Community Digest

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How to teach the value of the command line in high school?

Part of what I love about the particular adaptation I use for AP CS Principles — CS50 AP — is that my curriculum teaches students basic Linux shell commands in the Cloud9 IDE. Students learn things ...

lesson-ideas command-line  
user avatar asked by Peter Score of 44
user avatar answered by Gypsy Spellweaver Score of 15

Is it important to teach pointers in a first course using Java?

Many instructors teaching with Java started their education using earlier languages such as C or C++ in which pointers are essential. Pointers, however, are not a Java concept, though those same ...

best-practice object-oriented-paradigm pointers  
user avatar asked by Buffy Score of 40
user avatar answered by CAD97 Score of 31

How to teach a person to enjoy programming?

I've been teaching programming to my 13-year old son for over a year now. I'm not satisfied with his progress. I think that one of the reasons is his attitude: He wants to learn programming (he said ...

user avatar asked by Glory to Russia Score of 56
user avatar answered by Kevin Workman Score of 86

How do you teach Big O to high schoolers with varying degrees of math exposure?

My second semester programming curriculum includes a searching and sorting unit and mentions Big O notation, giving the notation for each search and sort we implement. It does not show the ...

curriculum-design lesson-ideas secondary-education  
user avatar asked by Java Jive Score of 18
user avatar answered by Buffy Score of 24

Why isn't there one language to use instead of different programming languages?

One language is better. It is just better to learn one language rather than learn C++, Python, C#, etc. Just build one language that makes you build apps, websites, games, AIs, etc.

user avatar asked by search for answers Score of 7
user avatar answered by Buffy Score of 20

On studying Computer Science vs. Software Engineering to become a proficient coder

I’m mostly interested in the coding aspect of the CS and SE majors curricula. And I’m trying to decide between the two. Each major has its pros and cons, and they prepare you in very different ways ...

curriculum-design undergraduate programming  
user avatar asked by kanayt Score of 13
user avatar answered by Buffy Score of 25

How should floating point inaccuracies be explained and justified?

When I first started working with floating point arithmetic, issues like the one illustrated in the sample below both frustrated and confused me: ...

user avatar asked by Adam Williams Score of 23
user avatar answered by Aurora0001 Score of 25
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