestream .................................21
   3.3.2.  Resumable Upload Protocol ................................22
   3.4.  Distributed collaborative editing ..........................24
   4.  Version-Type Header ..........................................26
   5.  Version-Type Examples ........................................26
   6.  Acknowledgements .............................................27
   7.  Conventions ..................................................27
   8.  Copyright Notice .............................................28
   9.  Security Considerations ......................................28
   10. Authors' Addresses ...........................................29
   11. References ...................................................30
   11.1.  Normative References ......................................31
   11.2.  Informative References ....................................31

1.  Introduction

   From the perspective of a single computer, the version history of a
   HTTP resource that is changing on that computer can be viewed in a
   line of time:

                  o  <-- oldest version
                  o  <-- newest version

   We call this a "linear" history.

   However, if multiple computers change a resource over a network
   "simultaneously" (ie. before their changes propagate to one another),
   then the version history forks into a DAG, or "partial order":

                  o  <-- oldest version
                 / \
                o   o
                 \ /
                  o  <-- newest version

   HTTP systems often need a way to identify, read, write, navigate,
   and/or merge versions of history in order to (1) implement better
   cache consistency, (2) create history archives, (3) settle race
   conditions, (4) request incremental updates to resources, (5)
   interpret incremental updates to versions, or (6) implement
   distributed collaborative editing algorithms.

   Furthermore, advanced distributed systems often devise special
   formats for partially-ordered timestamps that allow inferences for
   improved performance, such as lamport clocks, vector clocks, version
   vectors, hash histories, and append-only-log indices.
   Implementations can rely on information embedded in these timestamps
   to compress history metadata, optimize partial-order computations, or
   infer the value of state.

   A general mechanism for versioning HTTP resources could enable a
   number of new use-cases:

     - RSS clients could request incremental updates when polling,
       instead of re-downloading redundant unchanged feed items after
       each change to any item

     - Servers could accept incoming patches based on old or parallel
       versions of history, and even rebase those patches for other
       clients, at other points in history

     - Collaborative editing could be built directly into HTTP
       resources, providing the abilities of Google Docs at any URL

     - Git repositories could be hosted directly over HTTP; rather than
       embedding versioning information within opaque blobs that use
       HTTP just as a transport

     - Caches and archives could hold and serve multiple versions of a
       resource, enabling audits and distributed backups

     - Distributed databases could standardize network APIs to HTTP,
       while retaining distributed consistency guarantees

   This document analyzes existing approaches to versioning of resources
   in HTTP, and sketches an approach to a more general and powerful
   approach that addresses use-cases like these.

   (Note that this document does NOT speak to the versioning of HTTP
   APIs -- only HTTP resources, which are used within APIs.)

1.1.  Existing Versioning in HTTP

   Current approaches to versioning in HTTP address disparate use-cases,
   but have limitations and trade-offs.  The Last-Modified and ETag
   headers were invented for cache consistency, but do not provide an
   ordering of version history through time, nor do they handle forks
   and merges in distributed time.  On the other hand, a number of
   forking/merging versioning systems have been proposed (WebDAV, Link
   Relations) that create new resources to represent versions of
   existing resources, but this approach has been more complex, and has
   not seen much adoption in practice.  No HTTP versioning system today
   allows for articulating custom distributed timestamp formats such as
   vector clocks.

1.1.1.  Versioning with `Last-Modified`

   The Last-Modified header specifies a clock date that caches and
   clients can use to know when a change has occurred:

      Last-Modified: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 07:28:00 GMT

   This header is useful for caching and conditional requests (using the
   If-Modified-Since header). However, it has several limitations:

   1. It is limited to the precision of the wallclock.  If a resource
      changes within the same second, the Last-Modified date won't
      change, and caches can become inconsistent.

   2. It is susceptible to clock skew in distributed systems,
      potentially leading to inconsistencies across different servers.

   3. It doesn't work well for dynamically generated content, where the
      modification time might not be meaningful or easily determined.

