Computer Science Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Accelerating semidecision of halting problem

There is a naive semidecision algorithm for the halting problem: simply simulate the program and see if it halts. Is there an algorithm that is asymptotically faster? More precisely, suppose the naive ...

time-complexity halting-problem semi-decidability  
user avatar asked by Trebor Score of 4
user avatar answered by BearAqua the Logician Score of 2

Polynomial time algorithms for graphs and cycles

For a given undirected graph $G$ , let $ c(G) $ denote the length of the longest cycle in $ G $ (by cycle, we mean a closed path without repetitions). Prove that if there exists a polynomial-time ...

algorithms complexity-theory graphs time-complexity polynomial-time  
user avatar asked by Abel Score of 4

Stuck reading "Optimal Biweighted Binary Trees and the Complexity of Maintaining Partial Sums"

I am reading the paper titled "Optimal Biweighted Binary Trees and the Complexity of Maintaining Partial Sums", and I am stuck on theorem 2.1, I believe it is wrong, the proof has a wrong ...

user avatar asked by Cecilia Chen Score of 3
user avatar answered by Li-yao Xia Score of 2

Binary search tree with height of max 1.44 * log(n) is AVL tree or it's not an iff

Assume I have a binary search tree, and I managed to prove that its height is upper bounded by $1.44 \log(n)$. Now, can I say with confidence that it is, for sure, an AVL tree? or is this condition ...

data-structures binary-search-trees avl-trees  
user avatar asked by DaniDin Score of 3
user avatar answered by Ashwin Ganesan Score of 7

Vertex cover approximation: what's wrong with max-degree heuristic?

For context: the usual greedy approximation algorithm for the minimum vertex cover problem (given a graph, find the smallest set of vertices such that every edge is incident to at least one selected ...

graphs np-complete approximation vertex-cover  
user avatar asked by Kye W Shi Score of 2
user avatar answered by BearAqua the Logician Score of 0

How to show that $M$ is not finitely axiomatizable in the following case?

Problem: A set of formulas $M_0$ is an axiom system for a set of formulas $M$ if $\{A |A \text{ is a model for }M_0\} = \{A |A \text{ is a model for }M\}$, where $A$ is an assignment, or valuation. $M$...

user avatar asked by The_Eureka Score of 2
user avatar answered by Noah Schweber Score of 3

Counting number of assignments restricted by implications

Suppose we have $n$ boolean variables, $x_1, \dots, x_n$. Some boolean variables can have implication relationships, e.g. $x_2 \implies x_5$, which means that if $x_2$ is true $x_5$ must also be true. ...

satisfiability counting  
user avatar asked by orlp Score of 2
user avatar answered by D.W. Score of 1

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

What is the difference between Multiprogramming and Multitasking

I am finding it difficult to clearly differentiate between Multiprogramming and Multitasking. My primary source has been Wikipedia, but the WP article seems to be a little at odds with some less ...

terminology process-scheduling  
user avatar asked by jsj Score of 12
user avatar answered by vonbrand Score of 10

Why octal and hexadecimal? Computers use binary and humans decimals

Why do we use other bases which are neither binary (for computers) nor decimals (for humans)? Computers end up representing them in binary, and humans strongly prefer getting their decimal ...

user avatar asked by Quora Feans Score of 18
user avatar answered by dtech Score of 20

Why does a processor have 32 registers?

I've always wondered why processors stopped at 32 registers. It's by far the fastest piece of the machine, why not just make bigger processors with more registers? Wouldn't that mean less going to the ...

user avatar asked by Matt Capone Score of 59
user avatar answered by Wandering Logic Score of 92

Is Morse code without spaces uniquely decipherable?

Are all Morse code strings uniquely decipherable? Without the spaces, ......-...-..---.-----.-..-..-.. could be Hello World ...

information-theory coding-theory  
user avatar asked by john mangual Score of 61
user avatar answered by celtschk Score of 98

The convoy effect in process scheduling

As I understand the convoy effect, in the context of vehicular traffic in a road system. A slow moving group of vehicles passes through the system, slowing traffic even in areas which were not ...

operating-systems process-scheduling  
user avatar asked by jsj Score of 7

Are degree and order the same thing when referring to a B-Tree?

I know the term order of a B-tree. Recently I heard a new term: B tree with minimum degree of 2. We know that the degree is related to a node but what is the degree of a tree? Does degree impose any ...

data-structures terminology search-trees balanced-search-trees b-tree  
user avatar asked by Debabratta Jena Score of 8
user avatar answered by Nasir Score of 10

Difference between Turing machine and Universal Turing machine

I've read what a Turing machine and a UTM are, but I don't get the difference. What can a UTM do which a normal Turing machine can not?

user avatar asked by Moltimor Score of 12
user avatar answered by David Richerby Score of 15

Can you answer these questions?

Equivalence of two approaches for sparsity

I am trying to understand whether the following two ways to achieve a sparse matrix are equivalent in Pytorch. Let me add some context: I am training Sparse Neural Networks with a specific structured ...

machine-learning neural-networks  
user avatar asked by Abhishek Tyagi Score of 1

Non-deterministic TM with an oracle to $R$

Let $R$ be the set of all decidable languages. Consider $P^R$. That is, the set of all languages that can be decided via a polynomial time deterministic TM with an oracle to any language $L\in R$. I'd ...

complexity-theory np-complete np decision-problem decidability  
user avatar asked by Mařík Savenko Score of 1
user avatar answered by D.W. Score of 0

Fast data structure for disjoint intervals

Over the years I've worked on a few applications that needed to model time intervals that are disjoint. For example, there's some kind of equipment available and time slots are booked out. For a data ...

algorithms data-structures intervals  
user avatar asked by grovesNL Score of 1
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