
Nasz zespół liderów dysponuje bogatą wiedzą ekspercką

Celem każdego z naszych liderów jest dostarczanie klientom na całym świecie bezpiecznych, zaufanych, otwartych i trwałych rozwiązań chmurowych.

Nasze zobowiązania

Henryk Klaba - R&D Director for Infrastructures

Bernard Gault - Independent director, lead director

Diana Einterz - Independent director

Corinne Fornara - Independent director

Isabelle Tribotté - Independent director

Sophie Stabile - Independent director

Pauline Wauquier - Employee Director

Hugues Bodin - Employee Director

Karim Saddi - Censor

Jean-Pierre Saad – Censor

Board of Directors committees

Three committees are helping the Board of Directors. Consulted ahead of some decisions, they provide recommendations and advice on their respective field of competence.

The audit committee
The audit committee monitors questions related to the preparation and the control of accounting and financial information and monitors the efficiency of the risk follow-up and operational internal control
The committee is composed of 2/3 of independent directors. Its 3 members are the following:

  • Sophie Stabile (Chairwoman)
  • Corinne Fornara
  • Miroslaw Klaba

The nominations, remunerations and governance committee
The nomination, remuneration and governance committee helps the Board of Directors in the composition of the managing bodies of the Company and the Group and in the determination and regular evaluation of all the compensation and benefits of the Company’s executive officers
The committee is composed of a majority of independent directors. Its 6 members are the following:

  • Bernard Gault (Chairman)
  • Isabelle Tribotté
  • Sophie Stabile
  • Octave Klaba
  • Henryk Klaba
  • Hugues Bodin

The strategic and ESG committee
The strategic and ESG committee helps the Board of Directors in the elaboration of the Group’s strategy and makes sure that the social and environmental topics are taken into account.
The committee is composed of 5 members including independent directors:

  • Octave Klaba (Chairman)
  • Isabelle Tribotté
  • Diane Einterz
  • Michel Paulin
  • Miroslaw Klaba

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Politique de diversité du Conseil d’administration

La diversité et l’inclusion doivent faire partie intégrante de toutes nos activités. Le Conseil d’Administration d’OVHcloud entend promouvoir la diversité et l’inclusion à tous les échelons de l’entreprise, c’est dans ce cadre qu’il a approuvé en date du 28 juin 2023 une politique de diversité du Conseil d’Administration, qui sera revue périodiquement par le Comité des Nominations, Rémunérations et Gouvernance.