Imprint according to § 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG) and § 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag (German Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting).


DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative e.V.
Welfengarten 1 B, 30167 Hannover

Authorized Representatives

DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative e. V. is represented by the Executive Board. The Executive Board has authorized Matthew Buys, Executive Director to represent DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative e. V.

DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative e. V. is a registered association with a charitable purpose.

Association Register Entry

Entry in the register of associations: VR 201182
Register court: Local court Hannover

VAT (sales tax) ID

Value-added tax identification number according to §27 a value-added tax law: DE306554822 / Financial Authority Hannover Nord.


Business Office: +49 511 762-17642
Fax: +49 511 762-14237


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