1.1.2.  Versioning with `ETag`

   The ETag header allows more precision. It specifies a version with a
   string that uniquely identifies a cacheable representation:

      ETag: "2u34fa7yorz0"

   ETags can be strong or weak, with weak ETags prefixed by W/:

      ETag: W/"2u34fa7yorz0"

   ETags are used in conditional requests with If-None-Match and
   If-Match headers and can be used for optimistic concurrency
   control. However:

   1. While helping with cache validation, ETags are not accurate
      markers of time.  There is no way to order versions by ETag, or
      know which version came before another.
   2. ETags are unique to content, not timestamps.  It's possible for
      the same ETag to recur over time if the resource changes back and
      forth between a common state.

   3. ETags are sensitive to Content-Encoding. If a single version of a
      resource is transmitted with different Content-Encodings (e.g.,
      gzip), it will be sent with different ETags.  Thus, one can have
      multiple ETags for the same version in history, as well as a
      single ETag for multiple versions of history.

1.1.3.  Versioning encoded within URLs

   In practice, application programmers tend to encode versions within

   This approach is common in API versioning (e.g., /api/v1/resource).
   However, it has several drawbacks:

   1. It loses the semantics of a "resource changing over time."
      Instead, it creates multiple version resources for every single
      logical resource.

   2. It necessitates additional standards for version history on top of
      URLs (e.g., Memento, WebDAV, Link Relations for Versioning

   3. Given a URL, we still need a standard way to extract the version
      itself, get the previous and next version(s), and understand the
      format of the version(s) (e.g., major.minor.patch).

   4. This approach can lead to URI proliferation, potentially impacting
      caching strategies and SEO.

   5. It may complicate content negotiation and RESTful design

   The choice to embed versions into URLs can be useful, but carries
   with it additional tradeoffs.  A versioning system does not need to
   depend on allocating a URL for each version; but could be compatible
   with doing so.

1.2.  Limitations of Existing Approaches

   Current HTTP versioning mechanisms serve specific use cases, but have
   limitations collectively and individually.  Last-Modified and ETags
   do not represent the order of history.  URL approaches to history add
   complexity to RESTful design.  No approach yet enables custom
   timestamp formats.

   As a result, programmers today must implement multiple approaches to
   versioning in their applications -- each with subtly different logic
   -- and cannot implement common infrastructure for distributed
   versioning, archiving, and collaborative editing that works across
   HTTP systems.

1.3.  Design Goals for a New HTTP Versioning System

   We sketch an HTTP resource versioning system with the following
   design goals:

   1. Unified: A single, flexible way to identify versions across
      diverse versioning needs, from simple caching to complex
      distributed editing.

   2. Support for non-linear history: allow branching and merging
      through a partial order (DAG) of versions.

   3. Extensible Version Identification: Allow for custom version ID
      formats to support various timestamp schemes.

   4. Optimizable for High-Performance: Supports optimizations of
      advanced distributed systems.

   5. Independent of additional URLs: Does not require allocation of new
      URLs to represent versions; but is compatible with systems doing

1.4.  Overview of Proposed Solution

   To meet these design goals, we propose the following:

   1. Version and Parents Headers: New headers to specify the current
      version of a resource and its parent versions, enabling
      representation of both linear and non-linear version histories.

   2. Version as Sets of Strings: Versions are represented as sets of
      unique string identifiers, allowing for custom versioning schemes
      and distributed timestamps.

   3. Extensible Version-Type Header: Allows specification of different
      timestamp formats in custom versioning schemes (e.g., git-style
      hashes, bytestreams and append-only logs, vector clocks) to allow
      additional computational inferences for various use cases.

   4. Versioned Resource Operations: Extends standard HTTP methods (GET,
      PUT, PATCH) with versioning semantics, allowing version-aware
      interactions with resources.

   This system provides a flexible foundation that can be adapted to
   various versioning needs, from simple content distribution to complex
   collaborative editing scenarios, while maintaining compatibility with
   existing HTTP infrastructure.

