April 5, 2024.

What's the 411?

"What's the 411?" via news and resources to advance partnerships in health equity.

The 4-1-1 Office of Health Equity Newsletter seeks to connect you to the good work the community and government are collaborating on to promote health equity. Each month, the 4-1-1 will provide you with the highlights of our path in health equity work!

Colorado's commitment to health equity: A spotlight at the National Governors Association

Colorado health equity delegation at the NGA event (left to right). Front row: Kenny Maestas, Yolanda Webb, Edwin Chen, Kathryn Redhorse. Back row: Arlen Zamula, Nadine Bridges.

Colorado health equity delegation at the NGA event (left to right). Front row: Kenny Maestas, Yolanda Webb, Edwin Chen, Kathryn Redhorse. Back row: Arlen Zamula, Nadine Bridges.

In March 2023, Colorado state health equity leaders attended a kick-off event at the National Governors Association. The event is part of an association initiative to elevate the role that Governors play in addressing health equity in their states and territories to reduce health disparities. The Colorado delegation included staff from Governor Polis’ office, the Director of the Office of Health Equity at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and members of the state Health Equity Commission. Learn more about the association’s initiative and Colorado’s role in addressing health disparities on the Leading State Approaches And Communication Strategies To Support Health Equity webpage.

Join the Latinos Unidos for Vaccines at the State Capitol

Join in supporting public health initiatives at the upcoming health and resource fair. Health Equity Commissioner Julissa Soto, in collaboration with Colorado Families for Vaccines, Immunize Colorado, Latinos Unidos for Vaccines, and Colorado Immunization Advocates, will host the event.

Date: April 16.

Time: 7:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.

Location: Colorado State Capitol, 200 East Colfax Ave, 80203, Old Supreme Court Chambers.

This event provides an opportunity for community engagement and discussion surrounding public health policies. Register on the Colorado Families for Vaccines website to participate in the event and join the conversation. Breakfast will be provided.

After you register, look out for an email in your inbox with information about check-in and further details about the event. We look forward to your participation!

For inquiries, contact info@cofamiliesforvaccines.org.

Equity spotlight

Every month, the Office of Health Equity shines a light on a community member or partner working to advance health equity. This month, we are highlighting Joe Barela, Director of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, and Tracy Marshall, Director of the Family and Medicine Leave Insurance Division within the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment.

Portrait of Executive Director Joe Barela

“Access to quality healthcare resources, services, and support advances our state’s mission of opportunity for all and creates thriving communities where all Coloradans can thrive.”

— Joe Barela

Portrait picture of Commissioner Tracy Marshall

“At FAMLI, we are focused on delivering paid family leave benefits in a human-centered way.

Our goal is to reach all Colorado workers – self-employed workers, agricultural workers, and those working part-time at a local town store – who all now have the ability to qualify for and utilize paid family and medical leave. Non-birthing parents can take time away from work to bond with a new child. FAMLI will grant workers the ability to take paid leave to take care of a chosen family member or a non-biologically related friend, partner, elder, or other loved one that is part of their social support system. For further inclusivity, we are messaging on social media in Spanish and have committed to accessibility and meeting claimants where they are.”

—Tracy Marshall

The 4-1-1 on upcoming community events, resources, and information happening in Colorado!

  • Health Equity Commissioner Julissa Soto is hosting a free health services event on Sunday, April 14, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish located at 600 Galapago St, Denver, CO 80204. The event will include free health screenings, wellness workshops, and community resources. For more information, contact Julissa Soto at julissamolinasoto@gmail.com.

To add a story or share some news in the 411 newsletter, please contact the Office of Health Equity at cdphe_healthequity@state.co.us

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Office of Health Equity | cdphe.colorado.gov/ohe