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The Seattle Planning Commission seeks new commissioners!

This sixteen-member Commission of neighbors care about the future of our city. Commissioners have a broad range of skills and perspectives that include land use and transportation planning, community organizing, architecture and design, public health, low-income housing development, and community engagement. Commissioners are volunteers, serving without compensation for up to… [ Keep reading ]

2023-2024 Proposed Mid-Biennial Budget Adjustments

Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell is releasing the 2023-2024 Proposed Mid-Biennial Budget Adjustments. This budget reflects Mayor Harrell’s continued commitment to, and investment in, bold actions that address urgent needs of our communities and advance our One Seattle priorities. Mayor Harrell’s proposal continues work initiated in the 2023 Adopted Budget to… [ Keep reading ]

City Council Unanimously Confirms Rico Quirindongo as OPCD Director

The Seattle City Council unanimously confirmed acting director Rico Quirindongo as head of the Office of Planning and Community Development (Via KUOW). Watch the live stream of Rico’s appointment (via The Seattle Channel), starting at 39:19. You can read the transcription of his acceptance speech below. Congrats Rico! Thank you… [ Keep reading ]

American Institute of Architects WA Council Awards Rico Quirindongo, OPCD Acting Director

Our very own Rico Quirindongo received the Jennie Sue Brown award from The American Institute of Architects Washington Council for his continued commitment and advocacy for equitable development. Congrats Rico!

2023-2024 Proposed Budget

Dear OPCD Stakeholders: Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell is releasing his 2023-2024 Proposed Budget. The Mayor’s proposed budget prioritizes our work to build a more equitable and accessible Seattle, with expanded funding for critical planning projects and continuity in our ongoing work to support community investments that reduce displacement pressures on… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle wins Governor’s Smart Housing Strategies Award for supporting affordable housing on faith-owned land 

This week the City of Seattle received the Governor’s Smart Housing Strategies Award for our policy to support affordable housing on property owned by religious organizations as one new tool for responding to the housing crisis. In 2021, Seattle’s Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) and Office of Housing… [ Keep reading ]

Extension of Comment Period for Seattle Comprehensive Plan Update SEPA Determination of Significance and Request for Comments on Scope of EIS

On June 23, 2022, the Office of Planning and Community Development issued a notice of SEPA Determination of Significance and Request for Comments on Scope of EIS with a comment period running from June 23, 2022 to July 25, 2022. Through this notice, the comment period is now extended to… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Durkan Announces $7.5 Million in Direct Investment in Community to Support Neighborhood Economic Recovery

Investments include at least $1.2 million for community driven projects and up to $225,000 to 28 business districts throughout Seattle Mayor Jenny A. Durkan and the Seattle Office of Economic Development (OED) announced $7.5 million in direct investments to support downtown and neighborhood economic recovery. Over 28 neighborhood business district… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Durkan to Sign Downtown Empty Storefront Legislation Into Law Following Unanimous City Council Vote

Temporary Change Will Increase Permitting Flexibility for Uses of Empty Storefronts to Help Bring Businesses and Artists Back Downtown Following unanimous passage by the City Council, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced today that she will sign into law legislation to allow more flexibility in permitted uses for empty downtown storefronts…. [ Keep reading ]

OPCD names Lauren Flemister Interim Deputy Director

Lauren Flemister, Community Planning Manager at the Office of Planning and Community Development, has been named Interim Deputy Director of the office. Flemister joined the office in 2018, where she has focused on coordinating station area planning with Sound Transit, as well as expanded focus on prioritizing equitable development in OPCD community planning projects. “I know Lauren will continue to bring a… [ Keep reading ]