   We start by specifying how to add versioning to HTTP requests and

2.  HTTP Resource Versioning

   This section defines the core concepts and mechanisms for HTTP
   Resource Versioning.

2.1.  Version History

   Each HTTP resource maintains a version history, representing its
   state changes over time.  This history forms a partially ordered set,
   where some versions have a clear sequential relationship, while
   others may occur in parallel.

2.2.  Version Identifiers

   A version is uniquely identified by a set of one or more string
   identifiers ("version IDs") formatted according to the Structured
   Headers specification [RFC8941].  Each version ID represents a
   distinct change to the resource at a specific point in time.  A set
   of IDs together specifies the merger of those changes, along with all
   changed preceding them in the partial order of history.

2.3.  Version and Parents Headers

   To communicate version information, this specification introduces two
   new HTTP headers: Version and Parents.  The Version header specifies
   the current version of a resource in a request or response:

           Version: "dkn7ov2vwg"

   These headers may be used in PUT, PATCH, or POST requests, as well as
   in GET responses, to convey the version history of a resource.

   Every version also has a set of parents, denoting the version(s)
   immediately before the version, that it derives from.  Any version
   can be recreated by first merging its parents, and then applying the
   its update onto that merger.  Parents are specified with a Parents
   header in a PUT/PATCH/POST request or GET response:

           Parents: "ajtva12kid", "cmdpvkpll2"

   The full graph of parents forms a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG),
   representing the partial order of all versions.  A version A is known
   to have occurred before a version B if and only if A is an ancestor
   of B in the partial order.  Braid time is a DAG, rather than a line.

   A Version header is also allowed to contain multiple IDs, to describe
   the version of a merger:

           Version: "dkn7ov2vwg", "v2vwgdkn7o"

   However, any single mutation SHOULD create only a single version ID,
   and mergers themselves need not be announced over the network when
   created.  Version headers with multiple IDs are only needed in a few
   cases, such as when requesting or providing a snapshot of a merger.

   For any two version IDs A and B that are specified in a Version or
   Parents header, A cannot be a descendent of B or vice versa.  The
   ordering of version IDs within the header carries no meaning.

   If a client or server does not specify a Version for a resource it
   transfers, the recipient MAY generate and assign it new version IDs.
   If a client or server does not specify a Parents header when
   transferring a new version, the recipient MAY presume that the most
   recent versions it has (the frontier of time) are the parents of the
   new version.  It MAY also ignore or reject the update.

2.4.  Using Versioning with HTTP Methods

2.4.1.  GET the current version

   If the Version: header is not specified, a GET request returns the
   current version of the state as usual:


         GET /chat


         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Version: "ej4lhb9z78"
         Parents: "oakwn5b8qh", "uc9zwhw7mf"
         Content-Type: application/json
         Content-Length: 64

         [{"text": "Hi, everyone!",
           "author": {"link": "/user/tommy"}}]

   The server MAY include a Version and/or Parents header in the
   response, to indicate the current version and its parents.

   Clients can use a HEAD request to elicit versioning history without
   downloading the body:


         HEAD /chat


         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Version: "ej4lhb9z78"
         Parents: "oakwn5b8qh", "uc9zwhw7mf"
         Content-Type: application/json

2.4.2.  GET a specific version

   A server can allow clients to request historical versions of a
   resource in GET requests by responding to the Version and Parents
   headers.  A client can specify a specific version that it wants with
   the Version header:


         GET /chat
         Version: "ej4lhb9z78"


         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Version: "ej4lhb9z78"
         Parents: "oakwn5b8qh", "uc9zwhw7mf"
         Content-Type: application/json
         Content-Length: 64

         [{"text": "Hi, everyone!",
           "author": {"link": "/user/tommy"}}]

2.4.3.  PUT a new version

   When a PUT request changes the state of a resource, it can specify
   the new version of the resource, and the parent version that it was
   based on:


         PUT /chat
         Version: "ej4lhb9z78"
         Parents: "oakwn5b8qh", "uc9zwhw7mf"
         Content-Type: application/json
         Content-Length: 64

