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The Demographics of COVID

Explore the pandemic’s impact across age, race, gender, and ethnicity

Demographic details are key to understanding how existing social disparities have affected the spread of COVID-19 in the United States. The Johns Hopkins Centers for Civic Impact collects state government data monthly and presents it here to detail the ages, races, ethnicities, and genders of the pandemic’s victims in each state.



This chart is officially out of date as many states have discontinued reporting all or some Covid-19 demographic data. The CRC data visualizations will remain available for past dates and reports, but will no longer have up-to-date information on cases, deaths, people tested, or vaccinated by demographics.


Because no two states report the exact same demographic data, CCI standardizes the information with a process that makes it comparable across the United States. Detailed definitions for each category and the raw demographic data is available for download on the CCI’s GitHub page. Many states do not provide data for several demographic categories, especially for specific ethnicities. Therefore, it is difficult to assess the impact of COVID-19 on certain populations.

To use this graphic, first select one of the five demographic tabs across the top. Second, select a subset of each category from the drop-down box. States that provide the desired data will be colored. Hovering your cursor over those highlighted states generates pop-up bubbles displaying the proportion of cases, deaths, tests and vaccinations that the selected group comprises.

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