

Ukraine is punishing Hungary for pro-peace stance, according to Fidesz

It seems like Tamás Menczer thinks that Ukraine is not pro-peace. #Ukraine #war #Russia #Fidesz

Hungarian foreign minister: Brussels ‘sharpening tongues on peace mission’

Do you think there will be peace because of the Hungarian "peace mission", or when the superpowers decide to sit down to negotiate?

Hungarian government prepares ‘anti-war action plan’

The government has decided to prepare and anti-war action plan, the head of the Prime Minister's Office said. #war #government #action

PM Orbán: Peace will come when someone makes it

Peace will not happen by itself, PM Orbán said. #peace #war #Russia #Ukraine #Orbán

Breaking – Viktor Orbán arrives in Moscow, continues ‘peace mission’ with talks with Putin

What do you think Orbán can achieve in Moscow? #Moscow #Russia #war #Ukraine #Orbán #Szijjártó

The election strengthened the government, says Hungarian minister

According to Gergely Gulyás, Sunday's local and European parliamentary elections have strengthened the government. #government #election

FM Szijjártó: Hungary and Vatican agree on issue of war

Hungary and the Vatican are on an equal footing as regards the issue of war and peace, Péter Szijjártó said. #war #peace #Vatican

Hungarian defence minister: All wars are a result of human decisions

According to Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, Europe is now preparing for war. #war #Europe #defence

Fidesz (anti-)war campaign endangers children severely, experts warn

Have you seen the anti-war campaign ads the experts are worried about?

Heated debates expected by Orbán cabinet at NATO foreign ministers’ informal meeting on Friday

Hungarian minister about the meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague: "The presence of the Americans and the British will even stimulate this hysterical war psychosis"

Hungarian FM Szijjártó: We aren’t responsible for wars but are paying the price

"Neither of us are in any way responsible for the eruption of these conflicts, yet we are still among those paying the price for them," Szijjártó said. #Szijjártó #war #diplomacy

Fidesz-close Századvég: European public opposes sending soldiers abroad

According to Hungarian government-close pollster Századvég, 69 percent of EU citizens asked said they were against the participation of their soldiers in Ukraine. #war #Ukraine #survey #Századvég

Hungarian Minister of Defence: Two more Airbus H225M helicopters added to Hungarian fleet

There are now eight H225M helicopters in Hungary, half the country's entire H225M fleet. #military #DefenceForces #MinisterofDefence

FM Szijjártó: War can end if right wing dominates EP and Trump is re-elected

"If Donald Trump wins and there is a right-wing turn in the European Parliament elections on June 9, nothing right now offers a better chance of ending the war," he said. #Szijjártó #Trump #war #Ukraine

Orbán: Hungary will link fuel prices to regional average

PM Orbán said the government will link the price of fuel to the average of neighbouring countries, leaving Poland, Czech Republic and Bulgaria out of the calculation. #fuel #diesel #petrol #orbán

Orbán: Voting for the left means supporting war

"The left makes promises, we, on the other hand, work. They talk and we deliver. What's more, voting for the left today means supporting war," Orbán said. #orbán #war #politics #elections

Fidesz is still repeating that Brussels is pro-war

This is not the first time a Fidesz politicians says this. #fidesz #brussels #war

Hungarian FM Szijjártó: Countries that are brave enough to be pro-peace need to cooperate

"War madness in Western Europe has reached a new dimension and turned into a sort of nuclear war madness," Péter Szijjártó said. Do you agree with him? #war #europe #politics

Hungarian defence minister: Most important thing is peace

According to the defence minister, Europe "is strangely consumed by war fever", even though "the most important thing is peace." #defence #europe #war

Hungarian justice minister: Brussels does not focus on real problems

According to Bence Tuzson, "Brussels supports migration and war rather than focusing, for example, on competitiveness". Do you agree with him? #brussels #politics