         [{"text": "Hi, everyone!",
           "author": {"link": "/user/tommy"}}]


         HTTP/1.1 200 OK

   The Version and Parents headers are optional.  If Version is omitted,
   the recipient may assign new version IDs.  If Parents is omitted, the
   recipient may assume that its current version is the version's

2.4.4.  GET a range of historical versions

   A client can request a range of history by including a Parents and a
   Version header together.  The Parents marks the beginning of the
   range (the oldest versions) and the Version marks the end of the
   range (the newest versions) that it requests.


         GET /chat
         Version: "3"
         Parents: "1a", "1b"


         HTTP/1.1 104 Multiresponse
         Current-Version: "3"

         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Version: "2"
         Parents: "1a", "1b"
         Content-Type: application/json
         Content-Length: 64

         [{"text": "Hi, everyone!",
           "author": {"link": "/user/tommy"}}]

         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Version: "3"
         Parents: "2"
         Content-Type: application/json
         Merge-Type: sync9
         Content-Length: 117

         [{"text": "Hi, everyone!",
           "author": {"link": "/user/tommy"}}
          {"text": "Yo!",
           "author": {"link": "/user/yobot"}]

   Note that this example uses a new "Multiresponse" code, which is
   currently being drafted.  See [Braid-HTTP] Section 3.

2.5.  Rules for Version and Parents headers

   If a GET request contains a Version header:

     - If the Parents header is absent, the server SHOULD return a
       single response, containing the requested version of the resource
       in its body, with the Version response header set to the same

     - If the server does not support historical versions, it MAY ignore
       the Version header and respond as usual, but MUST NOT include the
       Version header in its response.

   If a GET request contains a Parents header:

     - The server SHOULD send the set of versions updating the Parents
       to the specified Version.  If no Version is specified, then it
       should update the client to the server's current version.

     - If the server does not support historical versions, then it MAY
       ignore the Parents header, but MUST NOT include the Parents
       header in its response.

   A server does not need to honor historical version requests for all
   documents, for all history. If a server no longer has the historical
   context needed to honor a request, it may respond with a TBD error

2.6.  The `Current-Version` header

   While sending historical versions, a server or client can specify its
   current latest version with the Current-Version header.  The other
   party may desire this information to know when it has caught up with
   the latest version.  This is also used in the resumeable uploads
   example below.

3.  Example Applications of Resource Versioning

3.1  Incremental RSS subscription

   Today's RSS readers poll a server for updates by sending repeated
   GETs, which requires the server to re-send the entire feed back to
   the client if only a single item has changed.  This is inefficient.

   It is more efficient for a server to incrementally send the client
   only what changed since the client's last request.

   To do this, the client will need to tell the server which version it
   had last.  It can do so with the "Parents" header:


         GET /feed.rss
         Accept: application/rss+xml
         Parents: "4"

   The server responds with a "Version" and "Parents" header, and
   includes a "RSS Patch" in the body, that can be merged with the RSS
   at the parent version "4":


         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Content-Type: application/rss+xml+patch
         Version: "5"
         Parents: "4"

         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
         <rss version="2.0">
          <title>My RSS Feed</title>
           <title>This is a new entry</title>
             Fresh off the press!  I typed something new!


   Any patch format could be used.  See [updates] or [range-patch].

3.2.  Hosting git via HTTP

   We can host a git repository directly through HTTP, where each file
   corresponds to a resource, and all have a version history.

