DataCite Fee Model

Fee Structure

Membership Fee

DataCite’s strength is rooted in its active membership. Our global community of members includes data centers, libraries, government agencies, research institutions and more. Members are the voting body of the organization and establish our vision and strategy, set our fee structure, and vote or stand for our Executive Board. Membership is open to all organizations that share our research sharing mission. Membership fees support DataCite’s goal to enable the discovery and reuse of research outputs in a global transition to Open Science.

Annual Membership Fee: 2.000€

This fee applies to Direct Members, to a Consortium as a whole, and to Supporting Member organizations.

Service Fees

DataCite’s DOI Services are available to members for an additional service fee. Our robust infrastructure provides a simple and effective method of DOI creation and management; thereby enabling discovery, access, sharing, tracking, and citation. DataCite’s user-facing services: indexed content, help-desk, support site, and a metadata schema – support a range of diverse content types (data, text, images, software, samples, and more).

Each Direct Member or Consortium Organization that makes use of DOI registration services will pay an annual service fee. This fee consists of two components: an Organization Fee and a tier-based DOI Fee.

Organization Fee

The organization fee for non-profit organizations is 500€ per year. This fee includes all the repositories and prefixes needed by an organization to follow best practices.


There are several tiers for the number of new DOIs registered annually. The tiers accommodate different types of organizations and align with the cost impact. The DOI fee is based on the total number of DOIs registered in the previous calendar year across all repositories of an organization. In the first year the DOI fee is based on an estimate of DOIs the organization is planning to register from the start date until December 31st.

Annual DOI rangeTierOrganization FeeDOI FeeAnnual Service Fee
0 – 1.999Tier 1500€
0,80€ per DOI
500€ + 0,80€ per DOI

2.000 – 10.000Tier 2500€

10.001 – 100.000Tier 3500€

100.001 – 250.000
Tier 4500€

250.001 – 1.000.000
Tier 5500€

1.000.001 – 2.000.000
Tier 6500€

2.000.001 – 5.000.000
Tier 7500€

5.000.001 – 10.000.000
Tier 8500€

Application of the Fee Structure

Direct Member

The following fees apply to Direct Members:

Example: Direct Member registering 1.000 DOIs

If a Direct Member registered 1.000 DOIs (across repositories) in the previous year, the total fees will be as follows:

# DOIsAnnual Membership FeeAnnual Service Fee
(Organization Fee + DOI Fee)
500€ + 800€ (1.000 DOIs x 0,80€)

Example: Direct Member registering 200.000 DOIs

If a Direct Member registered 200.000 DOIs (across repositories) in the previous year, the total fees will be as follows:

# DOIsAnnual Membership FeeAnnual Service Fee
(Organization Fee + DOI Fee)
500€ + 3.500€ (Tier 4)


A consortium is a group of organizations within one region or discipline that have come together to collectively participate in DataCite’s community and governance activities and use DataCite’s DOI services. A consortium is composed of five or more organizations that are under different administrative structures.

The following fees apply to a consortium:

Consortium Fee Caps

In order to support growing consortia and the adoption within communities, the total consortium service fee (organization + DOI fee) is capped based on the number of organizations. The total cap is calculated based on the total number of organizations within the consortium:

Please note that when the fee cap applies, consortia will be invoiced for new consortium organizations in line with the fee cap and not based on individual estimates. The consortium fee caps do not apply to for-profit consortium organizations registering 2.000 or more DOIs annually. Fee caps also do not apply to a Consortium Organization that registers over 100.000 DOIs annually, the relevant organization instead pays the DOI fee in line with the appropriate DOI tier.

Example: Consortium Fee Calculation

Fee applied to# DOIs
Annual Membership Fee
Annual Service Fee Calculation
(Organization Fee + DOI Fee)
Consortium Organization 120500€ + 16€ (20 x 0,80€)516€
Consortium Organization 250500€ + 40€ (50 x 0,80€)540€
Consortium Organization 3100500€ + 80€ (100 x 0,80€)580€
Consortium Organization 4200500€ + 160€ (200 x 0,80€)660€
Consortium Organization 52.500500€ + 1.600€ (Tier 2)2.100€

The total membership and service fees in this example are 6.396€, calculated as follows:

Example: Consortium Fee Calculation with Fee Cap Applied

Fee applied to# DOIs
Annual Membership Fee
Annual Service Fee Calculation
(Organization Fee + DOI Fee)
Total without fee capTotal with fee cap
Consortium Organization 1100500€ + 80€ (100 x 0,80€)580€
Consortium Organization 21.000500€ + 800€ (1.000 x 0,80€)1.300€
Consortium Organization 31.000500€ + 800€ (1.000 x 0,80€)1.300€
Consortium Organization 41.500500€ + 1.200€ (1.500 x 0,80€)1.700€
Consortium Organization 53.000500€ + 1.600€ (Tier 2)2.100€
Service Fee
(total from all Consortium Organizations)
(5 x 1.000€)

The total membership and service fees in this example are 7.000€, calculated as follows:

Multiplier for For‐profit Organizations

In the case of for-profit organizations, a multiplier based on annual total revenue is applied to the organization fee (500€). For example, if the company’s annual revenue equals 20 million Euro, the organization fee would be 5.000€ (500€ x 10).

500.001€ – 2.000.000€5Small
2.000.001€ – 50.000.000€10Medium
50.000,001€ –€15Large€20Extra Large

For-profit organizations can join a consortium as a Consortium Organization or they can lead a consortium when needed. In this case, the for-profit multiplier based on revenue is applied to the organization fee for the Consortium Organization.

Payment Methods and Billing Cycle

DataCite invoices annually at the beginning of the calendar year.

Direct Members that join DataCite during the calendar year will be invoiced, in the month after they joined, pro-rated fees based on the month joined. The DOI fee will be billed based on their DOI estimate for the first year. There will be no credit if they register less nor an additional charge if they register more DOIs.

Consortia that join DataCite during the calendar year will be invoiced, in the month after they joined, pro-rated fees based on the month joined. When Consortium Organizations are added during the calendar year, the Consortium Lead will be invoiced, in the month after the Consortium Organizations joined, pro-rated fees based on the month joined. The DOI fee will be billed based on each Consortium Organization’s DOI estimate for the first year. There will be no credit if a Consortium Organization registers fewer DOIs than estimated, nor an additional charge if they register more DOIs. There is no refund if a Consortium Organization leaves the Consortium during the year. For Consortia where the fee cap applies, the invoice will be based on the relevant fee cap.

Payments are due in 30 days and can be made either via bank wire transfer, check or credit card.

In case undisputed fee payments are late more than ninety (90) days, repository accounts will become temporarily inactive until the payments are made.