Alžběta Solarczyk Krausová

Hlavní město Praha, Česko Kontaktní údaje
2 tis. sledujících uživatelů Více než 500 spojení

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I am a strong believer in a responsible and ethical use of AI. Only then can people trust…


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Pracovní zkušenosti a vzdělání

  • Czech Science Foundation

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  • Biometric Data and Its Specific Legal Protection

    Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences

    A comprehensive book describing and analyzing processing of biometric data from the EU and Czech law perspective.
    The first chapter titled “Biometric Technology” describes the nature and functioning of the technology. It provides various definitions in order to illustrate what all can be considered biometrics. These definitions are then contrasted with the notion of biometrics in law. The chapter also identifies various risks related to biometrics.
    The second chapter titled “Biometrics…

    A comprehensive book describing and analyzing processing of biometric data from the EU and Czech law perspective.
    The first chapter titled “Biometric Technology” describes the nature and functioning of the technology. It provides various definitions in order to illustrate what all can be considered biometrics. These definitions are then contrasted with the notion of biometrics in law. The chapter also identifies various risks related to biometrics.
    The second chapter titled “Biometrics from the Perspective of International and EU Law” describes the legal framework on the level of international agreements and the law of European Union.
    The third chapter titled “Czech Legislation on Biometrics” assesses constitutional aspects of biometric regulation, current personal data protection legislation as well as specific public laws that regulate use of biometric technologies mainly for identification or verification of identity of an individual. Moreover, this chapter describes specificities of certain uses of biometrics.
    The fourth chapter titled “Data Subjects and Their Options with Regard to Protecting Own Biometric Data” describes the scope of individual freedom and autonomy of humans with regard to use of biometric technologies. The chapter provides an overview of both legal and technical instruments that individuals may use for protection of their biometric data.
    The fifth chapter titled “Recommendations for Data Controllers” provides guidelines to controllers on how to lawfully process biometric data and how to provide various safeguards to data subjects with regard to various levels of privacy protection.
    Finally, the monograph contains also an Annex I. titled “Research Report on Augmented Indicative Values of Biometric Data”. This report provides an overview of what information can be derived from various types of biometric data, namely from fingerprint, face, iris, voice, and keystroke dynamics.

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Ceny a ocenění

  • Deloitte Legal Disruptor Award


  • Miloslav Petrusek Award for Presentation in 2021

    Charles University

  • Masaryk Distinguished Chair in Israel



  • English

    Plně profesionální znalost

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    Znalost na úrovni rodilého nebo dvojjazyčného mluvčího

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    Znalost umožňující profesionální práci

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    Znalost umožňující omezenou práci

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    Znalost umožňující omezenou práci

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    Znalost umožňující omezenou práci

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