   Git versions are normally specified as a hash.  The server can
   express this with a "Version-Type: git" header:


         GET /repo/


         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Content-Type: text/markdown
         Version-Type: git
         Version: "9531a9702af0d90dd489050ed8e25f87912a9252"
         Parents: "3a4c361f8e0349fe4b25c1ff46ebec1cec66e60f"


   Git also allows specifying a version with a short string, like
   "HEAD", which works for any tag or branch.  We can request the latest
   "development" branch version with:


         GET /repo/
         Version: "development"


         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Content-Type: text/markdown
         Version-Type: git
         Version: "9e26e8837a4f6a4445e74eed744fe8af85efd0c2"
         Parents: "1d5f89f8843b33b91d62bf95877e46b23fd86741"


   One can also request the files from release tagged "1.3.5" using:


         GET /repo/
         Version: "1.3.5"

   One can clone a repo by asking for all versions from the root to


         GET /repo/
         Version: "HEAD"
         Parents: "ROOT"


         HTTP/1.1 104 Multiresponse

         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Content-Type: text/markdown
         Version-Type: git
         Version: "9e26e8837a4f6a4445e74eed744fe8af85efd0c2"
         Parents: "1d5f89f8843b33b91d62bf95877e46b23fd86741"
         Content-Length: 190


         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Content-Type: text/markdown
         Version-Type: git
         Version: "1d5f89f8843b33b91d62bf95877e46b23fd86741"
         Parents: "1cf6ab4ed836d4d7308ac93edbc6fd18a69ef88f"
         Content-Length: 192


   In fact, git itself already supports two HTTP protocols: a "dumb" and
   a "smart" protocol.  The dumb protocol uses plain HTTP, but doesn't
   support incremental updates -- each pull re-downloads the entire pack
   file.  The smart protocol allows the client to specify the version it
   has, and the version it wants:

      0054want 31f1c37dfa1bf983e4d67e06fac28e8e6f
      00093bd7884 HEAD@{1}
      0032have e68fe437718c37155c7e3e5f4a3ff17c4f476940

   We can express this with HTTP Versioning as:


         GET /repo/
         Version: "31f1c37dfa1bf983e4d67e06fac28e8e6f"
         Parents: "e68fe437718c37155c7e3e5f4a3ff17c4f476940"

   This expresses aspects of the "smart" git protocol over plain HTTP.

3.3.  Resumeable uploads

   Resource Versioning semantics enable efficient implementation of
   resumable uploads, providing an alternative perspective to

3.3.1.  Version-Type: bytestream

   For uploads, we can consider the resource as an append-only
   bytestream, declared with a header:

      Version-Type: bytestream

   Bytestream versions are represented as:

      Version: "<agent>-<byte_count>"

   For example, "x82ha-344" indicates "the resource state after agent
   `x82ha` appended 344 bytes".

   This approach creates a direct correspondence between time and
   space: each version increment represents one additional byte in the

3.3.2.  Resumable Upload Protocol

   To initiate an upload, the client specifies the Version-Type and the
   expected final version using the Current-Version header:


         PUT /something
         Current-Version: "abwejf-900"
         Version-Type: bytestream
         Content-Length: 900

         <binary data of length 900>

   For a successful upload, the server responds as usual:


         200 OK

   If the upload is interrupted, the client can query the server's
   current state:


         HEAD /something
         Parents: "abwejf-0"

   The server's response determines the client's next action:

   A. Upload complete:


         200 OK
         Parents: "abwejf-0"
         Version: "abwejf-900"

   B. Partial upload:


         206 Partial Content
         Parents: "abwejf-0"
         Version: "abwejf-400"

   C. No upload progress:


         416 Range Not Satisfiable

   Based on the response, the client proceeds as follows:

   - Case A: Upload is complete, no further action needed.
   - Case B: Resume the upload from the last received byte:


         PUT /something
         Current-Version: "abwejf-900"
         Parents: "abwejf-400"
         Content-Range: bytes 400-900/900
         Content-Length: 500

         <binary data from 400-900>

   - Case C: Restart the upload from the beginning.

   This protocol leverages general version semantics, allowing servers
   implementing HTTP Resource Versioning with the "bytestream"
   Version-Type to inherently support resumable uploads.

3.4.  Distributed collaborative editing

   This versioning system can also support full CRDT and OT
   collaborative editing features (when used with other extensions such
   as [Braid-HTTP]), allowing every URL to gain the functionality of
   Google Docs.

