

PM Orbán arrived in Washington while NATO allies call him Putin’s useful idiot

Do you agree with some EU politicians calling Orbán Putin's useful idiot? #nato #unitesstates #orbán #washington #summit #russia #war #ukraine

Drastic fuel price decrease on the horizon in Hungary?

The Hungarian government seems committed to decrease fuel prices in Hungary. Will they be successful? #fuel #government #economy

Russia expert on the Hungarian PM’s visit to Moscow: Putin made a fool out of Orbán

During Orbán's visit to Moscow, it became clear that his attempts to act as a mediator were in vain, turning the trip into a tragicomedy, an expert says.

Has the Hungarian government entered an austerity spiral?

The Hungarian government has "entered a spiral of austerity", according to an opposition party. #government #opposition

Survey: More media outlets critical of Hungarian government than at any time since 2010

Compared with 36 critical domestic media outlets opposed to the government in 2010, there are now 61. #government #media #critics

Budapest mayoral election votes recount an attempted electoral fraud?

Close to 800,000 votes will have to be recounted, and a final decision is expected by Friday morning. #election #Budapest #mayor

Fidesz’s Patriots for Europe EP group formed as third-largest – UPDATED

Matteo Salvini announced on Facebook that his party Lega is joining Patriots for Europe, which is now the third largest EP group. #EP #Italy #PatriotsforEurope

Hungarian government prepares ‘anti-war action plan’

The government has decided to prepare and anti-war action plan, the head of the Prime Minister's Office said. #war #government #action

Multinationals in trouble: Hungarian government imposes new special tax, keeps excess profit tax

The Hungarian government did not keep its promise. #multinationals #retail #company #tax #profit

Hungarian House Speaker Kövér: Arrogance of Brussels bureaucracy betrayed Europeans

Certain national interests require that people preserve sovereignty together, against the "arrogance of Brussels bureaucracy that has betrayed Europeans", Kövér said. #housespeaker #parliament #brussels

BREAKING: PM Orbán starts the day in Beijing, continues in Washington

PM Orbán arrived in Beijing early this morning, and is already on his way to Washington. #Orbán #China #UnitedStates

18+: Hilarion, head of Russian Orthodoxy in Hungary, accused of sexual misconduct

Metropolitan Hilarion, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church in Hungary with close ties to political elites has been accused of sexual misconduct.

FM Szijjártó: Hungary will try to prevent the re-formation of blocs in the world

During its current EU presidency, Hungary will make every effort to prevent the re-formation of blocs in the world, the foreign minister said. #EUpresidency #Szijjártó

Péter Magyar: Era of preparation to topple regime starts

The Tisza party is working to fundamentally renew Hungary, Péter Magyar said. #TiszaParty #PéterMagyar #government

PM Orbán: We have caused a political earthquake

"Some pro-war governments had failed or weakened significantly" after the EP elections, Orbán said. #war #EU #EP #Azerbaijan

Orbán to Putin: We cannot feel secure

"We cannot feel secure; we can see the signs of destruction and suffering," Orbán told Putin. #Orbán #Putin #Russia #Ukraine #war

Putin to Orbán: If Ukraine wants peace, it has to capitulate

Russian President Vladimir Putin has clear visions of the end of the war, which he shared with Viktor Orbán. #Putin #Orbán #Russia #Ukraine #war

Almost an EP political group: Ukraine supporter Dutch party joins Orbán’s European political alliance

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán's European political alliance keeps on growing. #Orbán #PatriotsforEurope #EuropeanUnion #Europe #Netherlands

Orbán and Putin’s meeting in Moscow sparks serious diplomatic conflict in Brussels

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán's visit to Moscow to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin has sparked major controversy across Europe.

PM Orbán: Peace will come when someone makes it

Peace will not happen by itself, PM Orbán said. #peace #war #Russia #Ukraine #Orbán