Cryptography Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

New causes of side channel

Until recently, my list of what can cause side channels exfiltrating secret data (including data depending on secrets) from code running in a computer was limited to: Hardware emissions: power (e.g. ...

user avatar asked by fgrieu Score of 7
user avatar answered by Zero-on-Zero Score of 10

Why does extractability not contradict zero-knowledge?

I was introduced to the QR-protocol that shows that a number y is a quadratic residue modulo x through an interactive protocol. The protocol is perfect zero-knowledge but it also proves that the ...

zero-knowledge-proofs interactive-proofs  
user avatar asked by Niko Wolf Score of 5
user avatar answered by Mikero Score of 7

Enhanced Miller Rabin outcome for composite numbers

I'm going through the Enhanced MR test cited in FIPS 186-5, in which it is mentioned that a composite number can be  COMPOSITE WITH FACTOR  or  COMPOSITE AND NOT A POWER OF A PRIME. When I tested this ...

rsa fips miller  
user avatar asked by sg777 Score of 4
user avatar answered by fgrieu Score of 2

Is the XOR of hashes a good hash function?

Definitions: Let $h$ be a hash function with output size $n$ bytes. Suppose the file $F$ can be divided into chunks of size $n$ bytes $F=f_0+f_1+\dots +f_i$ where the operator "$+$" stands ...

hash homomorphic-encryption collision-resistance  
user avatar asked by Rafael Score of 4
user avatar answered by Mikero Score of 10

Most simple transport encryption for link-constrained environments

What is the most simple, but yet well-known "protocol" to protect a unidirectional channel over air? Requirements The protocol should provide common properties like privacy, integrity and ...

symmetric transport-security embedded  
user avatar asked by K. Biermann Score of 4

How do cache-timing attacks determine the secret keys of encryption algorithms?

In cache-timing attacks like prime+probe, attacking programs are able to discover the addresses of a victim program's data in main memory. These attacks are often used to determine the secret keys ...

encryption aes side-channel-attack timing-attack  
user avatar asked by scha Score of 3
user avatar answered by fgrieu Score of 5

How wrong is NIST 800-89's Partial Public Key Validation for RSA step e?

NIST 800-89 Recommendation for Obtaining Assurances for Digital Signature Applications has recommendations for (Explicit) Partial Public Key Validation for RSA which include an example method. It's ...

rsa keys nist  
user avatar asked by fgrieu Score of 2
user avatar answered by poncho Score of 6

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Is 128-bit security still considered strong in 2020, within the context of both ECC Asym & Sym ciphers

Given that much of our ECC crypto primitives provide “only” 128-bit security when defined over a 256-bit curve due to pollard-rho, is it then still safe in 2020 to consider 128-bit security safe for ...

public-key symmetric provable-security  
user avatar asked by Woodstock Score of 32

How does one implement the Inverse of AES' MixColumns

I got an answer in the related question about Mixcolumn for encryption, but how about decryption? what will I do? Because it said that I will used this: During decryption the Mix Column the ...

encryption aes  
user avatar asked by goldroger Score of 4

What are the practical differences between 256-bit, 192-bit, and 128-bit AES encryption?

AES has several different variants: AES-128 AES-192 AES-256 But why would someone prefer use one over another?

encryption aes block-cipher key-size  
user avatar asked by foobarfuzzbizz Score of 90
user avatar answered by Thomas Pornin Score of 85

Can you explain Bleichenbacher's CCA attack on PKCS#1 v1.5?

I've studied that the Bleichenbacher's CCA attack on PKCS#1 v1.5. is a base to many versions of attacks in the area. I'm trying to understand that attack, but every explanation I saw starts with the ...

encryption rsa public-key chosen-ciphertext-attack  
user avatar asked by Bush Score of 77
user avatar answered by Thomas Pornin Score of 120

Avalanche effect in DES

I couldn't understand the avalanche effect in DES. Could someone explain how avalanche effect happens in DES

encryption block-cipher des feistel-network  
user avatar asked by user5507 Score of 9
user avatar answered by woliveirajr Score of 15

How can I generate large prime numbers for RSA?

What is the currently industry-standard algorithm used to generate large prime numbers to be used in RSA encryption? I'm aware that I can find any number of articles on the Internet that explain how ...

rsa number-theory prime-numbers  
user avatar asked by Lukman Score of 98
user avatar answered by j.p. Score of 75

What is the difference between PKCS#5 padding and PKCS#7 padding

One runtime platform provides an API that supplies PKCS#5 padding for block cipher modes such as ECB and CBC. These modes have been defined for the triple DES, AES and Blowfish block ciphers. The ...

encryption aes block-cipher modes-of-operation padding  
user avatar asked by Maarten Bodewes Score of 99
user avatar answered by Maarten Bodewes Score of 122

Can you answer these questions?

Not able to reproduce the security estimates in Kyber through leaky-LWE-estimator

Kyber has provided refined estimate for classical attacks in the Section 5.2 entitled "Beyond core-SVP hardness". Kyber utilized leaky-LWE-estimator

post-quantum-cryptography lattice-crypto lwe kyber kem  
user avatar asked by V S. Score of 1

Is the quality of hash function essential in HKDF?

Hash functions have a number of properties needed, including the property that no collisions must be able to be found. Generally, if we can find collisions for hash functions, we consider the hash ...

hmac sha-256 sha-512 hkdf md4  
user avatar asked by juhist Score of 2
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