   The [Braid-Text] project implements a very efficient style of this.
   When you first load a resource, a server provides it as a single


         Accept: text/plain
         Subscribe: true


         HTTP/1.1 104 Multiresponse

         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Version: "2agvvzgccrq-5"
         Version-Type: rle
         Merge-Type: simpleton
         Content-Length: 12

         Hello world!

   Updates are expressed as a stream of patches:

      Response (continued):

         Version: "4590r8uwm63-18"
         Parents: "2agvvzgccrq-5"
         Patches: 1

         Content-Length: 1
         Content-Range: text [12:12]


         Version: "4590r8uwm63-19"
         Parents: "4590r8uwm63-18"
         Patches: 1

         Content-Length: 1
         Content-Range: text [13:13]


   This versioning system supports multiple [Merge-Types], and they can
   even co-exist simultaneously for the same resource.  For instance,
   braid-text supports two merge-types simultaneously:

     - The "simpleton" merge-type requires the server to rebase all
       edits for the client

     - The "dt" merge-type uses a fully peer-to-peer merge algorithm
       called Diamond-Types

   Clients can connect with either merge-type, and can even change
   merge-type on-the-fly -- the version history itself can be re-used.

4.  Version-Type Header

   A server or client can optionally add a Version-Type header to
   specify how version IDs are formatted and can be interpreted.  This
   allows a variety of optimizations.

   For instance, "Version-Type: git" can convey that version IDs will
   all be hashes, branches, or tags, as we saw before.  A peer can then
   verify that the entire repository at that version hashes to the value
   of the version's ID.
   Alternatively, "Version-Type: dt" says to use the type of version IDs
   in Diamond-Types, which are lamport timestamps of the form:
      Version: "<agent>-<char_count>"

   This allows Diamond-Types to compress history metadata using
   run-length encoding, because any run of consecutive inserted
   characters will have a known pattern of increasing char_count version
   IDs.  This allows a set of 50 inserted characters to be stored as 50
   bytes plus one version ID, rather than 50 bytes plus 50 version IDs,
   each of which takes up multiple bytes.

   Implementors could also specify "Version-Type: vector-clock", where a
   version ID will be of the form:

      Version: "{agentid1: counter1, agentid2: counter2, ...}"

   A vector clock stores the current local version known from each agent
   at the time of a change.  This can be used to compute partial order
   between any two version IDs directly, without needing to look at the
   graph of parent relationships.  To know the order between two vector
   clocks A and B, one needs only to compare each agent's counter
   between A and B.  If A dominates across all agents, it is newer.  If
   B dominates, then it is newer.  Otherwise, the ordering between the
   two vector clocks is not known, and we can say that they happened in

4.  Version-Type Examples

   [xxx fill this in]

    - Version-Type: bytestream and arraystream
    - Reconnecting to feed of posts as arraystream
    - Compressing Runs
    - New Cache-Control: version-immutable proposal

6.  Acknowledgements

   This is derived from prior draft [Braid-HTTP] with authors:

     - Michael Toomim
     - Greg Little
     - Raphael Walker
     - Bryn Bellomy
     - Joseph Gentle

   And incorporates additional ideas from:

     - Rahul Gupta
     - Duane Johnson
     - Mitar Milutinovic
     - Paul Kuchenko

7.  Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

8.  Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

9. Security Considerations

   XXX Todo

10.  Authors' Addresses

   For more information, the authors of this document are best contacted
   via Internet mail:

   Michael Toomim
   Invisible College, Berkeley
   2053 Berkeley Way
   Berkeley, CA 94704


11.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC5789]  "PATCH Method for HTTP", RFC 5789.

   [RFC9110]  "HTTP Semantics", RFC 9110.

11.2.  Informative References

   [XHR]      Van Kestern, A., Aubourg, J., Song, J., and R. M.
              Steen, H.  "XMLHttpRequest", September 2019.

   [SSE]      Hickson, I.  "Server-Sent Events", W3C Recommendation,
              February 2015.