July Releases

July2Age 16 by Rosena Fung. Annick PressDrama and Destiny (Suitehearts) by Claire Kann. HarperCollinsNot About a Boy by Myah Hollis. HarperTeenThe Second Chance of Darius Logan by David Walker. Scholastic PressWe Don’t Have Time for This by Brianna Craft. Disney Hyperion 9How to Die Famous by Benjamin Dean. Little, BrownIt’s Only a Game by Kelsea Yu. Bloomsbury YAA Magic Fierce and Bright by Memant Nayak. Simon and… Read More July Releases

Free to Be

A friend of mine posted on Facebook, ‘Happy 15 Days after Juneteenth”. Should freedom really be a matter of perspective? Can we really be a free country if some can feel comfortable driving with a police car behind them while others are afraid for their lives? Are our liberties truly intact if we allow some… Read More Free to Be