Hungarian government


PM Orbán arrived in Washington while NATO allies call him Putin’s useful idiot

Do you agree with some EU politicians calling Orbán Putin's useful idiot? #nato #unitesstates #orbán #washington #summit #russia #war #ukraine

Hungarian government: gas and electricity the EU’s cheapest in Hungary

The government says gas and electricity retail prices are the lowest in Hungary in the EU. #europeanunion #utility #money #government #retailprice

Orbán cabinet ready to introduce heavy fines for airline delays

Gergely Gulyás, the Minister of the Prime Minister's Office, talked about heavy, significant damage-causing fines for airline delays. #budapest #budapestairport #travel #tourism #delay

Banks in Hungary reject government accusations about their excess profit

Hungarian banks are dedicated to develop Hungary, they highlighted. But the government does not see like that. #bankingsector #finance #money #economy #government

Hungary seems to launch new joint projects with China

Do you think it is a good idea to launch joint projects with China? #china #orbán #visit #beijing #infrastructure

Minister: Inflation drops “beyond expectations” in Hungary

The Hungarian government is very proud on their performance. But can they? #economy #inflation #government #money

Drastic fuel price decrease on the horizon in Hungary?

The Hungarian government seems committed to decrease fuel prices in Hungary. Will they be successful? #fuel #government #economy

Has the Hungarian government entered an austerity spiral?

The Hungarian government has "entered a spiral of austerity", according to an opposition party. #government #opposition

Survey: More media outlets critical of Hungarian government than at any time since 2010

Compared with 36 critical domestic media outlets opposed to the government in 2010, there are now 61. #government #media #critics

Hungarian government prepares ‘anti-war action plan’

The government has decided to prepare and anti-war action plan, the head of the Prime Minister's Office said. #war #government #action

Multinationals in trouble: Hungarian government imposes new special tax, keeps excess profit tax

The Hungarian government did not keep its promise. #multinationals #retail #company #tax #profit

18+: Hilarion, head of Russian Orthodoxy in Hungary, accused of sexual misconduct

Metropolitan Hilarion, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church in Hungary with close ties to political elites has been accused of sexual misconduct.

Delays: Hungarian government expects measures against ‘unacceptable conditions’ at Budapest Airport

The past weeks have seen many flights delayed or cancelled Europe-wide, including Budapest, government spokeswoman Eszter Vitályos said. #BudapestAirport #government #travel #delay #flight

Péter Magyar: Era of preparation to topple regime starts

The Tisza party is working to fundamentally renew Hungary, Péter Magyar said. #TiszaParty #PéterMagyar #government

Orbán cabinet orders more probes into flight delays

The justice minister has ordered eight more consumer protection probes against airlines over recent significant flight delays and cancellations. #government #flightdelays #travel #tourism #probe

Orbán cabinet: Hungarian EU presidency got off to a “flying start”

Political responsibility is what gives meaning to Hungarian EU presidency, János Bóka, Hungary's minister for EU affairs said. #eu #europeanunion #orbángovernment #government #zelensky #ukraine #eupresidency

Hungary on side of peace in Iraq

The Orbán government "has a vision of Europe that supports peace and stability, not only in its immediate vicinity but in Africa and the Middle East. #iraq #peace #azbejtristan

Austrian expert: Severe flight delays caused by Hungarian air traffic controllers

Daniel Liebhart, a trade union leader in Austria, believes the Hungarian air traffic controllers and the Orbán cabinet are some of the main reasons. #airtraffic #travel #tourism #budapestairport #austria

Record low number of job-seekers in Hungary

The number of registered job-seekers dropped to 222,800 in June, the lowest number since 1989, secretary Sándor Czomba, said. #jobseeker #economy #government #statistics

Shocking increase in anti-vaxxer parents in Hungary

Do you think that compulsory vaccination should be abolished? #vaccine #health #healthcare #government #mihazánk