Executive Data Science

Completed by Frederick William Ortman

November 13, 2020

Approximately 1 months at 10 hours a week to complete

Course Certificates Completed

Managing Data Analysis

Executive Data Science Capstone

A Crash Course in Data Science

Data Science in Real Life

Building a Data Science Team

View certificate for Frederick William Ortman, Executive Data Science, offered through Coursera. Four intensive courses that prepare participants to begin assembling and leading a data science enterprise.  

1. A high level introduction to the field of data science to prepare leaders for their role.
2. A framework required to recruit, evaluate, and develop a team with complementary skill sets and roles.
3. The structure of the data science pipeline, the goals of each stage, and strategies to keep the team on target throughout.
4. Practical skills to prepare learners for common challenges that can derail data science projects.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Managing Data Analysis

Johns Hopkins University

Taught by: Jeff Leek, PhD, Brian Caffo, PhD & Roger D. Peng, PhD

Completed by: Frederick William Ortman by November 12, 2020

1 week of study, 4-6 hours

View this certificate

Executive Data Science Capstone

Johns Hopkins University

Taught by: Jeff Leek, PhD, Brian Caffo, PhD & Roger D. Peng, PhD

Completed by: Frederick William Ortman by November 13, 2020

1 week of study, 4-6 hours

View this certificate

A Crash Course in Data Science

Johns Hopkins University

Taught by: Jeff Leek, PhD, Brian Caffo, PhD & Roger D. Peng, PhD

Completed by: Frederick William Ortman by November 10, 2020

1 week of study, 4-6 hours

View this certificate

Data Science in Real Life

Johns Hopkins University

Taught by: Brian Caffo, PhD, Jeff Leek, PhD & Roger D. Peng, PhD

Completed by: Frederick William Ortman by November 13, 2020

1 week of study, 4-6 hours

View this certificate

Building a Data Science Team

Johns Hopkins University

Taught by: Jeff Leek, PhD, Brian Caffo, PhD & Roger D. Peng, PhD

Completed by: Frederick William Ortman by November 11, 2020

1 week of study, 4-6 hours

View this certificate