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JHU has stopped collecting data as of

03 / 10 / 2023

After three years of around-the-clock tracking of COVID-19 data from...

Maps & Trends

Animated Maps

Cumulative cases over time

Where COVID-19 cases have been reported across the globe

The Cumulative Cases animation shows the total number of cases reported in each country at each point in time, regardless of how many people have recovered. Visualizing cumulative cases demonstrates the overall toll of coronavirus on a country over time.

Daily confirmed new cases

Current outbreak activity by country

The New Cases animation uses a 5-day moving average, calculated for each day by averaging the values of that day, the two days before, and the two next days. This approach helps prevent events like a change in reporting methods or data variability from skewing the case count. Visualizing new cases demonstrates where the coronavirus actively spread during the past one to two weeks.

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Where are COVID-19 cases increasing?

Watch reported coronavirus cases increase around the world country by country over time with these global animations. They show the new daily cases and cumulative cases across the globe.