Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (18)

Component: Administration (1 match)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Administration #47327 audrasjb normal Avoid italic text for better accessibility and readability task (blessed)

Component: Build/Test Tools (3 matches)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Build/Test Tools #51763 ryelle normal Evaluate moving to Dart Sass feature request
Build/Test Tools #52455 desrosj normal Update the `package.json` `engines` to contain a version range enhancement
Build/Test Tools #49784 desrosj low Synchronise .gitignore and svn:ignore task (blessed)

Component: Bundled Theme (2 matches)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Bundled Theme #50454 sabernhardt normal Twenty Twenty: ordered list styling in Classic Editor defect (bug)
Bundled Theme #52432 peterwilsoncc normal Twenty Twenty-One: Vertical buttons block has the wrong width defect (bug) 5.7

Component: Comments (1 match)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Comments #52406 johnbillion normal Extend the validity period of the comment moderation hash task (blessed) 5.7

Component: Editor (2 matches)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Editor #51483 ocean90 normal 2 elements with non unique id #_wpnonce in post.php defect (bug) 5.0
Editor #52467 noisysocks normal Update WordPress packages for 5.7 Beta 2 task (blessed)

Component: I18N (1 match)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
I18N #52441 noisysocks normal Fix wp.i18n.isRTL() returning false in RTL languages defect (bug)

Component: Media (2 matches)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Media #50972 SergeyBiryukov normal media_handle_sideload() does not allow $post_data to override the post_date that gets used by wp_upload_dir defect (bug) 5.3
Media #52387 antpb normal adjacent_image_link returns a link with no accessible text defect (bug) 2.5

Component: Menus (1 match)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Menus #49576 audrasjb normal Menu Editor UI issues on med-large screens defect (bug)

Component: Post Thumbnails (1 match)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Post Thumbnails #52183 audrasjb normal get_the_post_thumbnail_url function returns original url if the size didnt exist defect (bug)

Component: Privacy (2 matches)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Privacy #52430 SergeyBiryukov normal Privacy code adjustments after 5.7 beta 1 task (blessed)
Privacy #52436 ryelle normal Update privacy settings color scheme task (blessed)

Component: Site Health (1 match)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Site Health #52392 SergeyBiryukov normal Improve "critical error" language task (blessed)

Component: Users (1 match)

Component Ticket Owner Priority Summary Type Version
Users #52238 johnbillion normal Missing option to change multiple users to "No role for this site" defect (bug) 3.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.