Kids Art, Clay and Pottery Clubs – 4 spots left!

I have two openings in my Tuesday Clay Club from 3:30pm – 4:30pm and I have 1opening in my Thursday Pottery Club from 3:30-5pm.

Calling all teenagers!

Join us for Teen Taco Tuesdays at Crawford Island Art! Looking for an exciting and creative activity to enjoy with your friends? We understand how busy teenagers can be these days, so we’ve curated exclusive one-time sessions on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30pm. Embrace the opportunity to explore pottery, hand-building in clay, or painting/sketching using our wide range of materials in our OPEN studio. These classes take place every Tuesday, except the 3rd.  For only $25 per teen, each Tuesday session awaits you. Don’t miss out! 

Clay Options for Adults!

ClayDates & ClayMates – Friday Clay for Adults!!

Looking for a fun night out with your date or your friends?  Em’s Art Shack is now offering adults a night out to throw pottery!  During this 2 hour session, each of you will throw at least one pot on the wheel.  Emily begins this session with a half hour wheel demo, Then it’s YOUR TURN to throw! The cost is $50/person. Maximum class size of 6!  These sessions run once a month, so grab your date, grab your dinner and come on over!  Reservations now open!

Thursday Night Adult Pottery Classes!!

If you have ever wanted to learn how to throw pottery, or you have already tried it and want to get back to it, this pottery class is for you!  I am offering one 6 week session on Thursday nights from 6-8pm beginning March 7th.  

NEW THIS YEAR: Saturday Clay Workshops for Adults!

Each month, Em will be offering a one day clay workshop to complete a hand built piece in her studio. Each month will offer a different object to make.  We start the morning at 10am, choosing our designs and creating our templates.  We will create our pieces using the slab, pinch pot and/or coil method of ceramics.  We will break for a light lunch of soup and salad before heading back to assemble our projects.  Once our projects are assembled, we will talk about decorating them with underglazes, or we will choose a glaze to be applied by Em after the bisque firing.  Em will then fire the work which will be ready for pickup 2 weeks later.

Artist Statement

Having grown up spending every summer at our ancestral home in Nova Scotia, Canada, my summers revolved around the 40 foot tides of the Bay of Fundy.  My days were spent in, on, and around the ocean and whether it was the feel of the fog, the sound of the seagulls, or the taste of salt water on my skin, the sea has always calmed my soul. 

Living a landlocked life in NY, I find myself longing for the ocean to right my spirit.  I find solace in creating functional pottery with glazes that reflect the greens and blues of the ocean, the whites of the waves crashing, and the trio of sea birds flying into the sunset.